E124 – What else can go wrong?

Night had come quickly for Ares, and as swiftly as it had come, it had disappeared. Ares’ dreams were filled with darkness. When he awoke he was slathered in sweat and he had been laying against Lana so the warmth of the sun was nothing compared to the warmth of an oxwoman.

For the first time in some time he felt much better, not quite being able to take on the world, but close to it. He rolled away from Lana and then stepped out into the light, looking around the area. He could see that the soldiers had begun training in shifts, and though he felt like he should walk up to them and join in, he knew Lana would give him a talking to. Instead he took a walk around the outside of the fort, and then inside to check on the refugees.

Wolfen approached him once the wolfman had seen the walking King.

“You have welcomed humans into your city?”

“Of course, Rivea is open to all.”

“Humans as well?” Wolfen sucked in air through his teeth, narrowing his eyes.

“Humans as well.” Ares nodded.

Wolfen stared at him for some time, before he then turned and left back to his tribe.

It was then Bosk had approached him as well. “You are helping the enemy, why?”

“I don’t see any enemies nearby.” Ares said as he raised his own brows.

“You know what I speak. The humans… you made this fort to keep them out.”

“No. I made this fort to scare away whatever enemy faces Rivea, and to make it quite difficult for them to try and attack us. It was not designed to keep humans out.” Ares replied.

“A terrible decision.”

“Mine to make, as King. Though if my Consul has something to say about it, then perhaps I’ll take heed to his words.”

Bosk nodded once and then left Ares be, who looked up and sighed. He realised that perhaps he had been a little rash, and the representatives would no doubt try and fight him on this matter. He only hoped that at least Rory would be on his side.

So Ares then called for his Flying Wolves to form and wait for his movement, before then finding another Company of soldiers which had made their home to the fort. They were ready and eager to join Ares in escorting him, especially when they had five hundred enemy soldiers right nearby, or rather, potential enemy soldiers…

The air was heavy and not even Ares’ lax attitude could cut through it. However, as the humans emerged from their tents, Ares noted quite a number of things. Many of the enemy soldiers were not soldiers at all. They were various youngsters, most in their teens. Ares raised his brows in surprise but then looked to King Abdan.

King Abdan wore his heavy armour, as did they all, but their helmets had been removed. Abdan walked to Ares.

“I have brought with me a hundred of my most elite soldiers. The others are children of the noble families, most of them heirs, others their siblings.”

“Wow, you really did bet everything on me…” Ares said.

“Yes, I did.” Abdan bowed his head. “Some of them will train to be my personal guard, the Hundred, but most will gain other such skills. That was their path in life.”

“Alright, I’ll try and facilitate that as best as I can…” Ares said as he looked out to the men and women, rather, boys and girls ahead of him. Ares wondered if maybe he should take the easier path back to the city, but decided against it.

“Let’s get to it then.” Ares said as he led the people back, though as they made their way through the fort, Asyllia had appeared in the sky, landing beside Ares.

“I have informed Rori-kin of matters and have returned with his blessing.”

“I’m glad that Rori-kin has taken to it well…” Ares replied, though still thought of the Legates. He rubbed his head but continued on, with Asyllia beside him.

Abdan walked on Ares’ other flank, with Lana not close behind. Ares led them along the main path which wound around the area the mountains. The first day went by uneventfully, which Ares was glad for.

When night came, there was a shout and a scream. Ares’ attention snapped to where it had come from, and he watched as a soldier of had grabbed hold of a girl and another dragged a boy away. Ares leapt forward.

“What is going on here?!” Ares exclaimed.

“They were behaving suspiciously.” A soldier replied. Both were oxfolk, a man and a woman. One was a Leitenant and the other was a soldier.

“Suspiciously?” Ares raised a hand. “Let them go.” He said, aware of the armed human soldiers that had stood up. As they let the pair go, Ares snapped his fingers. “With me.” He said and then glanced around as Abden approached.

“What is the issue?” Abdan asked, his arm resting on the blade at his side.

“An issue between a couple of yours and mine.” Ares sighed as Lana appeared soon after. Ares threw a look towards Lana, one that meant serious business. “Will you look to your pair and bring them when they are ready? I’d like to ask a few questions.”

Ares then led his pair of soldiers to his tent and then turned to face them as they appeared. “What the fuck are you doing?” He whispered.

“They were acting suspiciously.”

“What does that mean?” Ares asked. “How?”

“They kept whispering between one another and then pointing to our Team.”

“Right…” Ares waited. “And?”

“Well, we wanted to ask them what they were doing, and they suddenly grew quiet. So we tried to bring them to you.”

Ares sighed. “That’s it?”

They remained silent.

“That’s all you had?” Ares asked, his eyes darting between the pair. Ares remained silent and the soldiers remained so.

Lana appeared much later, motioning her head and then Ares led the soldiers out. “Remain silent until you’re spoken to.” Ares snapped at the pair.

Abden was not far, nor were his Hundred. The pair were standing behind him, slightly off to the side.

“Have they spoken to you about what occurred?”

“It seems they displeased your soldiers somehow, though they are uncertain. They had been playing a game where one matches the same colour of two objects that are different.”

“Right.” Ares said as he looked back to his oxfolk. “A game. To match colours.” He waited to see what they would say. “Anything to say for yourselves?” He tried to poke.

“They may be lying.”

“Perhaps, but you haven’t given me much to work on.” Ares said as he turned back to Abdan. “I’m very sorry for what my soldiers have done.” He turned to look at the boy and girl. “If you have a punishment in mind for them, I’d be happy to listen.”

The boy and girl still seemed quite afraid, and then whispered something amongst one another.

“N-no.” The girl said.

The boy shook his head.

Ares turned to his soldiers. “Should you be so lucky. I wouldn’t have been so merciful. You should thank them for their mercy.”

The oxfolk were silent.

“Did I stutter?” Ares asked and the oxfolk mumbled an apology. Ares inhaled deeply and then looked out to the soldiers. “Bring me your Major.”

The soldiers left quickly and a younger oxfolk appeared, and Ares recognised him right away as a relative of Sohka from their fight.

“Major Ahsoka, Ares-kin has called for me?” He said apprehensively.

“It seems you have some twitchy members within your Company. I would ask that you remind your Company of how we deal with things in Rivea, and that they should not act so hastily. I will hope you use your words when dealing with civilians.” Ares nodded and Ahsoka bowed his head.

“As you wish, Ares-kin. I may leave?”

“Please.” Ares said and then glanced over towards Abdan and his fellows. “If you have any issues, please bring them to me. For now though, please eat.” He said as he summoned forth some meat and then he summoned a bit of drake leather, two pieces a little larger than his torso. “For the pair of you, perhaps you can make yourselves a shield. Perhaps you can defend yourselves better with one, hmm?” Ares joked and then chuckled, though it was a hollow laugh.

‘What else can go wrong?’ Ares asked, trying to tempt fate.

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