King of Beasts

Chapter 22: An Identity Too Pure

In Xia Country, at the Shanghai branch of the Donghuang Beast Taming Alliance.

The First Bureau of Shanghai.

A youth dressed in a white suit passed through multiple security checks and entered a high-rise building. After taking the elevator to the third floor, he knocked on the door of a certain room.

“Come in.”

Waves Xiaobailong entered the room. Not long after he got involved in the “Green Sea City Supernatural Fierce Beast Escape Incident,” he was summoned by the First Bureau to report on the situation.

The First Bureau, officially known as the Public Security Guardian Bureau, is responsible for the prevention, cessation, and investigation of malignant activities involving beastmasters and supernatural beings.

The escape incident of the supernatural Manchurian Tiger in Green Sea City fell under the jurisdiction of the First Bureau.

“Leader Li… Leader Zhao is here too?”

However, what Waves Xiaobailong had not expected was that waiting for him was not only a leader from the First Bureau but also his direct superior, the leader of the second group in the Newcomer Recruitment Department of the Second Bureau.

“Little Bai.”

After Waves Xiaobailong entered, his superior glanced at him and said with a smile, “There are no outsiders here, have a seat first.”

“Thank you, Leader.” Waves Xiaobailong expressed his gratitude but still remained standing.

“Bai Junjie, right? The Green Sea City incident, you were the one who contacted the First Bureau, right? Thank you for that,” said Leader Li of the First Bureau with a chuckle.

“It’s part of my duties. I was just passing the message. The main problem-solving was done by that newcomer named Passerby A.”

“How much do you know about this newcomer?” Leader Zhao inquired.

“Uh, a bit…” Waves Xiaobailong looked at his superior somewhat sheepishly. Lu Ran indeed had promising potential, but he hadn’t managed to recruit him.

He hoped this wouldn’t upset his superior. Please, not the bonus…

“Little Bai… this Lu Ran, he is a talent, a genius, we must convince him to join the official ranks,” Leader Zhao of the Second Bureau said earnestly.

“Take a look at this file.”

Waves Xiaobailong took the file from his superior with a puzzled look.

Clearly, although not much time had passed, Lu Ran’s information had already been thoroughly investigated.

Name: Lu Ran.

Gender: Male.

Age: 17…

The information at the beginning was as simple as it could be.

Xiaobailong wasn’t surprised to learn that Lu Ran was a student. What did catch him off guard was the information regarding Lu Ran’s academic performance… Passerby A was actually a top student?

Could he be both literary and martial arts?

As Xiaobailong quickly scanned the document, he came upon a key piece of information that changed his expression.

“Lu Ran is an orphan?”

“Yes, his parents died five years ago.”

“Look at his family background…”

Xiaobailong continued reading.

Father, Lu Qiancheng, a zoologist who served as a professor at Jinling University and later was employed as a biology consultant by the Natural Life Company. He went abroad 22 times for wildlife ecological surveys…

Mother, Lu Yunxiu, a biologist who served as a professor at the Capital University and was employed by the Natural Life Company as a biology consultant, holding several patents in biological medicine…

Grandfather, Lu Hai, the village head of Lujia Village, a hunter…

Grandmother, Lu Ying, a veterinarian in Lujia Village…

Lujia Village, a village of hunters, where the village head is elected based on hunting skills…

“Damn.” Xiaobailong was astounded by the striking array of family information.

He knew this Passerby A… Lu Ran was not ordinary, but his background was too pure!

If he couldn’t become an outstanding beastmaster, who could?

It was as if the genes of a beastmaster were inscribed in his blood!

Other beastmasters merely have deep connections with animals and pets, but Lu Ran’s family, for generations, seemed to have occupations related to animals.

What a formidable character!

No wonder he could achieve a good rating in the novice secret realm with just an Erha, let alone subdue a supernatural tiger!

It’s just unfortunate that his elders passed away early, including his parents, leaving him all alone.

“Do you understand now?”

“It is said that ‘dragons beget dragons, phoenixes beget phoenixes’… and you’ve also witnessed his talent firsthand. The family education he received is certainly not something the average person can compare with. Such a talent would be wasted if he were to join a civilian beastmaster guild,” leader Zhao said with a tone of cherishing talent.

“Old Zhao, this person, I’m entrusting to your Second Bureau. You must pull him over; there will be a generous reward when the time comes! The newcomer faced the fierce tiger without any fear and was even able to subdue it. He’s truly a natural-born protector of the nation!” Leader Li from the First Bureau looked eagerly at Leader Zhao and Xiaobailong.

At this moment… Xiaobailong felt the heavy weight of responsibility.

Perhaps even Lu Ran himself had not realized that his background had caught the official eye so firmly…

After Xiaobailong left, Leader Li and Leader Zhao put down the documents and continued to chat over tea.

“Ah, the number of beastmasters is increasing. The alliance is about to undergo a major restructuring of departments, and it’s uncertain where we’ll be assigned. I hope we can still stay in Shanghai…”

“It’s tough, don’t worry too much about it. Let’s just enjoy our tea.”

