E122 – A week you say…

Ares had called for a feast to be made for King Abdan as well as the other refugees. He had saved up enough meat in his ring that they could cook quite a number of meals, plus all the food they had stored in order to feed the refugees and the hundreds of soldiers stationed here.

Whilst they waited for the food to be cooked Ares offered Abdan some viper meat to eat that had already been cooked. Abdan was surprised when he had a taste, offering some to the other people nearby when Ares brought out much more of the long thin meat.

From Abdan’s response to the food, Ares could tell that the pair were going to be close friends. Ares was chewing on the meat himself as he formed a small make-shift camp using his powers, and then dropped down some raw meat onto some leathers for the cooks to use.

Abdan had paid keen attention to the items appearing out of nowhere, trying to figure out how Ares had been summoning such things, but eventually gave up. He was rather obvious about both actions, so perhaps he was keeping a more subtle eye on Ares? Well, perhaps so…

Then there was a low playing of drums in the distance to remind the humans that there were many soldiers about, ready and eager to draw their weapons if needed. Tensions were quite high, even if Ares and Abdan seemed quite cordial to one another.

Abdan sat opposite Ares, on the other side of the small camp flames that had been made to warm up the area. Ares had shifted some earth stools for many of them, though most preferred to sit on the floor.

“Now that we have some food and drink, would you like to begin your tale?” Ares asked as Abdan took a long sip of the drink.

Abdan nodded and then began his tale. “The Mikar have long been an enemy of my people over our histories. Starting from the First of the Mikar, and the First of our kin. We have often traded outside of war, and though we hoped it would foster friendly relationships, whenever one Mikar tribe overcame the last, we would be soon at war again. A cycle of death.” Abdan said, looking up beyond them to recall the stories of old. Ares noted that Abdan said each syllable before continuing, never weaving them together to speak up the conversation.

“This time, with the so called God Emperor, he had sent to us, three Legions. He set them upon our Black Mountains, and my father charged forward to meet him with twenty thousand. He gave me the title King before he left, for he did not know he would return.”

“Though my father was outnumbered, the Black Mountains have offered us great reprieve before, and the Legions were driven back. The Mikar are not so weak anything, now they have many Legions. They sent forth another Legion to replace whatever was long. This time their armies were too large, and they sent many more upon us. Ten Legions they had sent in total, one which my father defeated at the Black Mountains, but… they sent three and three more still.”

Abdan paused. “The twenty thousand my father took were our most powerful warriors, and so when we were assaulted upon the Prophet’s Eye and our most prized Dessert Oasis, it was too much. We brought upon the enemy all we could, but we were outmatched and outnumbered. My father still keeps the Black Mountains, though after all this time… I do not know if he is alive, I have had no such contact with him.”

“I fled, for I knew all was lost. I had come to seek allies, crossing the sea within various ships before selling them off. We were heading to the Daemon Lands, but when I heard that an entire Legion was destroyed in these Wild Lands not long ago, I made as swiftly as I could from the South, from the Daemon Lands. I have brought with me my Hundred, and many more soldiers, the most elite soldiers that remained.”

Ares nodded his head. Their heavy armour was heavier than anything they had, and he wanted to see how it was constructed. Of course, it was only a fleeting thought, for Abdan’s words were quite dark.

“I am sorry to hear about your father. I hope that he is still alive. You have travelled quite far, at the very least, I will allow you harbour for some time. What exactly is it that you wish from me?”

“I have come to seek your aid, Ahreez. To see if you would be willing to help me regain my Kingdom. I would forever be in your debt.”

What a large commitment. This wasn’t a joke, this was serious business. Ares rubbed his forehead. “I am not sure I can give you a reply just yet. I have so many things I must do to secure my own Kingdom against the humans, but since we face the same enemy, I would like to help you in some way.”

Ares paused for a long while and then looked at the armour. “Does anyone within your company know how to make such armour?”

Abdan whistled and then spoke in another language as a large man appeared, marching forward until he stopped. “Ahmad, my cousin, he knows of the way to make such armour.”

“How long does it take to make such an armour?”

“By my skilled hand? A week.”

“A week you say…”

Ares thought about it. “If you are in no rush to recapture your Kingdom, as it would take some time either way, then I’d be willing to help you. Having another King indebted to me would be nice, an ally on the world stage… it’s always a good idea. If you are able to help us make this scale mail to outfit my troops, I would appreciate it.”

“It will be done.” Abdan said as he nodded. “If I am able to reclaim my homeland within my life time, I will die a happy man.”

Ares looked at Abdan and then nodded. “Alright. I need to first conquer this land, it may take a few years, but with the help of the scale mail, it should take much less time, or at least, my units will be better equipped to help you.”

Abdan nodded.

“Then, welcome to Rivea, King Abdan.”

“I am honoured, King Ahreez.”

The pair shook each other’s forearms, and so their destinies became intertwined.

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