King of Eschatology

Chapter 1134 - Scramble to break through

It turned out that the ancestor of Tianyue was not the **** stone that wanted everyone, but just wanted to help everyone carry it.

All of them showed embarrassment, remorse in their hearts, and secretly said, “Tian Yue, the ancestor of God, can see hundreds of **** stones in the upper district?”

After the killing, many evolutionists have pleaded guilty and left, saying that they are about to leave Dongtianyuan Realm. They have a great career and need to go back and explain it.

Lu Fan didn’t stop, and even if these evolutionaries went back to arrange, whether or not to join the Lujia Army was entirely voluntary and never forced.

In fact, Lu Fan wanted to know with his toes that these people must be hunting down and discussing things about carrying the **** stone.

As for how they talked about the conditions and what price they had to pay, Lu Fan didn’t bother to care.

Lu Fan counted his time. It has been almost ten hours since he came to the East Heaven Realm. He will stay for a maximum of two hours before leaving here to go to the next middle world.

Happily, more than thirty Lujiajun fighters broke through to the top life and successfully seized the top life quota here.

Perhaps because there are too many evolutionary kings here, the soldiers’ breakthroughs are not smooth sailing.

Lu Fan originally thought that in the middle world, among hundreds of thousands of Lujiajun fighters, he would have to break through hundreds of people. However, he did not expect that he would be stuck if he broke through more than 30 people.

From this point of view, even the middle world is very strict in controlling the emergence of superior life, and it is considered good to be able to break through more than thirty people.

“Hopefully, in the next world, there will be more breakthroughs by soldiers.”

Lu Fan secretly sighed.

Even if the soldiers break through to the superior life, it will take a long time to evolve into the realm of the king. Perhaps Lu Fan’s formation in the chaos of the chaos world was not smooth sailing.

“After I left, I don’t know if that old boy is still in that messy hill.”

Lu Fan stood under Taixuan Mountain, and suddenly felt that he was so small, compared with the vast heavens and earth, he was like a dust.

“Dust also has the ambition of dust. I want to go to the end of the evolutionary path and see if there is really a realm beyond God.”

Lu Fan murmured softly, with a strong self-confidence shining in his eyes, and his sharp breath was revealed in this world.

Soon after, the evolutionary kings returned one after another, and the soldiers of the Lujiajun also took their merits and returned to the starship.

Lu Fan prepared an interplanetary warship for the local evolutionaries of the Eastern Heaven Realm alone. To the surprise of Lu Fan, all the local evolutionaries who reached the realm of the king came, with more than 50 people.

It seems that Lu Fan underestimated the dedication and determination of local evolutionists to become stronger. It seems that all evolutionaries are the same and have an irresistible enthusiasm for becoming stronger.

Lu Fan arrived at the Tianting Office on Taixuan Mountain, arranged work for Duanmu Lingfeng and Amu Strong, and then left with everyone and started walking through the heavens and the world.

The next stop is Doula and the Soul Realm.

The Douro War Soul Realm is also a medium world. Unlike Dongtian Yuan Realm, there is no evolutionary king here, and the strongest evolutionist is the ninth order.

Obviously, the Douro War Soul Realm is not affected by external factors. When the evolutionary here breaks through the realm of the King, they will receive the decree of Gaode Xuanqiong from the Great Heavenly God and be transmitted to the Chaos Demon Realm.

In simple terms, it is here that the evolutionaries can soar.

The strong were all teleported away, so when the Lu Jiajun came here, the local evolutionists could not form an effective resistance at all, and could only wait in horror.

The Lu Jiajun soldiers did not expand outward, but were busy practicing and trying their best to break through.

Lu Fan also rarely took a break, and began to understand many of the magic in the Chaos Demon Evolution. Many of the magic is very powerful, and finally Lu Fan can calm down and practice well.

Just as Lu Fan led his army through the realms of heaven and earth, the chaos of the Chaos Demon Realm has become more and more intense, surpassing all moments in history.

The demon king from the dark world is like crazy, he launched a fierce attack on the chaos demon world regardless of the consequences, and the cruelty made many protoss warriors unbearable.

Both Gao Dexuanqiang and the Yuanyuan Wuxian Demon were slain. They really did not understand. What was the purpose of the dark world’s attack at such a cost?

Aren’t they afraid of being annihilated?

Soon, Gaode Xuanqiang Tiantian God and Mixed Yuan Wuxian Demon signed a long-term truce agreement, and the two parties decided to work together to completely annihilate the dark world.

This time, the powerhouses of the dark world came out of the nest, which indeed brought a great opportunity for the demon and the gods. Maybe this time, the two sides can completely eliminate this tumor.

After Lu Fan brought the landing army to Douro War Soul Realm, he did not encounter much resistance, because the evolutionary kings here all soared, and the strongest one left was only the first-class ninth.

Evolutionaries of this level are no longer enough to threaten Lu Jiajun, and more than 20 evolutionary kings, such as Ling Ce, can cope with it.

In addition, the evolutionary kings who have just been recruited from the East Tianyuan Realm, except for the killings, are all in the space of existence, and Lu Fan did not release them.

Because the world where Lu Fan came next is very normal, maybe these evolutionary kings will receive the chaos law here. If they take the law and send it away, then the cooked duck will fly away.

Lu Fan observed the slaughter and found that he had not received the order of chaos. Lu Fan was relieved.

It seems that only in the evolution of this world to break into the realm of kings, can we inspire the laws of heaven and thus lower the laws.

An evolver who has evolved into the realm of kings, even if he has reached this complete world, he cannot motivate the advent of chaos law.

The following days began to become tense and orderly, probably because the evolutionary kings here have all soared ~ ~ The place of first-class life is much more than that of the East Tianyuan Realm.

Moreover, without the king of evolution competing for the power of evolution between heaven and earth, the evolution of the soldiers in the Douro War Soul Realm seems to be more smooth.

Among the 100,000 soldiers of the Lujiajun Army, there were constant breakthroughs. After twelve hours, the number of Lujiajun who broke through to the highest level of life surpassed more than 120. Lu Fan was overjoyed.

If the next world can have such achievements, then after Lu Fan has made a lap, maybe he can train more than 2,000 fine warriors.

During this time, Lu Fan sent Ling Ce and others to look for energy crystal veins. After discovery, Lu Fan was packed into the storage space.

With so many Lu Jiajuns breaking through to superior life, the evolutionary force required for future evolution will be massive. Lu Fandu collects some energy crystal veins, which is definitely of great use.

Thank you “Xuan Xuan 5201314” for your reward, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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