E085 – Being a King is hard work.

Ares was just about to go and meet with the crafters when he noticed that a few had come to him. “Oh, hello there.” He said as they bowed their heads and greeted him. “Did you need anything from me?”

“It isn’t anything like that, Ares-kin. We just wanted to double check your designs.”

“My designs?” Ares asked and then he looked back to the ground where he had carved the designs. “Oh… right…” He chuckled. “Well, one second.” He said as he led them to the designs and then he raised a hand. He then sliced a bunch of rock into fairly thin slices, perhaps a few millimetres thick, and then he engraved the same designs onto them before handing them out. “Don’t drop them… I should probably carve these into wood actually… It should be fine.” He shrugged and then followed the smith. 

“Hello hello.” Ares called out to the armourers. “How do you do?” He asked as he approached the oxman and wolfwoman. “I’ve come to chat about armour and shields.”

“Ay, what is you need, Ares-kin?” The oxman grunted.

“I would like for you to fit out the members of the Roaring Tridents first. They were a part of those that were known as the First Century, they’re our strongest band. Them and the Marching Blades, but they’re out on a diplomatic mission.” Ares chuckled. 

“I’d like them all kitted out with the breastplate we spoke about, as well as the large shield. Make a slightly smaller version for the wolffolk too.” He nodded at the woman. “I’d like the youngest members kitted out first. When it comes to matters of kitting them out in their gear, you are allowed to outrank them to get their measurements and that sort of thing, but otherwise let them be on their way. Have most of your workers on kitting them out, but please continue production on the shields. Have the rest of your workers make the smaller round shields, or whichever shields are quicker. I need at least two hundred of those shields first. Also, when it comes to shields, I have a few designs I’d like to share. In fact, work on shields and helmets first.” Ares sighed as he then went on about the design, spending about an hour with them. He allowed them to delegate however many workers for the shields and helmets, putting it at a higher priority than the armour. He spoke about a design for the armour to denote rank and squad, but that would come later. They asked him to ask the tailors, as they would be able to incorporate designs onto patches that they could then sew onto the shoulder pad for the leather cuirasses, or they could paint it on for the metal.

With that he left them be. He made his rounds, heading to the weapon makers. He asked for them to mass produce large spears. He allowed them to pick the design for it, and asked that the bottom of the shaft have a smaller nub that could be used. He allowed those that were working on the ranged weapons to continue as they were, but to stop once they had reached a thousand short bows and a thousand long bows. The arrow production was to continue for as long as they had material, though if they were running low, they were to stop making the bows, and then reduce the arrows they were making sharply. 

He then went to the leather workers, just checking on what they were doing and if they were doing well. They seemed to be doing well, so he left them be. 

Then he went to the tailors. He may have spent even longer with the tailors than he had with the armourers. He wanted to discuss the design with them. It had been a long fought battle, but he managed to get them to go with his dotted design. He was a fan of dice, so was happy they did such a thing. “Keep them all white for now. If I form any more units, we’ll change the colour so we can tell them apart.” 

They also showed him the designs they were working on. Ares was taken by them all. “Let the people choose a design and make it for them. I’d like each person to have a back up pair of clothing, but give them one set for now until everyone is clothed.” They then went about their work, taking his measurements. “Clothe the children first, everyone else can come after.” Ares chuckled and then left once they had finished with him. 

Finally he approached the five stone smiths. “Ah! Wonderful! You’re all free!” He joked and chuckled. “Sorry for taking so long in getting back to you.” Then Ares realised he should have brought along a few people from each of the other crafters. “We’ll be heading off in the next few days so please pack your things and bring about whatever tools you need. If you need a wagon, procure one with my name. Whatever tools you need, procure them with my name. Food and such things, bring a little. I will bring some along with me, but I’ll see if I can’t get a team of hunters to join us.” Ares recalled having needing to speak with Jin as well. He sighed. “I’ll see you at lunch.” He rubbed his forehead and then left to find the carpenters. 

He just checked out their work and thanked them for it, letting them know that he’ll be taking two of them out tomorrow and they should prepare for such a thing. Then he went to the other crafters, the last few that had been working on medals and such things. He checked the whistle designs, and once he was satisfied, he told them to start making a handful of each of them. He checked the drums too, checking their tonality. 

“Do we have any musicians?” He pondered aloud. 

Lunch came and Ares got to eating. He had so much work to do that he had recalled he hadn’t seen Emerli in some time. Before the day was over he’d go and speak with her. Lana was the only one that she had really spoken to, other than Ares. His thoughts were deep about so many things, his mind was heavy with the burden of doing so much. Yet that was his burden to bear, and as such, he would do so. 

