E065 – Whatever loyalties you once had, you have broken such bonds

Ares had finally returned to his people, whom had been waiting for him it seemed. There were about fifty people, most of which were oxfolk, though there were a few representatives for his wolffolk, catfolk, and the bearfolk that were the first members of his tribe.

Though before Ares approached them, he turned to face Heria. “So, are you going to hold your end of the bargain? Will you join and become part of the Riveans?” Ares asked.

Heria turned to look up at him and went into thought for a moment before she finally bowed her head. “Very well. We, the Wulfen would be happy to join you Riveans.”

“It’s not you Riveans, it’s we Riveans. Whatever you were before joining the Riveans is irrelevant, we welcome all to the fold. Once you join us, you become a Rivean, like myself or the oxfolk, or any other that has joined the family.”

“I do not know if we wish to lose our identity as Wulfen.”

“You will have gained the identity of a Rivean, and that is all my people are. Whatever loyalties you once had, you have broken such bonds.” Ares replied back.

“My tribe would not be willing to do such a thing.”

“If you wish to think about it, bring my terms to your people and if any wish to join me, they can enter my family, and those that do not wish to join may leave in the morning.”

“You would send them away so quickly?”

“There were two options. To join and war. If they wish to leave, I am going to assume we are going to be hostile to one another. These were the terms of the deal. I’ve already allowed you to change your mind, to alter the deal in your favour, though I won’t allow you to take advantage of my kindness.” Ares replied back sternly before he approached the group, no longer giving Heria any more options. 

“What is the matter?” He asked to the group, glancing between them all.

“These are the representatives for the various clans within the tribe. I had gathered them all so they could be present for the first discussions of what to do.” Rori said.

Ares nodded and then glanced between them all. “This is why you’re the Consul.” Ares said as he then crossed his arms. “We have a few matters to deal with. First we should speak of the wolffolk that are currently with us. Tomorrow we shall know whether they will join us or whether they will leave.” Ares glanced back towards Heria, who remained nearby. He paused for some time and then watched her stomp off.

“Though there is a real possibility they may not leave so willingly, so I’d like to ask that however many soldiers we have, that we split them into equal groups of three, or as equal as we can. Then we shall have a third stationed between the wolffolk and our people, another third nearby, and then the last third as a police force around the entire area.” Ares sighed. “I’ll remain on the front line too, just in case.” He rubbed his forehead. 

“Once the wolffolk are dealt with, whether they join or leave, I will begin work on creating a more permanent residence. We’ll need to… I need to speak with some of the dragonfolk.” He said, tossing a look towards the pair that were near the shrine, defending it. “Regardless, tomorrow I’ll set to work on such a task. I shall start laying the foundations and then will direct a few carpenters together. The representatives here, I may not know your names for the present, you shall gather your carpenters in the morning and then send them up to wait upon the path. Also bring your wisest farmers, we will need need their expertise, and also your most veteran soldier, one per clan.” He bowed his head. “Of course, bring yourselves as well.” He chuckled and then glanced around. 

“It is late. Let us convene in the morning. I know that I have not yet allowed you to speak your mind, but I’m certain we are all tired, and if you aren’t, I sure am. Let us speak when our minds are fresh and our stomachs empty.” With that he motioned with his hand. Many of the representatives seemed a little off put by such an abrupt ending, but Ares threw Rori a look and motioned with his head so the pair could speak alone. 

It was then he approached one of the tents that was being guarded by a warrior and then slipped inside. He could see Torak who nodded their head and then he dropped down and lay down between his children. He spent a few moments there, and then with a kick from Runar, he got up and rubbed his thigh where she kicked him and then made his way out. “No, let’s speak over there.” He said as he approached the dragonfolk.

“What are your names?”

“I am Asyllia and this is Saykkera.” Asyllia replied back, she had been the only one he had heard speak thus far.

“Has she taken a vow of silence?” Ares joked.

“Something of that nature.” Asyllia replied back.

“Oh. Well then, sorry.” Ares chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. “Do you by any chance have a map of this area? A top down view with the terrain and the sort?”

“I believe we may, my King.” Asyllia bowed her head. “Would you wish for me to bring it?”

“Could you make a copy, or perhaps a handful of copies? I’d like one that’s fairly sizable so that I can…” A stray thought ran through his mind. There were dragonfolk not far away from here, he’d need to deal with them in some way. “Ah, sorry.” He said. “I’d like one that’s fairly sizable so that I can draw over it if need be.”

“I will do so.”

“I’ll need just one copy by morning though, and if it’s the only copy you can procure, I will not damage it.”

Asyllia bowed her head. “Would it please you if I left now?”

“Sure. If you can bring one to me now, or if you can put in that request so that one will be made by morning, I would like that. Once you’ve put in the request, you can return and sleep here.” 

Asyllia bowed once more and then turned, leaping up into the sky and soaring away, her large wings causing ripples in the pond. 

Then he glanced towards Saykkera, but then turned to Rori. “This King business is hard work.”

“I have no doubt of such a thing.” Rori replied back and then Ares made to sit down on the edge of the fountain, but then realised perhaps that would be quite rude, so went to go lean against the mountain wall.

“Do you think I’m doing a good job?”

“As well as you can.”

“Thanks. Did the eight stragglers manage to complete the task that I sent them? Carrying those sacks the entire way?”

“Peros informed me that they indeed did so, with some effort.”

“Good.” Ares smiled. “Good. I’ll need to really whip them into shape soon. How are you doing?”

“I’m doing well.” Rori nodded. “Yourself?”

“Pretty tired if I had to be honest, which I always am with you.” Ares raised his brows. “I always will be.” He bowed his head. “I don’t know if I made the best decisions, but we’ll really have to get to work.” He sighed. “Is there anything you want to ask of me?”

“You stress yourself too often, sometimes more than you have to.”

“Yeah…yeah…” Ares nodded. “I have to though.”

“I’m sure you believe that.”

“Yeah, I do.” Ares chuckled. “So uh… I had a thought.” Ares thought back to his previous world and a particular leader. “I’m trying to make everyone here see passed what they are, oxfolk and bearfolk that sort of thing, and see themselves as Riveans. I want to eventually make it so that we’re all just Riveans, though… Let’s say I took a wife from the wolffolk, would people see it as me favouring them?”


“Shit.” Ares rubbed his chin. “Should I take a wife from each tribe?”

“Yes, you should.” Rori replied back. “Even if you don’t want to, you must not show any favouritism between the tribes of various folk. If you can accept one of each race, it should be much easier to deal with.”

“Shit.” Ares shook his head. “Damn it…” He sighed. 

“Did you have someone in mind?”

“Not in particular.”

“Would you like for me to find you someone?”

“From the bearfolk?”

“From each race.”

“No, I’ll get to it…” Ares rubbed his forehead. “So… What about you?”

“I already had.”


“They passed away.”


“No, death came to them in their sleep, a disease.”

“Well shit. I’m sorry to hear that.”

“It wasn’t your fault.”

“No… I’m still sorry to hear that. Are…” Ares paused. “Rori, thank you.”

Rori stared up at Ares. He remained silent.

Ares nodded. “I’m heading to bed. You grab yourself some sleep too. I’ve been working you ragged, sorry about that.”

“It is my role as a Consul.”

“The role of the King is to work harder than any other.”

“The role of the Consul is to make sure you are.”

Ares grinned. “Good night, Rori.”

“Good night, Ares.” 

Ares turned to leave when Rori called out to him once again. “Ares, thank you.”

Ares turned back to see Rori staring at him, nodding their head once, and Ares returned the nod. 


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