E026 – I bleed for those who bleed for me.

“Hello there!” Ares called out as the oxfolk slowed, eventually stopping once they saw who was speaking to them. “Is there something the matter?” Ares asked, though in the back of his mind he kept a note of his arm in relation to his sword, he didn’t want to seem threatening to them.

“Chief, right?” An oxfolk asked. Ares nodded in response. “The horn wishes to speak with you.”

“Oh…” Ares said, his shoulders falling as he relaxed. “Right. Now?”

“As soon as you can.” Ares scratched his chin. “Would you…” Then he looked back at his people who were eating, before then nodding his head. “Alright. However, could I ask one of you to go and speak with Rori? Tell him that I’m meeting Sohka and that I’ll be back as soon as I can. Also, until I return, please remain with Rori. Tell him I said you should be dining with him and his family as a guest.”

The oxfolk narrowed his eyes, glancing aside but nodded at him. Then Ares followed the other oxfolk away to meet with Sohka.

Sohka was walking around his city with a couple of his guards, who remained at his side at all times. When Sohka saw Ares, he bowed his head, and Ares returned the greeting. 

“You called for me?” Ares asked. 

“Indeed, I wish to speak with you.” Sohka then led them away from the others so that there were no prying eyes or from those with big ears. 

"I would like to ask you to take your tribe and settle near Lana instead. There has been some rumblings within my people, and i don't wish for any harm to come between them. Though we have many different opinions and ideals, I have a great respect for you, as you have done much to help those of our tribe."

Ares wasn't sure how he had helped their tribe, but he nodded. "I was going to speak to you about that, I'm glad you had the same idea. Though I don't mean to be rude, I too came to the same conclusion. However, I won't leave without at least giving my thanks. Is here fine to give my thanks?" 

Sohka bowed his head, waiting to see what would happen. Ares waved a hand over the area beside him and then shifted some snake skin onto the floor as well as some meat. 

"Please take this I appreciation for putting up with us." Ares smiled and then bowed his head. Sohka returned the bow and graciously accepted the gifts, before they finally bumped their fists onto their horns and then let Ares go. 

Ares had barely been gone for half an hour, which was about half way through the meal. He returned to see many of his tribe in the middle of a group dance, before they stopped when they saw their chief arrive. 

"Don't stop on my accord." He chuckled as Rori walked over to him. Ares saw the oxfolk eating alongside the other bearfolk, though they now looked at Ares.

"We were celebrating your victory against the black viper, now that we know the true tale of what occurred… at least, it’s true enough.”

“Ah…” Ares nodded his head, now flushed red as the heat flooded through him. “Well, that’s… that’s you know… well, rather embarrassing I have to admit.” He chuckled nervously to Rori. 

“You said you needed to speak with the people?”

“Oh, yeah. Sohka wanted to speak to me about something, so I just had to deal with that. It worked out in the end.” Ares then stepped forward, towards where the food was. He cleared his throat and then turned to face most of the tribe, though some were at his sides. 

"I apologise for missing the start of dinner, I hope Amal doesn't take it personally. I had to go and speak with the horn, and though it was a quick meeting, it was quite important. I will discuss with you what occurred, though there are a few things that we should address first. Yes, I did face two black vipers along with several other oxfolk, those that were oxenblut to horn Torak. We managed to defeat the pair, and that's that."

He cleared his throat and then took a palmful if water. "Secondly, I wish to address something that happened between our tribes. As you know, I am quite the troublemaker. I had drawn my blade to a shaman, and was about to incur the wrath of a powerful oxfolk tribe, but I did so to save the life of an innocent child, a child that has bore no sins, yet was sentenced to death. I hear that this practise seems to be the norm, but this is no longer the case. If you are a part of this family, the family of this tribe, and I find you are still doing such things, then I will personally deal with you. I hope that I am understood, and that I shall show no mercy to those that harm children." 

Ares held a deathly glare, but soon softened it. "As I stated, I was willing to incur the wrath of an entire oxfolk tribe because I did what was right. Therefore, I will say to you all, never fear to stand up for your rights or others. There was an incident where I hear this occurred." Ares suddenly felt rather conscious that he was repeating words and paused for a moment. "Mala had been harassed by a drunken oxfolk, and was… was almost dragged away. I'll say this as well. If anyone was to do something to another of such a nature, I will also show them no mercy." He could feel his throat close up at the thought of what could have happened. He swallowed his nerves. "I dealt with the matter, and Rori can attest, that there is now an oxfolk who is missing his horns, and that is the most mercy I will ever show someone." He tried to avoid the gaze of the nearby oxfolk, who had gasped. 

"Do not be afraid to stand up for yourself, for I shall forever be with you in such matters. I know this is quite dour talk, but I hope you understand that we shall be a people that holds themselves to the highest ideals, even if it may not seem like it, we shall forever change the history of the world. I hope to change it for the better, and I hope that you will be beside me in such matters."

He paused for a moment. He realised quickly that this would be the perfect time for a proverb, but he couldn't think of anything. Then he remembered his hand, raising it. He saw that his cut had healed, and then he raised his sword up. He cut at his hand to the surprise of those witnessing him. "I bleed for those who bleed for me." 

There was a stunned silence. It was then he heard a grunt beside him, and he saw Rori had cut into their hand. Rori then reached over. Ares couldn't help the smile that painted his face, reaching over to grab their forearm. 

Rori repeated the phrase back to him, and then a few of the tribe spoke the words. Then some more, before finally all of them joined. 

Th oxfolk had approached. "I should be off, the horn must be expecting me soon." 

Ares nodded. "I hope you enjoyed the meat." 

The oxfolk nodded and then they left abruptly. Ares had assumed the horn thing probably got to them. 

Then Ares quickly recalled what he spoke to the horn about, and so quieted the now lively tribespeople. "I forgot to mention that I spoke with Sohka, and we have come to agree that perhaps it would be better if our tribe remained near Lana's instead. I know we've only just settled, and I'm sorry for it coming to this, but I hope we can clean up once we're done, and then make our way today. Though until then, I'm starving, I hope you saved some meat for me."

Rori poured him a bowl as the tribe went back to dancing with one another. Mala had come around whilst he was chewing on the long strip of viper meat. She grabbed some food for herself and ate beside him. 

She didn't say anything for some time, so Ares continued to enjoy his food and speak with Jorgan and Rori. When Ares went for seconds, Mala was the one to pour his food for him. Then she extended her own bowl for him to pour her some of the soup. Ares smiled and did so. She left right after. 

Ares let out a long sigh, and he felt lighter than a cloud. Though he tensed right after as he saw the group of oxfolk. The tribe quietened down somewhat, though some continued to dance. 

Most of the oxfolk remained behind, but Rehka and Roshe had appeared ahead of them. "We're here to escort you to Lana, once you're done." 

Ares bowed his head. "I welcome the good company. Since you're escorting us." He motioned to the food. "Do you enjoy viper?"

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