King of Eschatology

Chapter 1020 - Acting school

Surrounded by so many newcomers, there was obviously a great deal of uneasiness.

Not everyone has the strength of Lu Fan, who can ignore the hundreds of evolutionaries around him.

Soon, the new evolutionary was dragged into the team and continued to move forward.

Lu Fan has gradually learned that this world is special, perhaps because of the proximity to the chaotic battlefield, which results in a lot of space nodes here.

“No wonder I came to a place casually and encountered space nodes. It turns out that there are many space nodes here.”

Lu Fan had a little thought in his heart, and seemed to want to understand a lot of things.

Theoretically, with so many extra-terrestrial evolvers coming in, the number of evolvers in this world should continue to increase.

Not yet.

Because most of the evolutionists have died on the road to chaos.

Obviously, there are many caravans similar to Homer Glen, and they will actively attract extraterrestrial evolutionists to the team, and then feed the chaotic beasts on the chaotic road.

Only by feeding the Chaos Beasts can they hurry on their way.

“Evolution here, is the heart really dark!”

Lu Fan said with emotion, he could not help but increase his strength a bit, and absorbed the divine power faster.

The old soldier saw that Hu You Lufan was unsuccessful, and then carefully looked at the new evolutionary.

Seeing this scene, Lu Fan could not help but frown.

That old warrior is only a third-order evolutionary, why can he draw people around unscrupulously?

Isn’t he afraid of being discovered by the top tenth-rank Holmgren?

Thinking of this, Lu Fan’s consciousness enhancement instantly turned into a light curtain, focusing on covering the old soldiers and Holmgren.

“I want to see, what the **** are you doing!”

While absorbing the power of the **** stone, Lu Fan silently observed the two men, and soon discovered the clue.

Lu Fan found that when the old soldiers were plotting with the new evolver, Homeglen did not react on the surface, in fact, he was watching the two secretly.

To be precise, it should be closely watching the every move of the new evolutionary.

To be sure, once the new evolutionary agrees, Homegren will take a decisive shot and kill the person on the spot.

“Is this special …”

Lu Fan’s complexion became dark on the spot, and his heart cursed: “These goods are acting genres. The whole universe owes you a little golden man, OK?”

Lu Fan knows that what the old soldier said to himself just now can’t believe it, it is likely to be deceiving.

In fact, the words of the old soldiers are true and false, so that they cannot be easily discerned.

The other party’s leak of such important information from Shen Shi to Lu Fan was obviously intentional.

Because under normal circumstances, as long as the evolver has not reached the divine realm, he cannot absorb the divine power in the divine stone.

Therefore, they think that even if the news of the **** stone is disclosed, it is not necessary for ordinary evolutionists anyway.

Besides, Shen Shi is very big and the weight is scary and scary.

It is basically impossible to escape by carrying a **** stone secretly.

Unfortunately, they didn’t know that they had encountered such a freak as Lu Fan. The **** stone they had carried so hard was shrinking rapidly.

Now that Lu Fan finally understood, the old warrior was agitating the new evolutionary to rebel. It looked like he was plotting in secret. In fact, everything was arranged by Homeglen.

The old soldier was clearly sent by Homer Glen.

Although Lu Fan is not afraid of this little trick of the other party, he does not like the feeling of being played.

Lu Fan sneered and had already sentenced Holgren and the old soldiers to death.

Had it not been for him to take a look at the Chaos Battlefield, he would have killed them now.

Lu Fan’s enhanced sense of power swept through everyone and found that in addition to more than twenty newcomers, more than 300 other evolutionaries were all staring at the direction of the old soldier.

Including when Lu Fan appeared just now, and when the newcomer appeared, these people went up in the first place, creating an atmosphere of terror.

Lu Fan has judged that this group of people are a group of old churros that eat people without spitting their bones. This kind of thing is definitely not the first time.

It has not been known how many people have been killed by them since such a long time.


A soft noise came, and Lu Fan could not help frowning, the **** stone on the carriage beside him cracked.

Lu Fan hoisted up his palms and muttered to himself: “Such a huge stone is so exhausted that it has been exhausted for more than an hour?”

In fact, it is not because there is less energy in the **** stone, but because Lu Fan absorbs it too quickly.

Chaos demon evolution method is the most advanced evolution method in the universe, especially when it absorbs divine power, it is super fast.

Therefore, Lu Fan absorbs the power of the **** stone very quickly, and can **** one clean in about an hour.

Unfortunately, Lu Fan’s realm of strength has not yet stepped into the realm of God and cannot evolve with the help of divine power. At this time, he can only store the divine power.

It can be imagined that once Lu Fan’s realm breaks through to the realm of God, his combat power will skyrocket.

The specific skyrocketing level depends on how much divine power has been absorbed in these days.

At the same time, Lu Fan is really curious, if this group of idiots transport a batch of scrap products to the chaotic battlefield, what will be the end?

Suddenly, Lu Fan didn’t want to do it by himself. He wanted to **** up these **** stones first, and let the terror in the chaotic battlefield clean up these guys.

Thinking of this, Lu Fan smiled attentively, the feeling of pit people was really good.

“There is reincarnation in heaven. Who has Cangtian forgiven?”

Those who dare to pit Lu Fan have one thing in common, that is, they all die in the end.

Time passed slowly, when Lu Fan exhausted nearly twenty **** stones, the endless prairie finally came to an end.

During the period, four or five evolutionists appeared one after another, all of them were included in the team by intimidation by Homergren and others ~ ~ The old soldiers did not accidentally re-enter the horse, one by one, to mobilize What they did together.

Not to mention, there is really no evolutionary who has blocked the temptation and agreed to join the old soldiers.

These people were bombarded by Holgren without any doubt, and the atmosphere in the whole team became more and more intensive.

At the end of the grassland is a mountain, how high it is, and Lu Fan can’t describe it, because the peaks are all hidden in the clouds.

Below this mountain, a rugged tunnel gradually appeared in view.

Passing through this tunnel is the so-called chaos.

As long as you have crossed the chaotic dead end, you have reached the chaotic battlefield.

Lu Fan has been quietly watching the surrounding evolutionaries, and he found that by this time, all the veteran members had revealed their cold-hearted killing intention.

“Are you going to do it? Really looking forward to it!”

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