E040 – What do I owe the pleasure?

The tribe travelled to their next location towards the base of the mountain. During this time, Ares had been deep in thought. He hadn’t really known who had joined him, and several of his people had already tried to attack him. To think he had an Elder join him. Was an Elder different than a typical elder, that sounded right but… 

“What exactly is an Elder? Aren’t Horns the Elder?” Ares had asked Rori when he had finished pondering but half of it.

Rori remained silent for some time as they continued to walk before he finally spoke up. “The Elder is to the Horn, as I am to you.”

“Ah.” Ares said, nodding his head before continuing on.

The mountain was finally within sight. They had entered into a forest that was rather thick, and the mountain was still a few miles away. Dragon’s Spine was apparently quite a bit away, and so it would take them some time even after reaching the base of the mountain.

Ares had then returned all the items to the various families, which took some time, but considering they had made such a quick pace it was still evening when he was done.

Then he had called the group of warriors that would join him to face the trial ahead. Lana, the boy and the girl that had attacked him the night before. The girl had remained though his talk with her mother. Then of course there was Orndu and the six others, as well as the Elder too. The number totalled twelve if it included him as well. He rubbed his chin and then he looked out to his tribe that had settled within the forest. 

“Alright! Now that I have you all here, I have something I want to say. I know I said that I’d be conquering the mountain soon, and that I would be taking only ten others with me, I’ve decided… I still have a task to do before I head to the mountain, so I think it’s best that we settle here for the time being. Eventually I will move everyone to the Dragon’s Spine, but it’s a good idea to have a place we can call our own before we do that. This way we can make our bid for the forest and the mountain as our territory, but for now let’s settle within the forest. I have no doubt that those that were a part of my tribe in the beginning would feel more comfortable here, and if the oxfolk prefer the plains, they are close enough to settle safely.”

The tribe waited with baited breath. Rori had poured the bowl of soup for him, and he returned the favour. He took a long sip of the salty liquid before he sighed out. “I am off to go and speak with Jorgan’s relatives to see if any of them will want to join me, that shouldn’t take too long, so I’ll say that you guys should stay here. Rori, as my right hand man, will take the lead for it. I understand that this may make some of you uncomfortable, but view this as my trust in you. I said before that I would like to see anyone that dares to take over my tribe, so let’s say this is the first chance that you get to do it, and it’s the first chance for you to see how futile it will be.” He laughed. Then he took more of the soup which relaxed him before he finally sighed. 

“Jorgan and I will be the only two to be leaving. Everyone else will remain here. Then, since it’s come to this, I’d like to ask of those who believe themselves to be the greatest warriors to come forward. This won’t be to conquer the mountain, so please, you don’t have to be as crazy as me, I’d prefer it if you were level headed.”

Then Ares reached up and brought out a piece of black viper leather the size of his torso. “We’ll have a tournament.” Then he handed the piece over to Rori. “This should keep you guys busy for the next while. Create the stage and the rules, whatever pleases you. This will be the prize for the winner.” Then he leaned in to whisper into Rori’s ear. “Take note of all those that make it to the semi-finals, then offer them a chance to become your personal guards. I’d rather you have at least four. You can pick anyone you trust as your first guard.” He then handed a smaller piece of viper leather. “They can have this, and if there’s two that you have in mind…” He handed over another piece.

Rori looked at Ares, but then nodded. It was hard to figure out what Rori thought, they could be thinking to stab him in the back, how good the soup was, or whether or not being a butterfly would be the most free existence in the world, all because they didn’t shift their facial expressions. They nodded their head and then that was that. 

With that dealt with, Ares was happy to eat and then head to bed. After all, there was nothing unaccounted for, so the rest of the night would go peacefully. 

“Alright Jorgan, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He waved at the wolf man and then went to his tent. As he went to lay down, he noticed the shadow cast into the tent. He lay down on his back and looked towards the entrance of his tent to see Lana enter.

“What do I owe the pleasure?” He asked.

“I came to ask you why you were running away from me?”

“Running away from you?” Ares asked as he shifted his head to the side. “Why would I run away from you, Lana?” Ares chuckled and then his heart began to pound a little harder. 

“That’s what it looks like to me.” She said as she sat down beside him and then placed a hand on his chest, pushing him down to pin him to the ground. 

“I assure you, I am n-”

Lana had leaned in and as Ares froze, she crushed her lips against his. Her hand then slowly went down towards his crotch as she continued to kiss him. He pulled back, pushing her shoulder away.

“What are you doing?” Ares asked as his body flooded with heat, his face entirely red. His head felt a little hazy from the situation.

“You knocked me unconscious with your thighs and I still have to return the favour.” She said as she climbed over him. 

Ares’ thoughts were racing though he didn’t quite seem to form coherent sentences, instead there was just a jumble as if someone had slammed their head into the keyboard.  Then his head was swallowed by thighs. 

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