King of Eschatology

Chapter 111 - 1 step 1 kill

In the sewer, blood looked relentlessly at the corpse on the ground, and the crimson pupils were filled with endless tyranny.

Xunxue said to a second-order God of God mercilessly: “Chen Fa, you are the fastest, immediately go to another exit and kill this person from behind.”

的 The exit here is too small, and the blood is ruthless and does not know Ling Ce’s state at this time, for fear that after sending someone out, he will step back into the former.

Chen Fa immediately led away and disappeared deep in the passage.

The blood rushed up and down relentlessly, saying in a calm tone: “Don’t worry, there will be another two minutes at most, and Chen Fa will be able to find out through the other exit, then we will kill out from here.”

The only four remaining gods nodded in unison, and to be honest, they were really afraid that the blood would mercilessly send them out, looking at the companion who died on the ground, every **** felt chills in his back.

On the ground, Ling Ce’s consciousness began to become a little fuzzy.

的 The wound on his left arm no longer bleeds, not the blood has stopped, but it has dried up.

The sun has completely fallen under the mountain, and the whole world is drowsy. Ling Ce suddenly feels so cold. The whole world is quiet and scary. He seems to hear his breathing.

Five hundred meters behind Lu Lingze, a round well cover was quietly held up, and a dry sharp claw stuck out of it.

Chen Fa carefully set the manhole cover aside, there was no sound at all during the whole process, for fear of shocking Ling Ce.

He held his breath, crawled out of the sewer quietly, looked up, and found Ling Ce standing there.

“It’s dangerous. Fortunately, the captain is clever. If he rushes directly from the original place, I’m afraid he will be killed by the other party.”

Chen Fa shouted fortune, it seems that this tricky guy is about to die in his own hands.

I don’t know, now Ling Ce has no strength to touch his finger, and that last blow has exhausted his last trace of strength.

Even so, Ling Ce’s figure still stunned the bloodless and ruthless people. Is it true that members of the God of Slay team have a reputation?

Chen Fa was so excited, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. After killing the other party, he swallowed his heart for the first time.

“This guy is so strong, after swallowing his heart, I may be able to evolve to the third order, and then I don’t have to be afraid of the bloodless heartless bastard.”

Chen Fa sneered again and again, he felt that he was about to reach the peak of life.

此时 At this moment, a sharp burst of air sounded, a figure like a javelin, looted from a great distance, because his speed was too fast, his body was fiercely rubbing against the air, and a strong crackle was produced.

Wind galvanize, destroy withering!

When Chen Fa heard this harsh sound boom, he suddenly turned back. He was shocked to find that a figure broke through the sound barrier and killed himself in anger.

Lu Lufan was murderous, and his speed was infinitely close to the speed of sound. When the other party heard a sound boom, he had arrived.


There was no nonsense, Lu Fan punched Chen Fa’s head fiercely. With a loud noise, Chen Fa’s head was smashed like a watermelon, and the purple-red blood burst out like spring water.

“Ling Ce!”

Lu Lufan’s body didn’t stop at all. He directly passed Chen Fa’s body and stepped out of Ling Ce’s side.


When Ling Ze saw the arrival of Lu Fan, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes. He opened his mouth, but was unable to make a sound. He suddenly felt so tired that he couldn’t even open his eyes.

There was a smile on Ling Ling’s pale lips. From the moment he saw the boss, he seemed to be relieved and supported his body for a long time. Then he fell suddenly.

“Ling Ce!”

Lu Fan roared like thunder, catching Ling Ce’s fallen body, his heart seemed to be bleeding.

In the sewer, a few bloodless people looked at each other, and then all rushed up, jumping from the exit, and landed on the ground steadily.

Alas, when they saw Lu Fan’s figure, they were all scared to death, just like they saw a ghost.

“Lu Fan, why is he here?”

I was exclaimed by a god, and was frightened into a cold war.

Seeing the several gods rushing up, Lu Fan’s intentions exploded in his heart. The endless fury made his mind roar, and the cold breath ran out in all directions.

When the blood was ruthless and others saw the situation was not good, they immediately turned around and ran, without any intention to fight Lu Fan.

Lu Lufan put Ling Ce on the ground gently and said softly, “Brother, wait for me to take revenge for you!”

The uncle’s voice did not fall, Lu Fan suddenly jumped up, spanning a distance of nearly 100 meters, and caught up with the last **** in one step.


Lu Fan smashed a fist, the body of the second-order Tenjin was instantly torn apart, and the purple blood bloomed instantly, splashing Lu Fan’s body.

Until he died, the second-order **** had no time to scream.

Lu Fan’s eyes are cold and he has no human feelings. Now he seems to be a monster, a demon who only knows to kill.


In the second step, Lu Fan pointed out like a knife and slashed out, a huge skull flew into the sky, and the headless body was still running under the influence of inertia until it fell to the ground suddenly at a certain moment.

In the blink of an eye, another died.

成员 The members of the gods who fled in front of them subconsciously turned around ~ ~ to see the scene in front of them, all the frightened souls were frightened.

究竟 What kind of combat power does the opponent have? Why is it so powerful?

Today’s Tianshen team has only the last two people. They saw Lu Fan killing the Tianshen as simple as pinching a worm.

However, Lu Fan didn’t let anyone go. Ling Ce was his good brother. He was hurt so badly by this group of hybrids, and certainly couldn’t spare their lives.

In the third step, Lu Fan punched out, another **** fell down, and his head was beaten.

The blood rushing in the forefront was terrified. He had never seen such a horrible person. Even when God King Shi Tian was angry, he did not have such a strong intention to kill.

Xunxue ruthlessly regretted it. In order to kill a person, he even joined the entire Tianshen team. This is the most elite army in the court of heaven.

More importantly, I am going to die, nothing can be worse than this.

At the beginning of the uncle, Xue mercilessly thought that Lu Fan was also a third-order. The third-order gods played against the third-order new humans. There was nothing to fear until he felt the violent breath fluctuation of the other party, and the whole person was frightened.

“Which one of these is the third order, is it obviously the fourth order, God King, God King, why do you pit me!”

The blood was ruthless and regretful. He had scolded the **** king Shi Tian thousands of times in his heart. He remembered clearly that the other party told himself that Lu Fan was only a third-order new human being.

Now it seems that it is not the same thing at all.

Uh …

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