E078 – Then it seems this evening we’ll have quite a bit of fun.

Ares needed a moment alone, though he had spent the entire night alone within his mind and the flames, he left to his tent. He spent an hour in solitude, allowing no one to come and speak with him, but when he was done, he stepped out in the new light of the rising sun.

He then called for a meeting with all the representatives and also called for the First Century to come to him, including those that were injured. The Ten had remained nearby, for their duty to guard the shrine was still in affect even if they were slightly injured. This was not something Ares had asked for them to do, but since they had taken it upon themselves to do so, Ares made sure they kept to it.

When the representatives, about a hundred strong, finally appeared Ares motioned for them to encircle. 

“I have made a great many number of mistakes over the passed few days, even more so over the rest of my life. However, I shall let you know today, that I will not make the same mistake twice. If I do, I do hope someone here beats it out of me.” He threw a quick glance towards Rori, who was stone faced as usual. Then he turned to face the rest of the people once more.

“We will be speeding up our operations. We have a mine, and a relatively safe passage to it. I will assign a handful of the first few soldiers we have to protecting it, and then I would like a great many number of labourers, whoever cannot create items, to work within it. I do hope that you take this seriously, for this mine will be our life blood for the first few years, and may indeed be the most vital thing for our survival. I hope that you take these words to heart.”

Ares looked from one side to the other before continuing. “I will also ask for you to bring forth the carpenters here once more, but also all your other craftsmen. I am looking for those that can smith, that can create armour, weapons, as well as those that are able to work with stone. If there are any other crafters, including those that can create musical instruments, things like clothing, whatever they can create, bring them all. I have so many things I’d like to say, but let’s leave it at that. Bring them to me by noon, for now, let them eat and drink.” Ares raised a hand to dismiss them, yet a few called out to him.

They waited and then an older oxfolk spoke out. “There are many things we wish to speak to you about as well.”

“You may, at the end of the day, I promise you this. For now, I would like to get to work. If there is something that you believe is an emergency, then very well, follow me as I get to my business, and once I am done, you may speak to me of such things.” Ares then turned and left, making his way to the First Century.

“You have done well, and I am very happy with what you have done. I know that I have failed you multiple times, but I hope that you will know I shall not repeat those mistakes. I mourned for those that were lost in battle, and I hope I sent them off with honour as expected of their deeds.” He waited but no one responded. He inhaled deeply and then continued. “Yet, we have much work to do. I am proud of you and will hope you continue to serve under me. If any of you wish to leave, please do so now, I will not thing unkindly of you.” 

He waited some more, and there was no movement. He nodded his head and then bowed it to them. Then he looked up at them once more. “I won’t forget this. Now, we have much work to do. I would like for a few of you to guard the mines, escorting those that return, as well as taking watch outside. A handful of you will also enter the mine to make sure that there aren’t any creatures that could hurt the miners within it, and I will make sure that you are the first to be considered for where the metal goes when they are used for weapons and armour.”

Ares looked out to see if any of them had anything to say but they didn’t respond. “Also, from now on, we’ll be taking a few prisoners back alive. There will be no more of what happened last time, understood?”

“King!” They roared out in response to him.

Ares smiled a hollow smile and then nodded. “Alright. Well then, let’s get you to training.” He motioned with a hand to dismiss them and then turned to face the Ten, or rather the five that remained.

“Do any of you wish to quit?” He asked, and when they did not respond, he continued. “Good.” He rubbed the side of his neck. “I guess you guys should get to training too…” Ares then turned and came face to face with the three representatives. There was one oxfolk and two wolffolk. 

“How may I help you?” He started with the oxfolk to his left.

“My clan had been hurt the most from the loss of soldiers. How will you compensate us?”

Ares nodded his head and then remained silent for a few moments. “I thank your clan for giving us so many members for the army, however, it is not your clan that has lost the most members. You are a Rivean, and those that died, were Riveans. The First Century was made up of volunteers, they knew what they were getting themselves into. You will be compensated, as will all the Riveans, through much of what I intend to reform. I shall explain such a thing during the evening meal.”

Then he turned his head to the wolffolk that was ahead of him. “How may I help you?”

“May we speak in private?” The wolffolk asked, throwing a look aside towards the pair that flanked her. 

“Alright, but let me speak with the third.” Ares then looked to his right. “How may I help you?”

“I wish to speak to you in private as well, if it so pleases my King.” The wolffolk man said.

“Alright, fine, fine.” He turned and motioned the man to the fountain. “Wait there, I will speak with the good lady first.”

He led her towards the river path and then glanced either way. Once they were clear, he faced her. “What is it that you need of me?”

“I am Inta’s matriarch, and therefore his loss is as if I had lost my own child. I wish to know what led to such a circumstance, and why you did not protect him.”

Ares looked down for a few moments and then looked back into her eyes. “It was because I was a fool that expected much better of the humans, and I believed that Inta would have been able to leave as quickly as he arrived.”

“Then you should know that he remained behind to allow the others escape.”

Ares clenched his jaw and then rubbed his eyes. “I see. I shouldn’t expect less of such a noble man.”

“He was the warrior that provided for the family, we have very few that have such excellent skills in martial prowess.”

Ares furrowed his brows. “Right?”

“My clan has lost much of it’s influence and power, we will not be able to sustain ourselves.”

Ares placed a hand on her shoulder. “You will not need to worry about such things as influence and power. You will not need to worry about being able to sustain yourself, such responsibility falls on my shoulders. You will be housed and fed, you will be educated and trained. It does not matter to me what clan you are from, you are a Rivean, the same as any other, and as such I will treat you as a Rivean.”

The woman stared up at Ares. “We will see.”

“Yes, we will.” Ares bowed his head. 

The woman left and then the man appeared to come and speak with Ares. 

“My King, I apologise for making such a request.” They said as their ears fell.

“No, such a small thing, you don’t have to worry about it.” Ares smiled as best as he could, though the thought of Inta filled his mind. “What is it that you need? Speak your words freely.”

“I ask of you, my King, to protect my people. There are many grumblings within my clan of your ability as King, and though I believe in you, many do not. I ask you to forgive such words, and if you can…” They paused.

“If I can?”

“If you can, please prove to us your strength. Many still have doubts of your relations to Rivee, and what truly occurred during the time you spent to conquer Dragon’s Spine.” 

Ares bowed his head. “Then it seems this evening we’ll have quite a bit of fun.” Ares smiled. “Tell the wolffolk representatives that I will be willing to face any challenger for the throne. If I am beaten, I shall relinquish my crown to whoever beats me. I will not give it to the representative unless they are the one to beat me. In the evening, I will take the challenge. Any number of wolffolk may challenge me, we will discuss more when evening arrives, is that well?”

“Very well.” The man bowed their head and then left him be.

He went to eat, filling himself to the brim with Amal and Salea’s cooking. They had found a few assistants to help them, and considering they had to feed close to six thousand people, he was glad they had. 

He drank the soup, letting it warm up his cold body. Even now he still felt a little empty. He had allowed Inta, Inta of all people, to get captured. He thought about how he could have flown there to save him, perhaps even before anything could have happened to him. 

‘Those damn monsters…’ Yet could he really judge them? He had been rather heartless to his prisoners as well, though they had attacked first. Though Inta and the pair of wolffolk had no doubt shot near the humans, they were supposed to have retreated. He supposed perhaps the humans had a point, Inta could have been scouting… yet the note clearly stated Ares’ intention. Perhaps next time he would have to specifically write that he expected his people to be treated well, though he wasn’t sure the humans would even listen to such a thing. No, from now on he’d have to send a unit to guard the emissaries. 


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