E189 – Has Rivea weakened?

Ares awoke in the warm embrace of Lana. A warm enveloping flower that surrounded him within the safety of her loving nectar. He could smell the sweet nectar that had taken him last night. He brushed a hand along her side before he noticed that she had awoken before him.

“Good morning,” Ares said.

“Good morning. Did you sleep well?”

“I slept great, thanks,” Ares said as he went to rest his head in the crook of her neck. “What about you?”

“I slept great too,” Lana said as she leaned in to kiss his neck.

Ares sighed as they remained together, enjoying each other’s embrace for a moment. Ares ran his fingers down the side of her body, brushing his finger tips along her soft skin.

“How many times did you almost die?” Lana asked.

Ares let out a breath and shook his head. “Once or twice?”

“Why do I feel like you are lying?”

“You meant yesterday, right?”

“I meant the entire journey.”

“Ah… well…” Ares thought about how many times he could have died since he was gone. “About ten times,” he said. “Depends how you define it.”

Lana did not seem impressed. She leaned in to kiss his neck and then brushed her fingers through his hair.

“They will want to hear from you,” she said.

“I know.”

“What will you tell them?”

“I’ll apologise first,” Ares said as he rest his head against her breasts.

“A King apologising? Is that a wise thing to do?”

“How can I be a wise King if I can’t apologise?”

“You are…” Lana began but then stopped.

“I know.” Ares smiled before he finally pulled away from her. “A bath first?”

Lana nodded and the pair left their abode. The air was thick with tension. Ares and Lana made their way through the path to the open river with the sight of many Riveans on their back.

The Roaring Tridents had followed them some way to protect them, taking watch around the area.

Ares winced as he tried to not get anything too close to his wound, but he gave up soon after when he realised it would have been too difficult to bathe otherwise.

Lana helped wash him, using the soap he had summoned. Ares returned the favour of course, running his fingers through her hair before then rubbing the base of her horns.

They were silent. No words were uttered between them.

When Ares was finally washed and changed, he returned to see his people had been waiting for him. He supposed it was the best time to speak with them.

He walked over to the centre, where Rori awaited with his own guard. His children were nearby too, and Ares pet their heads to let them know he would need a few moments before he could spend time with them.

Ares then began pacing around the centre.

“I will say it’s wonderful to see you all again,” Ares said. “I missed you all, some more than others of course.” Ares chuckled. He began to recount the tale of what had occurred, telling them to not keep count of how many times he had almost died. He spoke of his journey, sparing few details as to not slow down the story, but every so often he would raise his voice suddenly, or lower it to keep them engaged.

“Then I returned to find my Kingdom besieged by those I entrusted within our lands. I had shown them mercy and they had betrayed me.” Ares looked around his people who seemed well enough, though some did appear to be tired. “I assure you, I will not make the same mistake.”

“What of the Reptai?” called a voice from the crowd.

Ares nodded his head. “They are mercenaries, come to aid us for pay. As long as we pay them, they will help.”

“How can we trust them?” Heria asked. “I believe in you, Ares-kin, but I do not believe in them.”

Ares nodded. “I will ask of you this. Who was it that had come to retake the fort? I was not surrounded by Riveans, I was surrounded by Reptai. I had fallen during the battle, and yet here I am. Your King, perhaps the biggest prize for any that would wish Rivea harm, alive and well due to the mercy of those that had come during our darkest hour. Tell me, how should I treat them? With suspicion and wariness? Or should we treat them as those doing their job. I will not mistrust them, I refuse. I will show them the same respect they have shown me.”

Ares glanced between the crowd “However… I understand that you may be uneasy with a foreign army at our fort, so soon we shall take control of it once again, once I have properly apologised.”

Ares cleared his throat, but the lump was still within it. “I am very sorry.” He looked out to his people. “I did not act befitting of a King of Rivea.” He bowed his head. “I understand that I have caused you much distress, and I will pay for the consequences.” Ares then raised his head. “I will say that I am proud though, for Rivea was capable enough to handle whatever threat had come to it during it’s most vulnerable phase and I am sure that even if I had never returned you would have all been well.”

“I do not know if it is my place to speak, Ahreez,” called a familiar voice, “but I can see how it survived without you.”

Ares turned to see Abdan. He and his warriors had remained off to one side, and Ares hadn’t seen him for some time.

“Your people are a hardy people, so I witness,” the other King said.

Ares smiled. “They are.”

Rori spoke up. “We have been given the tools to protect Rivea by none other than the King. It is only through such wisdom that we are able to act so quickly and so effectively,” he said.

“It’s a shame you returned so quickly,” Heria said. “I would have liked the honour of driving away the invaders myself.”

Hemwa spoke up soon after. “We will get the chance sooner or later.” He looked to Ares. “The peace with the humans will sure to fall soon once they hear that we have been weakened.”

Ares turned to look at Hemwa. He then scanned the face of the Riveans. “Has it?” he asked. “Has Rivea weakened?”

The cacophony of shouts, drums and stamping answered his question well enough.

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