E195 – I’m afraid of death.

Ozri began to cry as Lana carried him, with Ozar riding on the shoulders of Torak. It was a checkmate against Ares. Having all three of his children about would make it difficult for him to move too far away from them, and there was no chance in hell that he would allow them to be in danger even for a moment.

Lana was quite the shrewd woman. Ares hadn't expected her to outplay him in such a way. Terrifying indeed. Today he would need to be extremely careful, not only due to his wounds, but because his children were with him.

Runar slapped him out of his thoughts with her tiny little hand.

“Oi, sausage fingers, wha-” Ares cleared his throat. “Runar, nooooo, no hitting daddy,” Ares said. He then leaned in to blow a raspberry into her neck and then he kissed all over her face and she squirmed under his grasp, giggling and squealing before she finally gave into him. Ares brushed her hair and then rubbed the back of it. He pushed her head to his chest and she relaxed against him.

Ares' mind wandered for some time as they neared the watchtower that looked over the fort. Yet his mind was brought back by the tickling over his pectoral.

He could feel the breath of his little girl against his skin.

He could feel the fur of the oxen slipping into the cloth at the hem of his trousers.

He could feel the cool breeze caress his neck like a loving mother.

He stopped his oxen and those behind and around him stopped as well.

Ares looked up.

"What's the matter?" Lana asked as she rode up to him.

"One second," Ares said as he looked around.

He wrapped an arm around Runar. She was nestled within the large cloth that had been tied to his body to make sure she didn't fall from his grasp. He pulled her head to his heart and let her feel it beat against her chin. Feeling his heart beating against her face, Ares could see her eyes widen and she gurgled. Her tiny hands slapped around his body as if to mimic the best.

There was warmth there. As though nestled within his chest, like a nut inside a squirrel's stash. Ares closed his eyes and Runar stopped slapping him.

Everything was silent.

Ares looked at Lana with a realisation within his eyes, though he dared not speak it aloud.

He leaned into kiss Runar's forehead. "I love you, my little star." His voice was barely a whisper. His heart pounded quicker against her head.

Then he bid the oxen forward as the Flying Wolves made their way onward to the fort.

Across the plains were thousands of beastfolk. Buffalo, rhino and boar. A mixture of all three, led by a rhinoman who sat forward on a throne of some kind made of bone that could be boosted up by a few others to be carried around.

He caught Ares' eyes and in that moment the pair had begun to size one another up. Man to man. Ruler to ruler.

The rhinoman was dangerous.

Ares undid the sash and kissed Runar's forehead and handed her over to Torak.

Lana was about to say something but Ares grabbed her arm and rode close to her. He pulled her in and kissed her cheek before whispering into her ear.

"We must speak tonight."

Lana stared into his eyes. She did not reply and allowed Ares to ride out of the fort. The fort held five hundred Riveans at the ready to fight.

Two thousand Reptai stood outside, as though creating another layer of wall. Some of them had left for their own business, though it seemed as though they would replenish some of the active mercenaries every few months. Ares had allowed them such a deal, though he had reduced the contributions that he would be required to pay.

Ares rode out forward, allowing the Flying Wolves to follow him. He stopped at the gate though and the Flying Wolves stopped behind him.

He looked to Torak. "Make sure she watches," Ares said.

Torak replied wordlessly with a nod of his head. The two shared a look and Ares continued forward, allowing the Flying Wolves to fan out beside him.

"Stay here," he said to the warriors before riding forward a few metres, taking the position halfway between the armies.

Doing some quick calculations he noted his forces were outnumbered, four or five to one, that was for sure. Yet there was a peace around the place.

"I'll make this quick," the rhinoman began. "Give me your head, or I'll take it by force."

Ares looked out to the plains off to one side. He watched as the blade's of grass swayed and flowed and made such sweet music with the way they bent to the wind's whims.

"What a beautiful day," Ares said. "Times like this… it would be a shame to not just stop and smell the roses." Ares inhaled deeply and sighed.

The rhinoman snorted. "I do not believe in such weakness."

"Weakness?" Ares nodded. "I am weak," he said as he pat the oxen across the back of it's head. "It's why I ride this creature, isn't that so?"

The rhinoman did not smile.

"I see you aren't one for small talk. Ares, Kin of all Riveans."

"There is no need for names."

"A good thing. I'll forget it soon enough."

The rhinoman bared his teeth. Yet he did not say anything beyond such a gesture.

Ares looked at his warriors. "Just how much do you outnumber me?"

The rhinoman did not respond.

"Four or five to one, that's what it seems like."

The rhinoman nodded.

Ares looked back to his fort and then back to him. "You're going to need a bigger army."

The rhinoman looked at the fort, back to the King, then to the wolffolk that were ready and eager for a fight.

He did not reply, instead he leaned back in his throne. As he did the other rhinofolk nearby rushed over and then lifted up his throne. Ares could see that the rhinoman was quite thick, and much of it was muscle. Yet every rhinofolk was like him, though slightly smaller than the leader.

Yet Ares did not move. After a few moments he drew the blade he kept at his side, his mind focused on creating a straight line of missing earth in the ground.

"It is your choice," Ares said before turning and then riding back to the fort. He had said all he could.

Lana had come to him and berated him. Yet with a voice that sounded like an executioner's judgement, Ares called for attention.

"Create a supply line through the straight road. Ten at each tower and ten halfway between. Each will guide the supplies to the next group and return to their position for the next train. We shall feast and show them the merriment of Rivea. It is the least we can do before we slaughter them for our fields. We shall fertilise our farms with their bones. We shall bathe in rivers of red. No invader shall step into Rivea whilst we live and breathe, so help me Rivee." Ares cut through the air with his hand, as though ripping into the heart of an enemy.

All were frozen from his sudden outburst, even Lana needed a moment to recover.

"Did I fucking stutter?" Ares exclaimed clearly through the air. Then he turned to Torak. Ares' eyes were filled with determination. "Did I?" Ares then took both his children from the older Oxfolk.

"Move!" Total exclaimed as he rode off with great speed.

Ares shot a glare towards a group of ten Flying Wolves, who then sped away behind the once Horn.

A tent was made for him and Lana, as well for his children. Torak had returned by the time the tent had been erected. The event had yet to move, though those upon the watchtower had spied that some of the enemy had fled.

"What has gotten into you?" Lana asked when they were alone.

A small rock pit had been constructed with several layers and the flames crackled. The tent was hot, hot enough for Ares to strip down and clean off the gunk from his stomach.

"I am a King," he said.

"You have finally realised?" Lana smirked.

Ares turned to look at her, the flames sprinkling his face with flickering light. "Yes," he said with deathly seriousness.

Lana's smirk disappeared. "What happened?"

Ares looked to the flames. He watched them crackle for some time. He brushed a hand along his stomach where the black gash was and he looked down at it. Then he caught Lana's eyes.

"I'm afraid of death."

"We're all afraid of death."

"No, no. Not death. Dying."

Lana furrowed her eyes in confusion. Ares needed a moment to gather his thoughts.

"I don't…" Ares looked into the flames. "Runar. Ozar. Ozri." The names were near silent on his lips. Then he looked at Lana. "You."

Lana nodded slowly. She reached out her hand and Ares took it. He intertwined his fingers with her.

"So now you realise that you can die."


"I won't let you die."

Ares remained silent.

Lana pulled him to her and the pair embraced one another. Eventually Ares pulled back and stared down into her eyes. The words were within his gaze first.

"Will you marry me?"

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