E081 – Ah, so they’re here to get spanked.

When the potential recruits went off to train, Ares went back to relax in his tent. He wanted to take a nap rather badly, but then decided to head over to Torak. 

“Hey Torak, you around?” Ares asked as he took a peek inside to see Torak sitting there and playing with the twins. 

Ares looked around. “Where’s Runar?”

“Lana took the girl for a walk.”

Ares nodded. “Before I had to leave you wanted to speak to me about something…”

Torak then placed the pair of twins down. “Could we go for a walk?” He asked. Another oxfolk had come to guard the pair as they left. They made their way to the river path.

“I wanted to speak to you about my son.”


Torak nodded. “I wanted to ask if I could go and see how he was doing. After all you’ve done, some of them may even wish to join.”

Ares looked up in thought. “That would be fine. Did you want to leave soon?”

“If it pleases you.”

Ares thought about it for a little while. “Tomorrow morning? I’ll have a few of the First Century accompany you on the way there.”

“There is no need, I can go alone.”

“You can, but you won’t. From now on everyone has to go with a handful of warriors if they want to go outside, I don’t want anything happening to you and with a number of guards, you should all be fine.”

“Fine.” Torak shook Ares’ forearm. “Thanks.”

“You miss your kid?”

Torak smiled. “Something like that.”

“You should have said. Don’t worry, if you need some time off, go ahead and ask me.” Ares chuckled.

“Thank you.”

“You as well.”

They then returned back to the tent. Ares left the area and made his way down the shrine road to the people. He could see a number of people already hard at work. He decided he needed to show his face around the place. The wolffolk armourer had caught him and then he recalled his task from earlier and so went about creating various furnaces for them, or at least the rough shapes of them. He asked them to go and call for the stonesmiths for anything else they needed. Then he meandered around the place as evening fell. 

Some of the craftsmen already had work to show him. Roshe had personally come to call for him and had led him to where the leather workers were currently gathered. 

“You could have just sent an apprentice or one of the others to bring me.”

“That’s a little too disrespectful.” Roshe shook their head.

“Don’t worry about it. I’d rather you continue to supervise them, if they start some issues, I’ll be blaming you.” Ares chuckled. As he approached, he could see the backpack design that they had created. He could see the flat outline of a sheet as well as the actual figure. It was fairly large, a little bigger than the one Roshe had made for him, and had three extra compartments. One was sewn into the face of it, and the other two were smaller pockets on the side. The top was leaf shaped and was sewn in, but was currently closed by a bunch of string that was tied around large loop. Ares brought a hand up and then splashed some light rain against it and watched the water bounce off or trail along the curves of the backpack.

“Perfect!” Ares grinned wide. “This is exactly what I had in mind.” He then picked it up and then slapped it a few times, turning it around. He then tried it on and checked the straps. They were fairly long, and were able to be adjusted a fair ways. “Trust an oxfolk to make it oxfolk sized.” Ares joked as he continued to chuckle.

“These were for all your soldiers, I saw quite a number of oxfolk.” Roshe quipped.

“Yeah you’re right. Though these could potentially be an issue. Hmm. Give Heria this. However, you can go ahead with production. One a day was it? I should expect twelve a day, anything extra and I will be very happy. In fact, anything extra and I’d be willing to hand these out a little sooner to the craftsmen working here. So we’ll say twelve a day. Then for every two more you make, you may distribute one to a craftsman. Start from the most senior and then work your way down. How much leather do we have?”

“The leather is kept within the tents.” Roshe motioned to a few nearby.

“Ah, no wonder you picked this spot.” Ares laughed. “Alright, let me go have a look then.” He walked over to the various tents. They were quite large, and he could see the bundles of leather. Each bundle equated to one creature’s worth of leather. He glanced around to see they had quite a few, though he didn’t see any drake leather here. 

He then went to check the other tents until he found the drake leather. “I see…” Ares clicked his teeth at the roof of his mouth in thought. “You’ll need to share this leather with the armourers too…” Ares continued to think.

“Alright. This drake leather will be off limits.” He then raised a hand to transport most of it away. “Someone call for Jin.”

“What do you need with my boy?” Heria called from behind.

Ares turned to see her, arms crossed, wearing her brand new boots. “Oh! They suit you.”

Heria smiled. “Thanks.” She said as he stamped on the floor. “They fit well enough.”

“Are they comfortable?”

“I prefer walking barefoot, but they’re fine.”

“Good, good.” Ares chuckled. “Well I just need a little talk with Jin.”

“What did he do?”

