King of Eschatology

Chapter 1040 - The Emperor may have fallen!

As the avatar Zhang Luo was about to go out, the war in the stars continued.

The prolonged killings have put Lu Jiajun into exhaustion.

However, a combat order was issued above, and they will continue to fight until a cease-fire order is received.

The cosmic starry sky has been completely chaotic. With the strong attack of the Lujiajun soldiers, the opponent’s system was disrupted, and the battle was burning everywhere.

The original twelve major galaxies, the Beckett galaxy was completely destroyed at the first time, the dwarf galaxy and the Pall galaxy surrendered at the first time, that is, the Lu Jiajun only needs to face the nine major galaxies.

After these days of continuous battles, the Lujiajun army has conquered the four major galaxies, and the dwarven and Pale tribe have conquered the two major galaxies. Tianting has been successfully established in these galaxies.

In addition, there are giant galaxies, tauren galaxies, and zombie galaxies that have not been captured.

These galaxies have strong men of the highest life, and the Lu Jiajun has not launched an attack on them for a while, otherwise they will have relatively large losses.

On this day, the soldiers of the Lujiajun Army received orders from Lin Xiaoxiao to consolidate the existing results and suspend external attacks.

The release of this order immediately relieved the Lujiajun soldiers.

Even if the soldiers are brave and good at fighting, they cannot afford such a long continuous battle.

Lin Xiaoxiao did this for a purpose. At first, he asked the entire army of the Lu Jiajun to attack, in order to deter the heroes, and also to confuse the dwarven king and the king of Bell.

Now, the dwarven king and the king of Barr are clearly suspicious. Continued fighting can only reveal their own falsehood, so Lin Xiaoxiao decisively issued an order to suspend the fighting.

In the universe, the evolutionaries of the giants, tauren, and zombies were all relieved. They were all ready for comprehensive defense, and the Lu family army did not expect a truce.

This is definitely a good thing for the three major galaxies.

These galaxies are different from the Beckett galaxy. Although their evolutionary kings have fallen, they still have the place for promotion of first-class life. Each galaxy has about ten.

The speed of the Lu Jiajun’s offensive is really too fast, causing many galaxies to fail to respond at all. Even if someone temporarily breaks through to the superior life, it is difficult to stop the Lu Jiajun’s attack at this time.

Now that the Army ’s army is temporarily out of the truce, they can have enough time to train more superior soldiers.

When these superior fighters grow up, their strength will once again be restored, and they will stand in the woods of the universe.

Lin Xiaoxiao certainly understands this, but after a long battle, the Lu Jiajun can hardly carry it.

Therefore, the truce can only be recuperated now.

It is worth mentioning that there are now more than fifty fighters in the Lujia Army who have evolved to first-class life.

These first-class life quotas all come from the four galaxies that were conquered.

Not to mention the resources plundered by the Lu Jiajun in the major galaxies, the place of these first-class life alone has infinite value.

At the same time, Tianting has become the strongest force in the universe, and countless evolutionaries have joined it.

Lu Jiajun did not break his word, but all the evolutionaries who joined the heavenly courts were exempted from death.

Therefore, in the later days, Lu Jiajun did not need to propagate, and the evolutionaries of all the races of the universe spontaneously joined the heaven.

Of course, the selection of the golden statues of Tianyue Emperor is extremely strict, and I don’t know what the basis is.

Many of the evolutionaries who have been swept away by the statue of the golden body have been ruthlessly bombarded.

Later, the evolutionaries of the various races of the universe gradually came to the conclusion that the evolutionaries who were swept away by the statue of Emperor Tianyue’s golden body were all impure people.

In other words, as long as you join the court with sincerity, worship the Emperor Tianyue, and have a pious heart, you can successfully join the court.

At the same time, on the Beckett star, the strong in the army of the army returned one after another and gathered outside the temple.

As the Lujia Army entered a truce, the strong men in the army received Lin Xiaoxiao’s call.

Therefore, after arranging defense affairs, everyone returned to Lin Xiaoxiao.

There are not many of them, all of them are big men in Lu Jiajun’s sole role.

Ling Ce, Huang Yongsheng, Yu Lenghui, Ho Yading, Xu Xiaopeng, Darkmoon, Axin, Lian’er, Lan Ling, Fan Meng, Ye still, Lin Lian, Du Lingyun, Dong Yang, Liu Feng, Ye Dalong.

There are also members of the Demon Hunting Team: Zheng Chengye, Linna, Luluo, Wang Kai, and Mo Ran.

These people can be said to be the highest elite combat capabilities of the Lu Jiajun, and now all of them have gathered here.

After this period of fighting, everyone’s strength has made great progress. The strength of all people has reached the fifth level and above. The strongest Ling Ce and others have evolved to the seventh level.

From this perspective, Lin Xiaoxiao’s strength has become the weakest.

She had been looking forward to Lu Fan’s return, and could not calm down to practice at all.

“Lin Cheng, what’s the matter of calling us back? We’ve all been busy lately.”

In the temple, Huang Yongsheng said with a grin, without notice that Lin Xiaoxiao’s face was a bit cold.

Ling Ce knocked Huang Yongsheng fiercely, cursing: “You stupid, now you want to call the princess, do you understand the princess?”

When he heard Ling Ce’s words, Ye still looked cold and stared at him fiercely.

Ling Ce was a little speechless, and didn’t know where to provoke the other party.

Huang Yongsheng was knocked by Ling Ce. He was furious in his heart, and just wanted to get angry. A word from Lin Xiaoxiao interrupted his action immediately.

“The Emperor may have fallen!”

Hearing this, the whole temple was quiet suddenly, everyone held their breath, their faces were incredible.

“Boss, fallen? How is this possible?”

Everyone was shocked. In everyone’s mind, Lu Fan has always been an invincible existence. How could such a godlike power fall?

At the time, when Lu Fan rushed into the space of different dimensions by himself alone ~ ~ Everyone knows that the boss will experience a battle of nine deaths and a lifetime.

The strength of the ancient **** is very clear to everyone. The existence of that level is not something the evolvers of the lower world can compete with.

However, with the trust in the boss, everyone believes that the boss can’t do anything. Even after a fierce battle, the boss will still return.

If this sentence was spoken from another population, the soldiers would tear the other’s mouth without hesitation.

However, this sentence was spoken from Lin Xiaoxiao’s mouth, and she was more sad than anyone else.

More than five days have passed since the original battle, which is equivalent to nearly two months during the civilized period.

After such a long time, the boss has no news at all. In fact, everyone guessed the result, but no one wants to admit it.

The two lines of tears fell silently, Lin Xiaoxiao burst into tears and said quietly, “The emperor has gone, will you be willing to fulfill the wish of the emperor during his lifetime?”

(End of this chapter)

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