E112 – A United Council of Rivea…

The evening had come quickly to Ares, who had spent most of the day training. He had done so much work that he needed to relax his body, and what better way to relax than to push your body to it’s very limits?

Ares had pushed a large boulder up the path, a few people had to move out the way and some were surprised to see such a thing since they couldn’t see Ares.

When Ares arrived at the river to bathe, quite a few people were already out there. Yet he noted that many of the children who were being washed by their parents had some foamy substance all over them, tan in colour. His eyes quickly glanced around as a set of footsteps approached him from behind and he turned to see Lana, already dressed to bathe.

“Welcome back, Ares-kin.” She then held up in her hand a large object. It was long and thick, a cuboid of light copper, though smooth. His eyes dashed between them and then her.

“Is that…”

She grabbed at his arm and pulled him along as they entered the cold river and then she wet the object and brought it up to his head and began to rub his hair with it. It was sticky, then began to flow down the sides as she then rubbed it against his back.

“Soap.” He gasped aloud and then relaxed against her. ‘Fucking soap.’ He smiled and then shuddered as the water continued to flow along his body. He turned to stare at Lana. “Since when?”

“Much of it was finished today, enough for most that live here. More will be made soon.”

“Thank you.” Ares said as her hands roamed around his body. He grabbed onto the soap and then began to rub it along her body. “Careful… not in public.” He said as she came dangerously close to his shorts.

She sucked in through her teeth but didn’t go beyond that, the pair washing one another as Ares relaxed beside her. He had been wishing for soap for so long and now he could truly get rid of the stress, though much of him was still pretty tense.

“I’ll need to talk with the representatives over the next few days about my plan…”


“Yeah, in order to expand Rivea.”

“Is it a good idea, we’re still building up this city and the villages nearby.”

“It’s better to at least state my intention to everyone.”

Lana kissed the side of his neck. “You are working too much.”

“There is much work to do.”

“Yes, yes… you always say that.”

“It’s true, that’s why.”

“Yes, yes… you always say that.”

“Well… it’s…”

“True.” She sighed and then pulled him in for a tighter hug.

“Don’t worry, I won’t lose to working hard.” He chuckled and then brushed her hair before washing it, focusing on her leaf shaped ears as they flickered against his hand and then remained still whilst he washed them. She looked up at him and Ares quickly realised he probably should withdraw before she sinks her womanly fangs into him.

He stood up and then sprayed himself with the cool water. “… We should make some actual baths too…” He mused aloud.

“Want me to get the carpenters to work?”

“A stone smith too, we’ll make a spa.”

“A spa?”

“I’ll explain it tonight.” Ares chuckled as he then left her be, though she didn’t stay for long either.

The lunch today was much better, or rather, was more varied. Many herbs and vegetables had been found around the area and had begun to be incorporated into the meals. Asyllia and the other dragonfolk held much knowledge about the wild food around the place so they knew which pieces were safe.

As they ate, Ares could see the representatives were all seated nearby. He sipped on a warm mushy water-fruit concoction that was made. The chunks and bits had caused him to squirm slightly, though they flavour was fine. Then he glanced between the representatives once more.

“It’s good to see you are all in good health. I would like to inform you of my currently plans when it comes to the expansion of Rivea. I will be heading West, perhaps alone, to see the state of the world. I would like to form alliances and bring others into the fold.”

“Alone? Ares-kin, is that a good idea?” A catfolk by the name of Asha asked.

“I’m not married to the notion of going alone, it was a simple musing. I’m probably going to take a small unit of soldiers or some such, probably whoever wants to join the Phoenix Guard…” Ares glanced to Torak who had been leading the charge in that regard.

Torak shrugged his shoulder. “I’ll see who is good enough to come along, when are you planning on leaving?”

“Probably…” Ares thought about it. “In a couple of months? I want to make sure this place is left in tip top shape, I hope that everyone will be settled so there will be few complaints and everyone has the next task ready to work towards as their King leaves.”

“Would it not be best for the Consul to deal with such a thing?” Rori asked, staring at Ares.

“Rori-kin, you make a good point. However, you are also someone that will be able to carry out my vision whilst I’m gone, and I’d rather go since I’m… well, since I have a crown given to me by a God, as well as certain powers that would make it easy for me to deal with a bad situation.” Ares smiled. “I will need to know more about the land, and I hope the Consul and any others who are familiar with the political situation elsewhere are willing to help me in such matters.”

“Are you planning on conquering every nearby land?”

“I’m planning on making this entire land, the continent, into a single Unites States of Ri-” Ares paused. “United Kingdom of…” Ares paused again. “A United Council of Rivea… something like that.” Ares said. “We’ll think of a cooler name when it gets closer to fruition.” Ares chuckled.

“Very well.” Rori replied back as he finished his food and then made to leave, apologising for the inconvenience being caused by his departure.

“Is everything alright?” Ares asked.

Rori nodded. “Just some family matter. My niece is currently sick and I’d like to check on her.”

“Oh…” Ares began to sweat for a few moments. “Is she, is… Nora alright?” Ares asked as he tried to recall the name as casually as he could. “I suppose I should drop by and check as well.” Ares said as he stood, partly in guilt. He had recalled the niece, she had an injured leg or back when he had first met her and wondered if it healed.

Her thigh, they had left her for dead for good measure… Ares recalled the situation clearly within his mind.

“I believe the representatives have some questions for you about your task still, though we’d be happy to greet the King and invite him once he is done.”

“Alright, alright.” Ares replied as he sat back down and then continued to speak about his plans.

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