“Nothing? Or rather, he’s done a lot, but I still want to talk with him. He’s not in trouble or anything.” Ares chuckled as he went to the other tents and then shifted away a few bundles of the leather from it. There were a few more tents filled with furs, and so Ares went to take a few pieces from every stock pile. The beastfolk seemed a little uneasy.

“Ah, sorry about that. It’s just so that we always have an emergency stock in case we run out. I think it’s a good idea to keep a few pieces off limits just in case something happens. Don’t worry, I won’t steal everything.” Ares laughed. “Though keeping the drake leather off limits is important. The rest of these leathers, split them up into three equal bundles. I’ll let you do that as I go and check on the armourers.” He waved a hand and then left. 

The armourers had begun work on the various pieces of armour and shields. They had finished with a few shields and Ares equipped each one. He then asked them to strike at the shields with various weapons once they were done to see if they would hold up. “I’ll trust the pair of you to be honest with your work, these will be made in order to protect our soldiers after all.” Ares raised his brows towards the wolffolk woman and the oxfolk man. “I’ll leave you to it.” He chuckled.

He went to go check on those making the various weapons and seeing that they were doing well, he then went to go check on the food. As the various peoples began to prepare for the evening, he could see a mass of wolffolk awaiting wearing bits of armour and carrying their weapons. They were sitting in their own little area, chatting amongst each other. When one caught Ares’ gaze, he went about hushing the rest of them. Ares smiled at them and then nodded before then going off to speak with Heria.

Heria was currently sporting her backpack and boots. Ares chuckled. “Are you enjoying your gifts?” He asked.

“They’re good.” She said as she then lay down, kicking off her boots as she rest her head on the backpack. “Comfortable.” She cared to admit.

“I’m glad.”

“Lana will be jealous that I got your first gifts.”

“She shouldn’t be.” He cleared his throat. “I see a few of your warriors are armed, is this a coup?”

She cocked her head to one side. “You asked for my warriors, did you not?”

“Ah, so they’re here to get spanked. Well that’s fine then.” He said as he said down opposite her. “Where’s Jin?”

“He hasn’t returned from the hunt yet, apparently they were hunting a particular bird.”

Ares nodded, trying to not think too much of it, though did hope for Jin’s safe return. Then the food was being dished out. Ares was called to taste test so he leapt onto his feet and checked. It was delicious, as always.

“Delicious as always.” He said as he then looked out to his people. There were many gathered here, though no doubt many of the elderly and young remained at their tents. The first bowls went to them usually as was their culture, so Ares didn’t really worry too much. 

Rori had arrived. Ares poured them some food and then they began to eat. Rori whispered between bites. “There are a few grumblings I hear. Will you address them?”

“I suppose I should.” Ares chuckled as the various representatives then encircled around them to eat. Ares watched as Lana arrived with Runar in tow. He bowed his head to her and she returned it. Then there was shouting from afar as Jin paraded through the street, carting a large drake they had hunted, as well as a dead bird on his shoulders. 

“Ares-kin, I come with a gift.” He said as he revealed the bird, which had been cleanly struck. “A black majesta!” He exclaimed and the crowd began to murmur. 

“Oh? What’s a black majesta?” He asked quietly to Rori.

“An exotic bird. They say it’s meat is the mostly delicious of any bird of this land. It’s feathers are a prized possession. A black viper’s worth is much less.”

“Oh?” Ares raised his brows. “Are you sure you want to gift it to me?” Ares asked Jin.

Jin cocked his head slightly. “Of course, you’re our King, aren’t you? It’s only right to offer it to you.”

“Was it hard to hunt?”

“It took a little time, but nothing too hard to hunt for me.” Jin grinned wide.

“Of course, of course. Well how about the Consul and I get half the meat, a few feathers, and then you can have the rest?”

Jin stood there in shock. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah, sure?” He said as he looked to Rori for guidance.

“If that is what you wish. A black majesta is worth much.”

“Alright, well good thing you hunted it then, isn’t it Jin?” He chuckled. “As long as we get half the meat and a few feathers, you can do with your share whatever you wish.”

“Oh! Thank you, my King.”

“Ares-kin.” Ares chuckled. “I needed to speak with you anyhow, would you care to take a seat.” Ares motioned a hand nearby. Jin nodded and sat down. “Would you like for me to keep the bird with my void magic, so it does not spoil?”

“Could we get it cooked tonight?” Jin asked. 

“Sure. Though I’d like to keep my quarter uncooked.” He motioned to Salea. “Could you work on it and then place aside my portion?”

Salea nodded.

“Actually, take a little from my share and cook it for yourself and Amal. As thanks for always cooking our meals so well.” Ares laughed. 

A voice called out from the darkness. “To think a thief like you would be so willing to share.” 

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