E074 – I didn’t take you for a comedian.

The morning was chilly, as thought death had come along through the path with it’s scythe and whisked away whatever warmth and comfort the soldiers could hope for. Ares let out a low sigh and watched as the clouds escaping his lips disappeared into the cool breeze. 

He turned and looked out to his people for a moment before he then raised his fist into the air. “Today!” He exclaimed out. “Today we shall recover our lost family.” He called out and then looked around to all those around him. “If it comes to it, we may have to come to blows, I hope that we will fight with honour. Though, if it comes to it, we shall show no mercy.”

He then turned and led the people away, summoning a spear into his hand. He had a few weapons in his ring, and much more should he need it. He wasn’t too worried about the fighting, he was more worried about Inta, and he hoped the wolffolk was fine. 

They continued to march on. Asyllia had gone during the morning and reported the distance between them. She had left once more, and after a few minutes, returned with news.

“They are on the path ahead. Once we round the corner, they will be in sight.”

“Will we have the high ground?”

“It is fairly even, though our ground will be slightly higher.”

Ares turned back to his people. “Bows! Shields!” He called out as those in the back began to switch to their bows, and those up front brought up their large shields. They were wooden, mostly, with some hide strapped over the front. These would do for now. He then motioned for the humans to come up ahead, with his Ten surrounding them. The humans had been gagged with some cloth over their mouths and their hands were bound. They were also tied to one another with rope, a pair each. Four pairs, plus Arteon who wasn’t tied to anyone else, though his ankles were tied to one another. With that his group rounded the corner, marching down the path a short ways to give them a little space from behind. 

The side of the path was like a cliff face, dropping down at about twenty feet or so. Ares threw a quick glance down the side to see the shrubbery and the trees around them before his eyes fell back to the army ahead. Indeed, it did seem as though there were close to about three hundred.

The human soldiers wore segmented armour as he had come to expect and carried with them several javelins, as well as a blade to one side, but the biggest thing to note were their shields. They were massive, almost towering over each man. Ares stared over at the army that was standing five abreast. He rubbed the side of his neck as the army stopped, many hundred metres away. 

The man up front wore similar armour, though it covered much more of him. There were feathers of some kind in their helmet, and they wore a long cloak that covered over their back, a deep crimson as though it were wrapping them in the blood of their enemy.

‘Damn that guy looks so cool.’ Ares couldn’t help but think. He was wearing the segmented armour of the humans since they had fit him best, and a cloak that had been gifted to him from when others joined him and accepted him as their chieftain. Almost all of his gear was either taken or gifted to him, but was not made for him specifically, all but his boots. 

With Ares despairing over his sense of style, the humans sent forward a single soldier towards the mass of beastfolk warriors opposite. The beastfolk positioned themselves, some of them even knocking arrows, though the soldier was undeterred. Ares turned back to his warriors and then motioned with a hand. “Relax, relax.” He said before then going out to meet with the soldier that had come to speak with them. 

“You are Ares?” The soldier asked.

“Shouldn’t you introduce yourself first?” Ares asked as he crossed his arms. “I am King Ares, Master of Waters, Kin of all Riveans. Who are you?”

“I am second officer Linteon. We have come to demand our soldiers back.”

“It was I who have given you my demands. What of my man?” 

“Your soldier was caught.”

“I ask for his return.”

The second officer looked up at Ares, who tapped his finger along his bicep. The second officer then returned back to their leader. They returned soon after, meeting Ares once more in the middle. 

“Your demands did not mention the release of the beast.”

“Indeed, you did not have him at the time. I am happy to amend part of the demand for his safe release.” Ares replied back as simply as he could. “Shall we have your captain and some escorts bring me my man, and I’ll go and bring your men with my own escorts?”

The second officer returned and so did Ares. He motioned with a hand for the Ten to follow along as Ares led Arteon. “Seems like it’s your lucky day, they seem to be willing to trade for your head. Let’s hope they don’t change their mind.” Ares smiled.

So the King and his Ten led the human captives forward, though Ares’ face darkened. Across he could see Inta being led along like a dog on a leash. Inta had been quite a handsome fellow, but right now he seemed so different, Ares could barely recognise the man. Their body was littered in fresh wounds, and one of their ears had been cut off. Even the way Inta walked, the stumbling, each step causing his knees to criss cross. 

Ares could feel a well of heat build up within him, his jaw clenched, but he tried to remain calm. Inta had been escorted by the leader as well as a group of ten soldiers. 

Ares stared up into Inta’s eyes, and when Inta caught his gaze, their gaze swiftly fell to the ground. Ares clenched his fist so harshly that his knuckles cracked, and with the sound, everyone stopped in their place about twenty metres away from one another.

The human leader walked up, removing their helmet to reveal a handsome face. Bright green eyes, like two emeralds, a jaw that seemed to be formed by chewing rocks. “You are the one called Ares?” The leader eyed Ares up. 

“You humans are so rude, I told your Linteon that he should have introduced himself first before asking for who I was, I see that it may just be a human thing.”

“I am Commander Faltain. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

“King Ares. I’m sure it is. Do you have the coin?”

Faltain threw a look back towards his men and then chuckled. He motioned and then a soldier behind him undid their pack and revealed a small sack filled with coins. Faltain grabbed the sack and then opened it to Ares, who could see the glint of some grey metal. The coins were thin and were stamped with three spears, though they could have been javelins considering each man possessed such.

“I see you treated my man well.” Ares said as he looked over to Inta who continued to stare at the ground. “Forgive me, I hadn’t expected you to be so hospitable.”

“Well, the mutt wouldn’t ta-” A yell had cut through the air and echoed through the mountain. It was filled with such pain and anguish, as though it were a banshee’s wail.

Ares had reached over and grabbed onto Arteon’s ear, and as though plucking a petal from a rose, tore it right off of the man’s head. He then tossed the ear aside off the side of the road. Faltain stared at Ares in utter shock and the soldiers behind him grabbed onto their javelins.

“Excuse me, I didn’t want you to think I was so rude.” The sound of steel being drawn had filled the air before the only thing they could hear was Arteon whimpering.

Ares and Faltain remained where they stood, glaring into each other’s eyes. Then Faltain spoke. “The Emperor will have your head.”

“Tell him to come, I shall welcome a friendly conversation with your Emperor.”

“There will be no need, I shall take it myself.” Faltain drew his blade.

“I didn’t take you for a comedian.” Ares summoned his spear. 

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