E101 – I thank you for accepting me.

Ares awoke with a vigor in the morning. His body felt much lighter than it had the days before. ‘Huh… weird… was it because I had a decent sleep? Or because I had some fun with Lana?’ He pondered for a few moments before he revealed himself to the world, taking in a long breath.

The sun was barely climbing up as he watched a few soldiers already out and running, smiling as he saw them. He joined them, for it would not look good if the King wasn’t already out and sweating. Even Rori and Torak were with them, with the Roaring Tridents looking after the area of the shrine as well as the Ten that he needed to speak with. There was much to do today, but everything would come after the workout.

Once he had finished two lengths of the town’s boundaries, moving to the edge and then back to the shrine, he grabbed a rock to then lift around. Many joined him, though they kept to the calisthenics he had taught them, as well as the stretching. Many of them seemed much healthier and could last longer than the first time, Ares could see that Rori seemed most well off.

Ares kept lifting until many others had awoken. He looked out to see the various buildings that had been erected with lightning quick speed. He smiled once more over his people as the food began to be cooked. He had a quick dip to wash himself, changed, and then he went to go check on his children.

Runar was already up and so he picked her up. “Hello my dear, did you miss papa?” He asked as he then pressed his lips to her bare stomach and then blew a raspberry, causing her to squirm and then giggle. He smiled and then pulled her to his chest and began to walk with her, cooing sweetly and humming.

He walked around the place with Runar in his arms. The Roaring Tridents saluted him. Some of them had joined him on his run and workout, though others remained guarding the children and the shrine area.

Ares would need to eventually give them a proper task, perhaps even create a new force to protect the royal family? There would be so many units, perhaps…

His thoughts wandered for some time as he walked. He continued to think as Runar began to walk around, too restless in his arms. After some time his thoughts were broken by Runar’s rumblings before she cried. He checked her diaper, he rocked her, but after she failed to stop crying he carried her back to a milk mother and allowed them to feed her.

He was pretty hungry too, though he didn’t think too much of it for now. Many people were out walking, chatting, working out, the entire place filled with life.

Eventually lunch came and everyone was present to eat. Lana had eventually taken her place near the pathway to the shrine, which was still guarded by the Roaring Tridents, though some of them flanked around the area and kept an eye out.

Ares took his place towards the head of the area, between the shrine and all the others before. The music began, but he stood up and then it lessened, though Ares nodded for it to continue. He gazed upon the people who waited for him to eat first.

“There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you for some time, but I never felt ready to say. I am sorry that I have kept it a secret for so long, but I had my reasons. Rori-kin and Torak-kin, as well as the Marching Blades, among the thousands of oxfolk that will soon be joining us all know, though I assure you if circumstances were different, every Rivean would have known first.”

They stared at him with a mixture of curiousity and confusion. Ares chewed the inside of his mouth before he then looked up to the sky. Their gazes had caused him to turn flush with embarrassment, but he cleared his throat and then swallowed. “Perhaps it would be easier to show you.” He said as he caught the eye of Rori, who nodded.

Then he raised his hands on either side of him before they flashed with flames, white and gold, but then he crouched and leapt up into the sky, shifting his entire form. His white and gold flames engrossed him entirely and he flew around the air. The music had stopped and there was a silence as he circled the air and then dropped down, shifting back to his human form.

He felt a coldness take him from the silence and he stood up straight waiting for something.

Yet, the silence continued.

His body felt heavy, his heart thundered and he swallowed. He looked around to see the people look out to him with similar expressions to Lana from the night before.

“Well, there you are. I am a half phoenix.” He cleared his throat.

“What other half are you?” Torak asked.

Ares looked out to Torak, taking a moment to think. “Half-god?” Ares shrugged. “Or perhaps human? I don’t really know.” He shrugged once more and then cleared his throat. “I hope that you will all accept me for who I am, and that nothing has changed, I will still rule you as fairly as I can, and protect you with all my might. Thank you.”

The silence continued for some time before it was broken up by laughter. Ares was taken aback as he turned to look at the source of the laughter. Rori.

Rori. Laughing.

Then Torak joined him. This was not a fake laughter, no, their smiles reached their eyes. It bellowed across the land before another voice joined in, Lana, then Roshe, Kask, and many others joined in. Ares furrowed his brows in some confusion, but after a while much of his people began laughing.

The music started up at some point and then the dancing followed, half naked men and women dancing around the place as food was poured out once more, Amal offering Ares a bowl before he sipped at it, watching the scene unfold before him. He looked over to Lana who placed a hand on his leg and squeezed it reassuringly before Ares began to eat.

He couldn’t help but cry a little, the tears flowing down slowly. He had no idea why he had begun to cry, but he didn’t stop it. A King that did not cry was not worthy to be a King. He did not cry so freely, for he eventually realised there was no point in crying, and so he continued to sip at his stew.

The dancing and music continued, with people swapping shifts for each. Eventually Ares was done with his meal and he stood up, clearing his throat and the music quietened, though continued in the background.

“I thank you for accepting me.” He cleared his throat again and then rubbed the side of his neck. “I probably should give us a little more time, but I would like for us to continue our quick ascension into greatness. Soon the oxfolk will join us. I’m not entirely sure how many there are, but their number outnumber our own. As such, much work will need to be done, and I will speak with them of how close they wish to be with us. If they merely wish to ally with us, or if they wish to become Riveans as well. I have also managed to gather a large number of slaves, about a hundred or so. They are all human, and they will work for us. I already know how I will deal with them, they will be creating a wall for us. No one will bother them, they are slaves, and even slaves in Rivea have rights. Once they are done with their task, they shall be set free. Many of them are soldiers, and no doubt, many of them would have slain you where they stand. However, we are Riveans, and I expect much better for us than to antagonise those that cannot defend themselves who are being met out punishment. They surrendered, and this is the mercy I have shown them.” He waited to see if anyone had anything to say, yet they did not.

“I will also need many others working on this wall, but that will come later. I will check upon the weapons and such to see how much we have, and I will check the houses and farms. If there is any issue, please speak with your representative. We have yet to speak today, I had some things I had to think about and needed some rest for the mind. I should also say that I had taken quite a bit of abuse during the last fight, but I feel much better now, it was no doubt only a flesh wound.” He laughed at his joke, though the thought came to him that they probably wouldn’t have gotten the reference. He looked around to his people once more.

“Ah, right. I would like to speak with the soldiers when they are free as well. Please do come and see me, anyone with the rank of Leitenant or higher, and only from those divisions that are willing to look after the slaves, meaning those that will look after their well being as well. I would like to speak with you of how to treat them and such. I will be putting some of the soldiers to work to create the wall as well, and as such, I will be tasking the smiths with creating shovels.” He tried to find the smiths, but there were thousands looking at him so he gave up.

He remained silent for some time and then he looked down. He waited for some time and thought, chewing on the words. “I will say that… I am… overwhelmed by your faith and trust in me. I hadn’t thought that… I hadn’t thought that I would have so many people willing to follow and listen to me. I will do everything I can to return such faith and trust, and to never break such a thing. I hope that you will all continue to be as you are, those of Rivea. Ah, right, I was speaking with Lana before, but there are many things I would like to discuss further, but please just think of what I have already said. Tonight I will speak with you, but for now, let’s eat, dance, and…” He was going to exclaim another word but he looked back to see his children, and then he bowed his head at his people. “Be merry.” He said before he sat down and then ate and socialised with those around him.

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