King of Eschatology

Chapter 1047 - Make you 3 tricks

“Why is there such a sudden fire? What’s wrong with the boss?”

Seeing Lu Fan’s abrupt departure, everyone felt inexplicable, and the boss even said he left.

Xu Xiaopeng stood there with a grimace, his face ashamed by the collapsed building.

In other words, this temporary meeting is mainly to report to the boss on the recent situation of the war. The boss has left, and everyone will have a woolen meeting.

At the same time, Earth, Tianyue Empire Arsenal.

The knockout smashed Lu Fan’s spiritual mark. He suddenly felt that the deity was not so terrible, and he had a kind of self-confidence.

The avatar believes that even if the deity really comes, he is confident to blast the opponent.

As a result, the avatar became more and more arrogant, he suddenly shouted, and the thunder resounded in the sky.

“Cangtian is dead and Huang Tian is standing. From now on, the Chaos Emperor will rule everything!”

As the roar sounded, the entire earth was alarmed, and the busy evolutionaries in all corners of the earth were all shocked. At this moment, they immediately put down their work and rushed towards the emperor.

God Chain has been quietly staying aside, trying to reduce his sense of existence.

From the moment Lu Fan’s spiritual imprint came, the fate of the avatar was already doomed.

Based on the understanding of Lu Fan by the God Chain, he will never allow the avatar to act arrogantly.

Even if the avatar kneels and admits mistakes at this time, Lu Fan cannot forgive him.

Therefore, ShenChain tried not to provoke the avatar at this time, otherwise, once the other party went crazy, he pulled himself on his back before dying, and even if he died, there was no place to call injustice.

“Cangtian let him die, he must make him crazy!”

“Be crazy, wait until Lu Fan’s deity comes, you will know what despair is.”

She secretly said in her heart that the avatar to this extent is already a mortal ending.

From beginning to end, God Chain has not doubted the strength of Lu Fan’s deity.

Because she knows that Lu Fan is a Jiuzhuan Xuanming and has great luck on her body. Is it a mere avatar that can be countered?

In fact, God Chain also hopes that Lu Fan’s deity can kill the avatar as soon as possible, otherwise, she will no longer be able to break away from the shackles of the avatar.

There is also humiliation that has been suffered, and it is impossible to revenge Xue Xue.

At this moment, the space above the arsenal suddenly burst apart, a huge black hole suddenly appeared, and a bright light ball flew out of the black hole.

The surrounding rules are lingering in order. When all the light is gone, Lu Fan’s figure appears here, and he moves directly from the dwarf star to the earth.

When everyone saw the identity of the visitors clearly, they suddenly showed great joy.

The true Emperor Tianyue is back.

Wu Haochen was so excited that he couldn’t be wrong this time, because the other person’s breath was so familiar that it felt kind and warm.

Seeing the coming of this deity, the avatar was instantly terrified, and the original arrogance suddenly waned.

“How come you come so fast?”

The two steps back from the subconsciously, his face was full of panic.

Even though the ambition of the clone was extremely inflated, he still felt his soul trembling when facing his deity.

Lu Fan’s eyes narrowed, his eyes were cold and radiant, and he said in a cold tone: “I let you kill the zombies, how dare you disobey my orders.”

During the conversation, Lu Fan rose up, scared to retreat.

“I tell you, I’m not afraid of you now, I’m already an evolutionary king, and my strength is the tenth order of superior life!”

The avatar said arrogantly, and he was terribly scared, but he still talked hard and spoke hard.

After hearing this, Lu Fan suddenly laughed.

“Is the King of Evolution great?”

“No wonder you dared to disobey my orders, because you felt that your wings were hard.”

“I even want to replace it, huh, a bit interesting.”

Once, Lu Fan left a spiritual imprint in the body of the avatar. Although his mental strength is not great, it is enough to control everything of the avatar.

When Lu Fan was refining this avatar, he took this into account. As long as his spiritual imprint broke out, the avatar would disappear instantly.

However, Lu Fan did not directly kill the avatar. Since the other party thinks that his strength exceeds the deity, then he lets the other party see how ridiculous this idea is.

“Since you think you are strong, then I will give you a chance.”

“You and I are fighting head-to-head. I want you to do three things. How?”

Lu Fan said lightly, without anger, without regret, everything seemed so bland, as if the life and death of a split, in Lu Fan’s eyes, it was simply insignificant.

The twinkling eyes flashed. He had already made plans to escape, but at this moment he heard the words of the deity and immediately got lucky thoughts.

“Since you’re so big, I’ll do it for you!”

“The Great Emperor shot, why do you need three moves, one shot will kill you!”

The clamor roared, the thunder light shone all over him, and the power of evolution of the tenth-ranked order soared wildly. All the forces in the body converged into a punch and slammed on the landing fan.

This fist is so powerful that he practiced the thunder sound evolution method, which can transform his evolutionary power into a billowing thunder, and the attack power is appalling.

On the opposite side, Lu Fan showed a disdainful smile. At this moment, his eyes were bright, and there was a thunder vortex condensing deep in the pupil, and there was also a thunder light shining on his body.

A powerful suffocating momentum erupted in vain, and the horrifying thunder, like an endless abyss of energy, instantly pulled everything around into a vortex.

The avatar looks arrogant and imposing. In front of Lu Fan’s Thunder Vortex, he is like a cow and a hair, and his attack power is very different.

The light of rice grain dare to compete with Haoyue?


The Thunder Vortex roars, and instantly consumes all the Thunder of the clone.

Fortunately, the Thunder Vortex did not attack the avatar, otherwise the avatar would die in a single strike.

Lu Fan said that he must let the avatar three moves, and he will never give up.

“how is this possible?”

The twins were terrified, and an unparalleled fear struck me.

Just now he gathered the strongest power, but it had no effect on the deity ~ ~ Lu Fan chuckled, and then scattered the thunder vortex around him, saying calmly: “Don’t think about it, your How did the Da Lei Yin evolution come about, and you used this trick to deal with me, are you sure you’re not funny? “

The avatar stepped back two steps again, and the crazy look became a little darker again.

That’s right, the cloned thunder evolution method was taught by Lu Fan. At first, after Lu Fan got the thunder evolution method from the chain of God, he felt good and gave him a copy to let him practice as the main method.

Therefore, Lu Fan’s evolution of the Da Lei Yin will also be, and Lu Fan’s strength is far more than that of the avatar, and the Thunder he has condensed is ten times more horrifying than the avatar.

However, at this point, the avatar has no room for retreat. He must do everything he can to kill the deity here.

“Dead to me!”

The clone roared loudly, his hands suddenly crossed, and a cross thunder suddenly appeared, directly slicing the void, and beheading at the landing Fan.

(End of this chapter)

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