E117 – Shall we, my lady?

Then Ares awoke in the morning, he was still a little warm. His body was still quite pale in comparison to before, but he wasn’t quite as bad as he was before. He was feeling some tingles within his body, and he didn’t quite understand what they were until he realised… he just wanted to move.

“Stay down, you idiot King.” Lana grumbled, but Ares continued to complain. She hissed and then frowned, remaining quiet for some time. “Bring Ares a staff.” She finally relented to a guard outside. “Though you aren’t leaving my sight.”

“Yes, yes…” Ares chuckled and then stood up with a little effort and then he started to walk around the area, using the staff that he was given. He moved deliberately, slowly, each step taking some effort. He probably should stay resting, but… he felt guilty. He didn’t know why, but as he thought about it, he realised that he had taken that along from the previous world.

He sighed as he sat down near the shrine and thought about it. Should he continued to work whilst sick? That would make a bad precedent, and he had thought about it previously. He sighed. He wouldn’t work, nothing too rough at least. He wanted to do his part, he was the King after all.

He walked over towards the Legates that had met for the day and then sat down within the meeting, Lana beside him. Rori was there too, and had paused for a moment to look at Ares, but then continued leading the meeting.

Ares listened in as best as he could, but his head was pounding. He was glad that the Legates had been voted in and the power transfer was peaceful, though no doubt it was partly because of the various squads assigned to the villages who were loyal to him, or at least he hoped that was the case.

Ares remained nearby, doing his best to pay attention, but soon excused himself. “Sorry about this, but I think I need to eat something.” Ares chuckled lightly. “Flying does take quite a bit out of you, isn’t that right Saykkera?” He said to the nearby dragonfolk woman, who still had yet to say a word. He walked over to her right after he had excused him.

“Asyllia told me that you helped search for me. Thank you. If there’s anything you need of me, you’re always welcome to speak your mind. If not from your mouth, then from Asyllia’s.” Ares nodded towards her, waiting for a few moments before then turning and leaving as she did not want to speak with him it seemed.

Ares left to find Amal, who was already cooking something up. He turned to see Ares walking over with his staff in hand. “Ares-kin, it’s good to see you’re out and about.” He said before then Salea appeared, having heard Ares’ name.

“You look like death.” Salea said before nodding her head. “Are you alright?”

“I’m alright, I’m able to walk about so I suppose I must be.”

Lana then wrapped an arm around his neck and then pulled him to her side. “He’s not fine, he’s just making trouble for me.”

“You like that I’m trouble though.” Ares said as he tried to pull away, but found no strength to. He tried to ignore the fact he was pinned to her breast. “Is there anything made for me to eat? I’m a little hungry and well…”

“I’ll grab some bread.” Salea said as Amal then tried to find some fruit, cutting it into pieces within moments and then placed it across a tray.

“Thank you, thank you. I’m glad you two stayed here, otherwise I’d be mad with grief.” Ares joked as he then started to eat the fruit slowly once he was freed from Lana. Ares watched the Team of guards that walked nearby, keeping far enough away to give Ares his space, but also close enough so that they could intervene. Ares wondered if this would be how the Phoenix Guard would act when they were formed, and how stifling that would be when it came to his children.

As Salea brought out a piece of bread and Ares sat to eat it. He sank his teeth into the soft, warm bread and moaned in joy. “Thank you.” He said as he continued to eat it, chewing slowly.

Then a low hum filled the air and then stopped. Again the hum appeared. No, not a hum. It was a ring. A ring of a bell. Ares looked up towards the nearby watchtower that had been made at Rivea, still not yet complete, though almost.

Ares waited until he saw the flames appear to the side of it and then he stood up. Lana grabbed his wrist and he turned to face her. She glared into his eyes.

“Where do you think you’re going.”

“I’m needed.”

“You need to rest.”

“I do, but I’m needed.” He said as the sound of many footfalls appeared and then a Squad of wolffolk, his Flying Wolves appeared.

“You can’t fly.”

“No, I can’t.” Ares said. He had not yet bonded to any of the wolves, he had thought to fly over to the fort if there was any issue, but he was certain that it would have been a bad idea. Ares paused as the Flying Wolves waited for his command.

Ares stared into Lana’s eyes. “Bring me an oxen.” He called out, turning his head, though not leaving Lana’s gaze.

“I won’t let you go.”

“You will. And you’re coming with me.” Ares said, reaching up to place a hand on her cheek. “After all you said you wouldn’t leave my side.” He stepped towards her and then embraced her tight. “I must go. I am needed. You may as come with me.”

“You’re an idiot.”

“I am.” Ares laughed. Then he turned to the Flying Wolves. He nodded towards the Major. “Make flight, I will follow. Leave a Squad to accompany me. If you are needed to fight, fight without me, I will join you. If the situation warrants my input, then wait.”

They flew off at his words, with a Captain and their Squad waiting for him as an oxen was brought.

“Well then, will you let me go.” Ares asked.

“I’ll take my vengeance on you one day, Ares.”

“I can’t wait.” Ares chuckled. “Shall we, my lady?”

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