In Green Sea City.

Lu Ran and Fang Lan were discussing the details of the novice secret realm they had experienced.

Lu Ran had entered the Forest of the Demon Cat, while Fang Lan had ventured into another map—the Spider Cave that Lu Ran had seen before.

Lu Ran could only say… Fang Lan entering the Spider Cave realm was like returning home.

“I’m starting to suspect that you need to unlock some hidden plot to get an SSS rating.”

“No, didn’t you carefully read the prompt when you first entered the novice secret realm? The rating is based on ‘combat performance’!”

“You probably need to eliminate all the beasts in the novice secret realm to get close to an SSS rating.”

“How is that possible…”

“Why not? The novice trial secret realm is just a small part of the simple-level secret realm, with hardly any creatures above level 5. If someone’s initial pet beast is commander level, there might be hope, right?”

Fang Lan and Lu Ran were in the midst of their intense discussion when suddenly, Fang Lan’s phone rang.

Seeing the caller ID, Fang Lan hushed Lu Ran with a sense of urgency, saying, “It’s Dr. Gu!!!”

“Be quiet.”

After that, Fang Lan answered the call.

“Senior Gu!”

“Fang Lan?”

“Yes, it’s me.”

On the other end of the phone, Gu Qingyi smiled and said, “You mentioned before that you were interested in joining the secret realm strategy team, but I’ve been thinking, and it’s not suitable for you. After all, you’re still a newcomer, and frontline combat would be too dangerous for a girl like you.”

“What about the research department?” Fang Lan asked.

“Currently, the research department doesn’t have any openings for newcomers either…”


“Actually, I still suggest that you continue your education,” Gu Qingyi advised. “But not at Shanghai University, instead at a new university dedicated to serving the beast taming occupation.”

“If everything goes as planned, it should start recruiting students in about two months. The rapidly increasing number of fourth-generation beastmasters is sufficient to support a school.”

“When the time comes, former combat and lifestyle beastmasters from official institutions and various guilds will teach at the school, along with some seasoned professors who have been studying supernatural beings for the past three years.”

“The school will focus solely on imparting knowledge and strengthening the spirit. The goal during the schooling period is not to conquer secret realms, so safety is highly prioritized. After graduation, students can freely choose where to go, whether it’s an official institution or a beastmaster guild. You can think of it as a buffer zone, as most young people can’t quickly adapt to the beast taming occupation.”

“My suggestion is that you further your studies here. From what I understand, this university allows students to apply for graduation at any time. Once you have a clearer understanding of what suits you, you can make your choice. What do you think?”

Beast Taming University?

“I’ll follow Senior Gu’s advice,” Fang Lan responded, surprised. She hadn’t expected there to be a university specifically for beast taming, which implied a significant number of fourth-generation beastmasters.

But… what about her rank as ninth in the province on the college entrance exam? Was that effort all for nothing???

“I, I, I…!!!”

Lu Ran had excellent hearing. Even though Fang Lan didn’t put the call on speaker, he could clearly hear what was being discussed.

As the conversation reached a pivotal moment, Lu Ran’s eyes lit up.

A Beast Taming University?!

That sounded much more interesting than Shanghai University.

He wasn’t going to Shanghai University anymore.

He didn’t want to finish his senior year of high school either.

Could he get a direct admission to this new university?

The flexibility offered by the school is indeed far greater than joining an official institution or a guild.

There, one can gain access to essential knowledge through the school while also having the freedom to solo in secret realms to level up privately. It seems like the best choice for oneself.

Most importantly, at only 17 years old, diving headlong into secret realms could be overwhelming for Lu Ran. He believes that proper social interaction with peers is absolutely necessary.

“Senior Gu…” Fang Lan, catching Lu Ran’s hint, said, “I have a younger brother…”

“He too has been chosen as a beastmaster and has passed the novice trial,”

“But he’s just about to enter his junior year of high school. Is it possible for him to go directly to beast taming university?”

After Fang Lan finished speaking, Gu Qingyi pondered for a moment and replied, “That shouldn’t be a problem. However, the university is likely to be divided into several campuses, with placement based on a beastmaster’s talent. You two may not necessarily be assigned to the same location.”

“Your strength should easily secure you a spot in the main campus after the assessments. As for him, I’m not so sure.” While Gu Qingyi saw potential in Fang Lan, she wasn’t planning on giving her any undue advantages.

“That’s great, thank you, Senior Gu! We’ll go through the assessments ourselves,” Fang Lan expressed her gratitude.

“No need to thank me. I’m looking forward to seeing you both grow quickly. Currently, the progress of conquering Infinite City has been at a standstill for a long time, and there’s an urgent need for fourth-generation beastmasters to step in,” Gu Qingyi said with a slight smile. “Also, if you have time tonight at 8 o’clock, you might want to watch TV.”

“If nothing unexpected happens, the official announcement about the existence of Infinite City and the black cards should be made.”

“It’s not just Xia Country, but the entire world that will be affected… The surge in the number of black cards has exceeded control…”

“The era of national beast taming is upon us.”

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