E207 – It is a question of what Rivea will stand for.

The morning had come. Ares spoke to Dari and his people, handing over some weapons and items that he had looted from all the dead bodies. Dari thanked Ares and the boarfolk left, throwing glances over to see whether or not Ares was going to hunt them down.

Ares wasn’t bothered by them at all, leaving them be. Instead he went to Heria, who had spent a long while the day before hunting down all those that had fled. Luckily most of them had been slain nearby and they very easily dragged the bodies back, though a few warriors had to march further up to drag the others that had fallen so far away.

“Good work,” Ares nodded to her.

Heria merely nodded in response as she lazed on the back of her large wolf. Her eyes would often fell onto the hyenafolk not so far away.

“So how were they?” Ares asked rather quietly, reaching over to brush his hand along the wolf’s back. The fur was soft, and he could feel the meaty back that jiggled under his hand.

“They fought well.”

“They listened to your commands?”

“They did.”

“Did they question your leadership?”

“A few, once or twice.”


“Nothing came of it.”

Ares nodded his head as he continued to rub along the giant wolf’s side. He then picked up their head and started to rub along their neck and scratch them all over gently too, causing the wolf to pant out and shake their leg.

“I do not like this,” Heria said.

Ares smiled. “It’s not a question of like,” Ares said as he looked at the hyenafolk. “It is a question of what Rivea will stand for.”

Even now Ares was conflicted. He wasn’t entirely sure being so idealistic was such a good idea, and yet in his heart of hearts, could he stop? No doubt he could, but when would he stop? When would he draw the line? There was also a minor rebellion at his doorstep which he had only just dealt with, and then a group of outsiders trying to take over their city, either one of these could have led to much death and the destruction of Rivea.

“What does Rivea stand for?” Heria asked finally once the look on Ares’ face became too serious.

Ares wasn’t entirely sure how he could answer that, not really. He thought for a long moment. Rivea could be about ideals, about nebulous concepts that only exist because Rivea exists, but is that so wrong?

Ares brushed along the wolf’s fur and then he rubbed back and then rest his head against the fur. “I want Rivea to be…” Ares pulled back.

“I want someone from far away lands, those currently under the thumb of another, oppressed and enslaved… I want them to have hope in a land, a land that seems almost mythical, a place that doesn’t sound like it would exist… but it does.” Ares turned to look at Heria. “It does exist, and it’s name is Rivea.”

Heria looked to Ares, whose eyes were still uncertain, though his words did hold a finality to them. She nodded to him. “Sounds like hard work.”

“Well… I am a King.” Ares chuckled and then looked out to the land once more.

He returned to the soldiers, who were still on guard, though they had finished with the after battle looting. Ares had shifted away most of the weapons and clothing and armour that the enemy had brought with them.

Ares thought it was probably best to at least address them now, though some of them had returned to Rivea with news, so not everyone would be here.

“To say that I am proud of our army is an understatement,” Ares began, “I am beyond such a feeling. We were outnumbered many to one, but I have said it before, a single Rivean has the strength of ten others. I think we managed to prove that over the last few days.” Ares smiled.

“This won’t be the first time that someone will threaten Rivea, and I hope it will not be the last time you will defend it. If I were to go into a fight with anyone, I hope it is with you at my side. Rivea will not be as weak as it was yesterday, and I intend to strength our armies with mercenaries and more Riveans, but for now… well… I think you’ve earned a rest and some food.”

Ares then raised a hand. He piled up meat until it was higher than him and he looked out to the various soldiers. “I’ll let you pick who will cook this food. Go ahead and enjoy yourselves, I will take watch.”

Ares turned to look at the Roaring Tridents. “Would you…” Ares winced slightly as he felt the darkness within his stomach expand for a moment but he quickly gathered himself, “like to relax as well?”

The Roaring Tridents gave a look to Ares and he nodded at them. “Fine then, you can help me take watch.”

The smell of the food soon carried through the fort and then beyond. Even the Reptai had been seduced by such a smell. Ares dropped some more meat nearby and then whispered to the Roaring Trident nearby.

“Give this meat to the soldiers and have them share the same amount with the Reptai.” He nodded.

The Roaring Trident saluted and then went to speak with Heria.

Ares shifted his hand into a flame and then tried to heal his shadowy wound. ‘Listen you little shit, you best fuck off.’ He continued to force the flames against his skin, even switching between the flames that healed and the flames that burnt him. He heard the steps of someone approach him.

“Your injury still plagues you?”

“Quieten down, Xan, I don’t want anyone else to hear.”

Xan stepped beside Ares and looked out to the field. “Are you worried?”

“I’m always worried.” Ares sighed and rubbed his forehead.

“You do not seem so.”


“You should celebrate with your people as well.”

“Why aren’t you?”

“I do not need it.”

“I need to take watch.”

“I will take it over for you, as part of our deal.”

Ares looked over to Xan. “Oh yeah?”


“… Alright, alright… I’m not in the mood to fight you.”

Ares got up and then turned. “You know Xan…”

Xan waited for him to continue.

“You’re a cool enough guy.”

“Thank you,” Xan said, though he wasn’t sure if that was good.

So Ares joined his people, smelling slightly of burnt meat, but no one made a comment about it. He helped with roasting some meat with his arm before offering it off to the various soldiers.

Then he partied hard, getting wasted with his soldiers, and then eventually Heria had to drag him away from the party.

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