King of Eschatology

Chapter 1071 - Wheel circuit

In the camp of the Divine Realm, Fu Xi’s words eased the atmosphere of depression.

With a big wave of his hands, Tai Chi figure emerged in the air, turned into a star light curtain, and appeared in front of everyone.

大家 “Look at it, according to the evolution of Zhou Tian’s starry gossip array, recently, the divine star is dim, and the emperor star is rising, and the chaos and demon world is about to fall into great turmoil.”

“Although I don’t know where the Emperor Star came from, it should be a good thing for us now.”

Hearing Fuxi’s words, everyone showed great joy.

To be honest, the Tenjin and the Demon races have fought for too many years, and the Divine Realm has paid too many lives for the battle of these two races. They no longer want to continue to die for the Tenjins.

Not only does Divine Realm have this idea, the evolutionaries of other camps have similar mentality, but they dare not resist.

The gods will hear Fu Xi’s words, and there is a fiery flame shining in his eyes. He asked quickly: “How many days are left from the rise of this emperor star?”

“Up to five days!”

Doubtful replied with a firm response, his eyes shining with strong self-confidence.

Obviously, he is very confident in his Zhou Tianxing gossip array, and he has never missed the things he calculated.

“it is good!”

The gigantic gods will immediately show great joy, and Gao Shenmingyin just gave the state of Shenzhou five days.

In this way, it is really God’s own will.

Uh …

At the same time, the underworld.

Lu Fan moved along the chain of God, the surrounding environment became more and more gloomy. Once the wind that made Lu Fan feel creepy, now has become a human form.

At this time, Lu Fan finally understood why God Chain let him cover the Thunder Armor, because now there are countless ghosts rushing towards him.

The **** chain told Lu Fan that these ghosts are people who did not die thoroughly. They did not believe that they were dead, and that they were still alive.

This kind of ghost has an extreme thirst for the flesh. They want to rush into the body to get the warmth of the body.

Only things as thunderous as Thunder can effectively restrain these ghosts and prevent their harassment.

Lu Fan supported a flame mask all over his body. Although he could isolate these ghost attacks, he could not stop them.

I honestly, being surrounded by so many ghosts, Lu Fan really feels annoying.

The key point is that there is no ghost in the chain of God, so many ghost attacks here are very shameless.

However, Lu Fan is also embarrassed to change to the Thunder Armor. If he changed it, wouldn’t he be laughed at by God Chain?

对 “By the way, one of my Chaos Demon Evolution Methods is to reverse the yin and yang days, maybe it will be effective here.”

凡 Lu Fan secretly said in his heart, and immediately began to run the Chaos Demon Evolution.

The evolutionary method of Chaos Demon God includes 36 types of heavenly methods and 72 types of earth evils. Lu Fan has now mastered all of them and can choose to use them at any time.

Inverting yin and yang, one of the 36 natural evolutionary methods.

With the power of evolution, Lu Fan applied the method of reversing the yin and yang evolution. At this time, the abrupt start of yang in his body reduced, and the fire of life went out, and he had no breath of life.

At this moment, Lu Fan even turned her yang into yin by reversing the yin-yang evolution method.

In other words, Lu Fan transformed his form into a ghost, and became the same state as the surrounding ghosts.

Suddenly, the ghosts who desperately rushed at him stopped moving.

Today, Lu Fan has transformed his form into a ghost, and no longer has any attraction to other ghosts.

Lu Lufan showed great joy, and he found that after transforming into a ghost form, his actions here became faster and it seemed that the environment here was suitable for the play of the ghost.

At this moment, Lu Fan successfully broke into the underworld.

In front of her, the chain of God who was walking proudly noticed the change of Lu Fan, and immediately grew up in shock. She could not imagine that Lu Fan had such a strange method.

I can transform life form. What else can Lu Fan not do?

The **** of **** chain had to admire, there were too many secrets on Lu Fan, maybe after he left Lu Fan himself, the other party had achieved great fortune.

Not long after that, the two came to a wide avenue, and Lu Fan was stunned when he looked at the shocking scene in front of him.

I saw that an extremely wide avenue ran across in front, all the way forward, and I didn’t know where to go.

Walking on that wide avenue, countless ghosts crowded together, with different forms, as if from the heavens and the world.

The place where Lu Fan and Shen Chain are located seems to be just a fork in the road, which looks very insignificant.

There are many such forks on both sides of this avenue.

On both sides of Lu Da Avenue, there are countless tall giants standing there, holding long blood-red knives in their hands, seemingly the maintainers of order here.

No one knows how many years these giant warriors have been guarding here.

Occasionally, there will be very powerful ghosts, which run rampant on the avenue, these giant warriors will take action, go down, and then even powerful ghosts will be wiped out.

I saw this scene, Lu Fan was terrified, that kind of horrible sword can actually kill the soul.

“Here is the cycle, every dead human being will come here in the end.”

Wu Shen Chain stood on the edge of the avenue, and did not easily step on the wheel circuit, and began to explain to Lu Fan.

“Wheel Circuit!”

Lu Fan’s eyes are dignified ~ ~ The mind is more dignified than ever.

Wu Shenlian said: “The cycle is very long, and no one knows where the end is, because once you step on the cycle, there is no way back.”

“The underworld is orderly, the dead are on the road, and there is the law of the underworld. From ancient times to the present, no one can resist.”

Listening to the introduction of the God Chain, Lu Fan felt a strong fear of this round of loops. From beginning to end, his eyes did not leave those giant warriors.

Because he always felt that these giant warriors were very much like protoss evolution.

However, when the giant warrior was waving the sword just now, there was no slight fluctuation in his body, and he looked more like a tadpole.

What is the power of, which can drive so many giant warriors to act as a guardian of order here?

Suddenly, on the circuit of the wheel, a super-giant undead came in a mighty manner, ramming along the way, banging out many ghosts blocking the way.

I saw this scene, Lu Fan could not help but shrink his pupils.

This turned out to be the ghost of a protoss evolution!

Lu Fan’s surprise is no trivial matter. You must know that the realm of the earth where the earth is is only a lower world, and the realm of chaos is the upper world.

之后 After the death of the evolutionary of the upper world, will he enter the underworld on earth?

It’s terrible to see this round of circuits.

(End of this chapter)

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