E057 – I’m trying to use diplomacy.

The soldiers had thought they had lost the beast folk, though regrouped several miles away at a makeshift camp. There was shouting, though that of cheer, and laughter bounced off of the trees. Many remained alert, though many more were already merry with victory, grabbing at and tossing aside the various beastfolk they had captured during the raid.

“Enough!” Called a voice from the large tent towards the centre of the camp. Out walked a man with short black-grey hair, a thick beard covering their face. They wore the same segmented plate as the other men, though their helmet also was covered with a number of feathers atop it, their helmet designed slightly different as the open face seemed angrier, like a dragon ready to breathe out flames. Their face was stern, their eyes cold. They had held up a hand, and the rest of the soldiers had quietened down.

Yet, right as they were about to continue, they froze. Their eyes were glued to the form of a stranger, a man that was well built, though wore no armour. Atop his head was a small crown of fairly simple design, though tiny gem stones were embedded within the centre to form a diamond shape, and at his hips was a blade of mithril.

“Good morning.” Ares called out towards the strangers, his eyes fell across the camp. There were close to a hundred men at least, no, far more than that. There were a few dozen that remained hidden around him, and even more further into the forest, circling around the camp to protect it from invaders. “I see you were rather busy today.” He said as he stepped towards the camp, the silent soldiers creeping around him so that he was completely surrounded. Ares remained standing tall and proud, rather relaxed.

“It was a busy morning.” The soldier with the feathered helmet replied back. “I am Commander Arteon, who might you be?”

Ares opened up his cloak slightly to reveal more of the mithril blade at his side and then replied back. “You know who I am.”

The Commander nodded. “I hadn’t expected us to meet so quickly.”

Ares nodded his head. “Yes. No one does.” He remained still. “I see you have treated my people rather fairly.” He said, motioning his head to the beastfolk that had been captured, some of whom were covered in blood, no doubt from those that the soldiers had slain, as well as bruises, their clothing torn and ragged. Each held a fear in their eyes, and Ares continued to scan around, he met Mala’s eyes. Then his eyes fell back towards the Commander.

“I heard you slew a hundred men yourself.” The Commander mused aloud.

“Something like that. I had a little help.” Ares smiled softly and then bowed his head. “Though I was much weaker back then.”

“They say you aren’t human.”

“I’m not.” Ares bowed his head again, with a smile on his face as if he had been caught. “I am a mixture of many things, that’s probably why I was blessed by Rivee.”

“Rivee? The serpent?”

“The god, yes.”

“What are you, an emperor?”

“No, no. I’m just a King.” Ares motioned to his head. “Why? Are only emperors blessed by gods?” Ares joked.

Arteon scoffed. “Only our emperor, for he was born with the blood of the goddess Ornal and Emperor Heston.”

“Well I certainly can’t claim that I am the son of a godly being, though I can say that I was gifted various powers from one.” Ares chuckled. “Perhaps it was rude of me not to introduce myself. I am King Ares, Master of Waters, Kin of all Riveans.” He bowed his head.

Arteon chuckled in response and then bowed their head. “What do we owe the pleasure, your majesty?” Their voice dripped with sarcasm. The soldiers began to laugh at the joke, and even Ares smiled.

“Oh, nothing.” Ares laughed. “I’ve just come to slaughter most of you and take some of you prisoner. Oh, well, that’s partly a lie. I’ve come to slaughter most of you, take some of you prisoner, and make sure that Peros, the godly being that said that he was betrayed by man, has a little fun in slaughtering you as well.” Ares continued to laugh.

The other soldiers around him were stunned, but they also began to laugh. Even Arteon continued to laugh. “You certainly are a King. A King of jesters, perhaps?”

“Oh? Why is that?”

“Your jokes have brought tears to our eyes.”

“Ah. I see, I see. No, you misunderstand. I was just laughing at how funny it is that you thought only three hundred or so soldiers could defeat my people.” Ares continued to laugh and then raised a finger in front of him, pointing to the sky. “I’m glad you have entertained me so.” Ares said.

It was the ground shook slightly before water flooded around him, going from his right to his left, washing aside a few dozen men. The Commander’s eyes grew wide and the camp fell silent, save for the shouting of the men caught up in the water.

“Didn’t I say? I was gifted various powers from a god.” Ares’ smile was rather playful as he lifted a few men that were being swept away with the water, then trapped them in the dome, forcing water into their nostrils and open mouths, filling their lungs with water. Their bodies began to bloat. Ares continued to hold a finger up as he chuckled. Tendrils of water flung out across the area, striking various of the soldiers across the face with such force that it broke their noses and they dropped to their knees in shock and pain.

Those that had remained hidden in the forest let loose a rain of arrows towards him, but the water around him flooded around him like a dome, following his thoughts as the arrows bounced off, before he sent water over towards the arrows and then let them spin around him following the single stream of water before he shot them out in an arc ahead of him, then let them loose so the arrows would continue without his water.

Many soldiers had gathered themselves under the command of their leader before the set to charge towards him.

“Surround the hostages!” The Commander called out, but it was far too late for that. Ares had disappeared from where he had once stood, landing right beside the Commander. He held his mithril sword against their neck as the soldiers behind him slipped down due to the wet ground.

“Tell your men to halt and surrender.”

“Stop!” The Commander exclaimed, though no doubt he was speaking to Ares and not his soldiers, though they did stop as well.

“Your next words will decide how I treat your soldiers, and of course, whether you live or die.”

“You wouldn’t kill me. I’m worth more alive than I am dead.”

“I will decide whether that is the case.”

There was still shouting from behind them, though the Commander exclaimed once more. “Stop! Weapons down!” Yet even after that, the sounds of conflict continued.

“Oh, excuse me.” Ares chuckled. “Hey, Peros, hold on won’t you? I’m trying to use diplomacy.”

“Excuse me, I am not so used to your mortal tactics. I am somewhat surprised by the way you work.” Peros admitted. “Though I suppose I should not pretend to understand the way you behave.” He smiled playfully towards Ares.

“Right, right. Now then, shall we discuss some diplomacy?” Ares asked the Commander.

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