E198 – You’re rather da-

Arrows whistled to and fro between the fort and the mounds. Ares had become used to the sounds of the arrows, though he shifted away most of the arrows that the enemy fired over towards them, as the rest clattered against the fort walls.

“No, you don’t understand. The eagles didn’t want to be corrupted by the ring.” Ares sighed.

“Why didn’t they fly the tiny one over?” Torak asked.

“I think you’re thinking too much onto it.”

“So then a woman slew the big king?”

“The witch king, but yeah.”

Torak shook his head. “I don’t understand the significance.”

“Well he said no man could kill him,”

“But a woman does.”


Torak cocked his head to one side.

“What’s wrong with that?”

“I don’t understand. He said no man.”


“But then a woman did?”

“Yeah, a woman did.”

“Is it because a woman is not a man.”

“I guess.”

Torak shook his head.

“Torak, relax.”

“Woman has man inside of it, doesn’t it?”

Ares hid his face in his hands. “I’m glad you went that road, but still, that was a little…”

Torak stared at Ares confused.

“Nevermind.” Ares looked out to the enemy, taking a long sip of his warm milk. “How many arrows do these guys have?”

“Did you call for arrows?” called a familiar voice.

Ares looked back to see Abdan appear with about ten of his own soldiers.

“Oh, Abdan.” Ares stood up to greet the other King.

Abdan watched as a large number of arrows were shot their way before they disappeared into the air.

“I shouldn’t have brought any arrows. You seem to be getting more from the enemy than from Rivea.”

“It’s the thought that counts. Milk?”

Abdan nodded and Ares poured him some milk. Abdan sipped on it slowly as Ares continued to shift the arrows away.

“Do you think they will run out any time soon, Ahreez?”

“Of arrows?”


“I don’t know, maybe when we kill them all?” Ares shrugged.

Abdan’s face tensed and Ares could tell he was making the face of one who was trying not to choke.

“That’s rather dark.”

“You’re rather da-” Ares winced and then made the same face as Abdan. “So where’s Azni?”

Abdan narrowed his eyes in confusion.

“You know, where is he? Rivee hangs around in the water, where does Azni… reside?” Ares wasn’t sure how he wanted to work it, but he decided that was the best thing he could probably say without sounding more ignorant and offensive.

“Azni is always around us. The earth beneath us, it is his essence that surrounds us.”

Ares sipped along the hot milk. “Oh… that’s cool.” He cleared his throat as the day continued to pass by.

Eventually he had to sub out from where he was, and the enemy seemed to have run out of arrows, or at least they stopped firing them at the fort. It was then about six thousand of them charged forward. They split off into two groups, three thousand in each group as they rushed around the two mounds to attack from the two sides, as though a pair of horns.

The Reptai had been eager for a fight, so when they heard the warcries of the enemy, they leapt up ready for battle. Ares was going to start instructing them, but seeing that they were so eager to beat some beastfolk, Ares just left them to it. Why did he need to obstruct such a beautiful sight?

Ares sipped onto his warm milk as he watched them fight, the beastfolk trying to climb up the walls, using their dead, arrow-filled allies as a makeshift mound to climb over.

Abdan turned to face Ares. “Would you like any of my warriors in this fight?”

Ares shook his head. “You and yours have your own task.”

Abdan nodded slowly, though he did seem rather confused.

“Well if they manage to defeat us here, you and yours will have to fight alongside the Riveans that remain.”

“Will they be able to defeat you?”


“Then my warriors will not be given such an honour.”

Ares smiled. “They won’t manage to beat us, but… there’s always the tiny chance that they do. If that time comes then I hope you’ll do your best to help Rivea, as it will help you.”

“You will not need to worry about such things. We will stop them from overwhelming the fort before it comes to such a thing.” Abdan looked out to his warriors and then back to Ares.

Ares continued to sip the warm milk and then paused for a long moment. “Abdan… by any chance…” Ares continued to think for a long moment. Ares then turned his head, nodded to a soldier nearby. “Will you bring Emerli, please?”

The soldier saluted and then he was off. Ares turned back to Abdan and smiled. “When she arrives, I will speak with you then if it’s alright.”

Abdan nodded his head.

“I would continue to keep you company, but…” Ares said as he stood, “there is a little work to be done.” Then Ares raised a hand. From his thoughts appeared the same arrows that had been shot at him for hours, now raining down upon the enemy as they reached the top of the walls.

The Riveans rained down arrows upon the enemies, though most arrows caught into the shields.

“I’ll be back in a moment,” Ares said as he stood up and then made his way towards the enemy. He, without a single moment of hesitation, rocked right up to them with a sword in hand and joined in with the Reptai.

A wave of confusion did befall both sides, but soon the Reptai were forcing their way beside him and the other beastfolk tried to force their way to him instead.

The Riveans watched as their King entered the fray, though most were filled with shock and surprise. The ten Roaring Tridents almost stepped forward, but Torak halted them. He turned to a nearby group of soldiers.

“Well?” he asked them with a tone of voice that dared them not to enter the fray, like a disapproving father.

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