“Something on your mind?” Lana asked as he snapped his eyes up to her. “Do you miss Rori?” She was holding onto Runar. 

“In a certain sense, he chuckled.” Ares then reached down to tickle Runar’s nose and eventually the babe grabbed his finger and began to suck on it. “Being a King is hard work.” He sighed. “There’s so much to do.”

“You always say that. You need to relax.”

“Too much work. I’ll be fine. Once everything is settled down, I’ll be more than happy to relax.” He frowned as he looked down at his bowl of food. “It feels so weird. Nothing has gone wrong in a little while…”

“You are asking for a curse to take you.”


“Hey, Ares-kin!” Shouted Jin. “You wanted to talk, are you free?” Jin had sat down opposite the pair and grabbed his own bowl of food.

“I was looking for you. I’m glad you came. I have a few things I’d like to talk about with you.” Ares took a moment to sip on his salty soup. “I want to ask you about your opinion on how we’ve been doing things so far in relation to your hunting. Are you displeased with your share of the loot?”

“After yesterday? No, I’m good with it.” Jin smiled, though it was an awkward smile. 

“As long as that’s the truth, then that’s fine. I have a request for you. I need to borrow a handful of hunters for a few days, they’ll be coming with me and a few others to the base of the mountain and I’ll need them to hunt around there to feed the various people.”

Jin nodded in response.

Ares thought for a few moments. “Are you fine with me taking most of the leathers? You know my reasoning behind it, but I may also keep the drake leather in order to equip our soldiers first. Is drake leather tougher than the typical leather that you use?”

“Much tougher.”

“Is it good as armour?”

“Very good as armour.”

Ares thought for a moment. “Do you want armour made of drake leather?”

Jin’s eyes lit up. “If you’re offering.”

“I am.”

Ares nodded. “Do you need anything else? I hear the wood around here is pretty nice. In fact, go ahead and let the crafters know what you want. You can have a new dagger or whatever you like, a bow, and armour. They can be made out of whichever material we have in abundance, or at least enough that you won’t be the only one with such items for a while.”

“Are you sure?” Jin asked cautiously and Ares nodded. 

“Equip your hunters with some new weapons if they need it too, as long as you bring in the food.”

“I’ll let the pack know.” He grinned wide before then eating. “Anything else you need?”

“I don’t think so. If I recall anything, I’ll let you know. Oh, please hand the material over to Ro-” Ares cleared his throat. “Heria.” He then threw a look to the woman, who sat nearby. Her ears perked up and then she looked over. “Jin will let you know.” He chuckled. “Ah, actually.”

He then turned to Lana. “I’ll be gone for a short while, and in the mean time I’ll leave you in charge. Heria will be your advisor whilst I’m gone, but you’ll be the one calling the shots. I’ll have the Roaring Tridents know that they’re to follow your orders whilst I’m gone. Have a few of them guard Emerli too.”

“Oh yeah?” Lana asked. “I’ll be sure to work them good.” 

“As long as you don’t go around sleeping with any of them.” Ares joked. 

“Well if you’re leaving tonight, you’d better say goodbye to me.”

Ares turned red and quickly cleared his throat. “Heria, I hope you will assist her well. I have faith in the pair of you. I’ll be gone for a short while to get some important work done. I’ll be taking Asyllia with me since she can fly too, but I’ll leave Saykkera here. She doesn’t talk, but she’ll be under your command.” He said to Lana. 

“Ah.” He felt Runar bite with her gums. “Yes, yes, I’ll play with you too…” He sighed. He’d probably need to leave his Ghosts in charge of protecting Runar and the children. The Ghosts were the Ten that he had re-branded in the morning. It was a far more apt name.

Whilst lunch raged on he spoke with the representatives, informing them of his absence and the structure of command, also with how he had reformed the army. He listened to their worries, specifically about a few that had become sick and how to deal with them.

Eventually the Captains arrived with their reports, and he was glad to see that the Major had arrived as well. He spoke with them and then how to shift the people around depending on their skills. 

Then finally remembered what he needed to do. He walked off to go and speak with each group of crafters to send him a pair of experts. He wanted a male and a female, an oxfolk and a wolffolk. Whatever combination of those was fine, as long as they were different in both ways. He did little else to expand on his wishes. 

Then finally he was able to relax in peace. He spent some time hanging around with Runar and the boys, as well as speaking with Emerli. He introduced her to the Roaring Tridents so that they could become comfortable with each other. 

Finally he and Lana were able to get some time alone. Ares could feel the stress that had built up over the passed little while, and as they lay with one another and shared their warmth, he could feel all that stress disappear. 

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