E136 – Welcome to Rivea.

The air was heavy, flooded with thick tension. Ares remained as jovial as he could, though he had kept up his guard in case Beor or his people started anything. With his ring he would be more than able to deal with any issue that may have come from the bearman and his people.

The meat had been heavily salted and sprinkled with a few herbs and spices. Ares enjoyed just how juicy the meat was, and then also the seared edges where the fat clung to. He used a knife to eat, similarly as how he ate with Nevro. He had eaten a little before so he only ate until he was mostly full, though not entirely.

Ares spoke with Beor for some time, asking Beor about himself, but eventually invited Heria to speak with the fellow who didn’t seem too interested in speaking with Ares.

“Well excuse me, I’ll go and see if the others are doing well.” Ares said as he bowed his head and then left Beor with Heria, motioning to a few to remain nearby Heria. Beor may have some ideas about starting something with Heria and Ares couldn’t have that. As he walked off he caught the eye of a captain and then motioned his head to the fort watch tower that was on higher ground. He could already see it was manned with about a Squad worth of archers. Another Squad then made their way to hang around in the tower to look over the place.

Ares then approached Wolfen who was eating with his people. “Good afternoon Wolfen.”

Wolfen looked up and nodded. “To you as well.” He said, though his voice seemed to be darker than before.

“I can see you’re upset. I can understand why you may be.”

“No, you don’t.”

Ares brought his hand down his back and then sighed. “Perhaps not. I don’t know what happened between the two of you, but I want you to know that you are safe here. However, he is also safe here. I won’t have either of you fighting whilst in my care.”

Wolfen glared daggers into Ares’ eyes. “Beor is not to be trusted. He will turn his blade against you.”

“I’ve noticed.” Ares replied back. “I don’t trust him at all, but I don’t want a blood bath between my people and his just yet.”

“If you want to turn your blade against him, let me know. I’ll be the first to strike.”

“You don’t have to worry about it.”

Wolfen stood up and then approached Ares. “I do.” Wolfen looked up to Ares, who towered over the wolfman by a few inches. “He killed my brother.”

Ares’ throat tightened as he narrowed his eyes. Wolfen’s brother? The memory of a younger brother came to him quickly, Ares hadn’t noticed he didn’t see Wulfen around. That suddenly explained why Wolfen seemed quite distressed about the situation.

Ares then nodded. “I’ll let you know.” He said quietly and then turned to leave to meet with Bosk. Ares couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for Wolfen. The pain of losing a younger brother… Ares needed to stop and then admire a wall, rubbing his eyes to fight away the tears. The pain of losing a younger brother… He understood now why Wolfen was to eager for fight.

Ares inhaled deeply and then sighed out before approaching Bosk. “Good afternoon, how are you finding the fort so far?” He asked, not wishing to speak of Beor any longer.

“We are thankful for your hospitality.” Bosk said as he stood and bowed his head towards Ares, who returned the bow. “Could we speak?”

Ares nodded and the pair walked away, heading towards the pathway up to Dragon’s Spine, which the watch tower overlooked as well though it was the most isolated area beyond it.

“We don’t want to impose for too long. Some of us have been speaking about joining you. What would you have them do?”

“I’ll have you swear an oath, take a sip from the shrine of Rivee, and then you’ll be Rivean. You’ll be expected to do what is expected of a Rivean. Everyone will take part in daily exercises. If you’re a cook, you will cook. If you’re a tailor, you will tailor. If you want to join the army, then you will be expect to train and also do manual labour.” Ares shrugged. “It takes work to be Rivean.”

“How many are there in Rivea?”

Ares thought about it. He wasn’t entirely certain. “I’m not so sure. At least eight thousand, at most eleven thousand.”

“How many of us do you expect to become soldiers?”

“However many you want. You’ll exercise daily and will be required to train with a weapon regardless, but you don’t have to join the army. It is an honour to be a Rivean, and a bigger honour to be in the army.”

Bosk nodded. “Then if my people can join, I will join the army.”

“Rivea welcomes all, and Rivea helps all.” Ares said. “As much as we can.” Ares bowed his head. “Stay here for now though, I will speak with Rori and the others. Then I will send some to guide you through Dragon’s Spine.”

“Thank you.” Bosk said as he reached out a hand.

Ares reached out and clasped his forearm. “It is our pleasure.” Ares said. He returned with his mood lifted, though as he returned to Beor, he heard the flapping of wings in the distance. Then he saw Saykkera arrive.

Ares’ heart pounded as his eyes grew wide. What was Saykkera doing here? Did something happen? Saykkera then dove for Ares before landed in front of him, standing tall and then bowing her head.

“Hey Saykerra, what are you doing here?” Ares asked.

Saykerra did not respond, instead she looked at the bearfolk and then the thousand others. She stood beside Ares.

Beor stood up and Heria quickly hopped onto her feet. He said something in their language and his beastfolk all began to stand and clamour over, though Ares’ own army stood up and stepped around to cut them off. Beor growled something out and his people gradually came to a halt.

“A dragonfolk.” Beor said as he looked at Saykkera and then back to Ares. “A phoenix and a dragonfolk. Just what is Rivea?”

“We are merely those ordained by Rivee to help the people of this land. That’s all. It’s simple, really.”

Beor growled something back to his people and they slowly pulled away. “Will she fight?”

“No, of course n-”

Saykerra stepped in front of Ares and cut him off.

“She might.” Ares said. He wasn’t sure what Saykkera was doing, but assumed she might have wanted to fight. “That’s her choice to make.” Ares said, suddenly feeling rather embarrassed.

“I’m fighting too.” Called out Wolfen from behind.

“Well this is a showcase between Rivea and Beor’s people.”

“Then I’ll join Rivea.” Wolfen said simply.

“Let’s calm down.” Ares said as he raised his voice. “We will speak of the matter when the others have arrived.” Ares sighed and then placed a hand on Saykkera’s shoulder. “Come with me.” He said before he turned his head to Wolfen and then motioned his head over to the road of Dragon’s Spine.

He led the pair away to the road where he had spoken to Bosk. He turned to Saykkera. “Good afternoon, Saykkera. Just what exactly are you doing here?”

She did not respond, instead she looked back to Beor, then back to Ares.

“Mhmm, right, right…” Ares said, still completely uncertain about the situation. “Alright, fine.” Ares then turned to Wolfen. “What’s this about you joining Rivea?”

“I heard you are going to fight them. I want in.”

“Right, but this is a showcase between Rivea and Beor’s people, nothing more than that.”

“If he joins, I lose my chance to get my revenge. I want at least a chance to make him bleed.” Wolfen glared into Ares’ eyes.

Ares sighed. “Fine, but no killing. That’s the rule.” Ares then looked down to Wolfen. He was still pretty injured. “Are you joining Rivea then? Truly?”

“If that’s what it takes.”

“Don’t make it sound so bad…” Ares grumbled but then he placed a hand onto Wolfen. The white flame surrounded Wolfen, who winced and yelled out, but then quickly grew quiet.

He stared at Ares in utter surprised, but Ares merely smiled.

“Welcome to Rivea.”

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