E168 – If anything happens to my comrades, not even Rivee will be able to save you from my wrath.

“I didn’t expect to be betrayed by you of all people, Stah’O,” Ares said as he inhaled deeply. He crossed his arms and then turned, so Stah’O was to one side, and then Sta’O and San’O were to his other. “I thought since we are kin of Rivee, and after what had happened to Otz…”

Stah’O remained silent as Ares stared into his eyes. Ares’ mind raced.

‘Seriously? I have to beat them all?’ He could only wonder how many they were. He was still unused to fighting them and he didn’t have any experience against someone that could use water in such a way. Even the human commander he had faced had used lightning so sparingly, and Ares could somewhat predict some of the attacks.

San’O was not the same. San’O could manipulate water fairly well, and even Sta’O had some ability with it. San’O also had a certain ability, some foresight apparently, though he hadn’t seen the full extent of it.

Yet none of them moved to attack. Ares remained still, throwing a look to Stah’O.

“It is not we who had betrayed you, Ares’O,” he said. “You had planned to conquer our people, is this not a lie?”

“I don’t want to call you a liar, but that isn’t right. I have no plans in conquering the Bitan, now or ever.” Ares’ voice was clear and sharp, cutting through the air like a blade. He remained resolute as Stah’O stared at him.

“You had spoken to my son and had told him that you would unite the lands under your Rivea, is this untrue?”

“That’s true enough.”

“Then what lie has been spoken?”

“I have no plans in conquering Bitan or subjugating you to Rivea. You and I are the same, we are both Riveans.”

“Yet it is your title to be King of all Riveans, is this not true?”

Ares paused for a moment in thought. “I see your issue, and I must say that perhaps I have given you the wrong impression.”

“It seems as though your impression is quite clear,” Stah’O said as he lifted up a hand and then tossed up some water. He cut through it, as though he was cutting a cake, and then a scythe of water flew towards Ares.

Ares brought up his arms to soften the blow against the water scythe. It struck him and caused him to wince, he could feel it almost tear into his body. His arms were numb and his side was sore. He focused his energy to regenerate, but managed to duck under two more water scythes, flipping over the last.

Unfortunately for him, San’O had also tossed some water pellets at him. The pellets struck him true against his front. He managed to gather himself as some more water flew towards him, only from Stah’O and the duo, so he was thankful for that

Yet Ares was getting slightly annoyed. They weren’t listening to him, not like the Reptai who had been so willing. He wondered if perhaps the Reptai truly weren’t the ones to blame before.

The water did not strike him, as he had managed to concentrate on the water. Then he summoned some of his own water and surrounded himself with a dome, which moved rapidly around him like a storm.

“Seriously, you guys need to clean your ears or something. Why don’t you use that water to do that instead of throwing it at me, huh?” Ares remained within his safe space, keeping an eye out on either side. He looked to San’O. “So what do you think? Have you prophesied a way to beat me?”

He just wanted to keep her occupied as he spent the precious few seconds he had in order to think of a plan. He had no idea what he wanted to do. He could already feel the drain of trying to use the power that he had yet to practise. It was like going to the gym and then trying to deadlift four plates without ever having done a single one before. Even now he could feel his mind grow heavy.

He could just fly out of here, meet with the Reptai and then head away, but…

The rest of the Omni Nine were still at the Bitan’s home city, so he needed to figure out a way to get them to safety too.

‘Damn it…’

He thought of Emerli, who was the most vulnerable out of the group. Even now he felt some regret at not urging her to remain at home.

The Bitan began to shoot out water pellets towards him, first only Stah’O, then Sta’O joined in, before the nearby soldiers began to join in. The water dome was pelted with water pellets, but his dome held.

Then Ares felt something come and force the water away from him, and he looked to see San’O trying to invade into his little safe space. Ares raised a hand towards her, narrowing his eyes.

“I think you’ll find that I am the Master of Waters,” he said as he regained control of his dome quite easily and San’O stopped trying to do so. Instead she remained still and silent for a moment before she finally raised her hands and then dropped them to her side. She stepped away from the group and then the soldiers stopped firing, followed by Sta’O and Stah’O.

Now they were all still. Seemingly San’O had given some sort of signal, though Ares waited with his dome. However, it was soon even too much for him, so he dropped the dome.

“Know this, Stah’O,” Ares said as he spread out his arms and then turned them into flaming wings. “If anything happens to my comrades, not even Rivee will be able to save you from my wrath.”

With that, Ares flew up into the air and then circled away, heading to where he had informed the Reptai to meet him.

‘Well this is absolutely fucked. What am I going to do now?’


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