King of Eschatology

Chapter 1149 - Fake order

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Xianglong City is the western city of the Tianshen tribe. The city walls are tall and the population is over millions.

However, with the outbreak of the zombie virus, the protoss in Xianglong City have all migrated to the middle of the gods. If it is not because there is a huge divine pool here, I am afraid that everyone has left the city and left.

According to the order of the Great God of the Heavens, the Gods of the Gods left 3,000 people to guard the Xianglong City, and the living areas were all abandoned. The only guardianship was the Shenchi.

However, since the outbreak of the zombie virus, this place has suffered five successive zombies attacks, and today, this defensive city has become dilapidated.

It is said that the zombie virus was transmitted by zombies, which is a very scary black beetle that used to move only in the depths of the chaotic ruins. I don’t know why, they all ran out.

However, many people knew that the outbreak of zombies could not be separated from the invasion of the Dark Lord.

According to the battle report from the front, the joint forces of the Celestials and Demons have captured the army of the Dark Demon’s warriors, and just before the victory, the zombies broke out.

No way, the Celestials and Demons had to send their troops back to rescue, and eventually lost a large area of ​​the city, and the Protoss people suffered a devastating blow.

Daye God sighed and said, “I hope that the outbreak of zombies has nothing to do with the dark world, but there are various signs that it is indeed the Dark Lord who manipulated the zombies.”

Diguoluo looked sorrowful and said, “If this is the case, then this battle is really over.”

“To blame, you can only blame the Celestials and Demons for fighting each other. For so many years, the internal consumption has been so severe that many lower-level evolutionaries cannot fly.”

Daye God snorted a little. He did not understand the battle between the Tianshen and the Demon. The two sides are obviously descendants of the Chaos. Why should they attack each other?

This is the same root, so it is too urgent.

Now under attack from the dark world, the two sides are shaking hands again, isn’t it too late?

Daiguo Lu expressed his sorrow and said, “We have just experienced five wars in Xianglong City, and the losses are serious. If there is an enemy attack at this time, we may be difficult to resist.”

Hearing the words of Daiguolu, Daye God sneered, and said, “Now the Celestials and the Demons are joining forces, and the Dark Lord is blocked in the southeast. Where is the enemy?”

After hearing this, Daiguoluo nodded his head gently and responded: “Also, what we need to worry about most now is zombies. However, the loss of zombies in five battles is also serious, and an effective attack cannot be formed in a short time. “

Just as the two talked to each other, a special breath suddenly appeared above Xianglong City, and then the space was distorted and then burst out.

I saw a young man wearing the armor of the Tenjin Concentration Camp flying out of the space of different dimensions, the whole body exuded the bright light of God, and the strange dimensions of chaos flowed everywhere.


Seeing this person’s figure, Daye God and Daiguolu will all show doubt.

The word “Divine Land” was also written on the opponent’s armor, which should be from the Divine Realm camp of Tenjin Concentration Camp.

“He ’s from the Tenjin Concentration Camp. What is he doing here? Is it a deserter?”

Daiguolu muttered in a low voice, and Daye God would look at each other, both of them felt inexplicable at the same time.

This person’s deity is extremely tall, even exceeding a hundred meters, even if it is a local evolutionist in the chaos demon world, the deity height is not as good.

The person who came was Lu Fan, who used the method of moving stars to change the sky, and appeared directly above Xianglong City through the precise positioning of the Super God Link System.

Perhaps it was because Lu Fan wore a battle armor that the Tatar God would give, so when he appeared here, the evolutionary man who stayed in Xianglong City regarded him as a **** concentration camp.

Lu Fan rushed out of the space of different dimensions, and when he saw the scene in front of him, he was stunned.

Specially, let you pinpoint the position, which is too accurate, directly into the encirclement of the enemy?

If you release the members of the Super Gods team at this time, you will definitely be dumped by the enemy. You should be daring to die, but there are not many members of the Super Gods team who can survive.

Lu Fan’s thoughts suddenly changed, and his eyes suddenly lighted up, remembering something.

At this moment his palm flipped, and a dark token appeared on his hand.

The token is simple and heavy, with the word Tianshen engraved on the front, and the word Ling on the reverse, which looks very atmospheric and seems to have the charm of the emperor.

“The Great God of God has a purpose, the front line is intensified, and the speed will go to the front line to support it!”

The token that Lu Fan took out was the Tenjin Order he snatched from the messenger of the Protoss. As the divine power was injected into it, the Tenjin Order suddenly burst into a bright light.

The Protoss warriors left behind in Xianglong City were all shocked. At this time, they all fell to their knees to meet the order of the gods.

When seeing orders, seeing people, Gaode Xuanqiong Heavenly God has the supreme prestige in the Tenjin tribe. When the warriors of the tribe see the Tenjin decree, they will obey the dispatch.

In fact, Lu Fan was just talking blindly. To be honest, he didn’t even know where the front line was, but now he bluffed the opponent first.

It’s best to cheat, but you can’t cheat, and you can have ample preparation time.

Daye God would kneel on one knee, and there was a hint of forest cold between his eyebrows.

You should know that the evolutionaries in the concentration camp of the gods are polar in the chaos demon world. They are all ascended people in the lower world and have limited evolutionary prospects.

Theoretically, even if the Great God of God wants to convey the military order, he will definitely choose people from the local evolutionists. It is absolutely impossible to find a ant in the God God concentration camp.

Even if the person’s body height is higher than the average person, it is just a slightly larger ant.

The most important thing is that Gao Shenmingyin once said that the messenger he sent to the realm of Divine Land was killed, resulting in the loss of the **** order.

The person in front of him is wearing the armor of the Shenzhou Realm, which is obviously from the Divine Realm. This **** order must have been snatched by him.

Lu Fan looked at the black squinting protoss warrior below, with an inexplicable excitement in his heart, and secretly said, “Can I take the God’s Order everywhere to sway and cheat, and then form a cannon fodder army?”

Just when Lu Fan was secretly proud of himself, the Daye God, who was originally kneeling on one knee, would rise up in vain, and the bright light of the gods would go straight to the sky ~ ~.

“This person is fake, kill me!”

During the conversation, a black spear with a length of more than 120 meters suddenly appeared and stabbed at Lu Fan’s head.

Seeing this scene, Lu Fan’s eyelids jumped suddenly. Originally, he still wanted to swindle everywhere, but the first stop collapsed.

“Is it because of poor acting?”

Lu Fan’s heart was so overwhelming that he blinded a big drama.

Otherwise, how good to let them go to bite the dog!

Lu Fan grabbed it hard, Tongtian stick appeared in his hands, and suddenly the sky was soaring into the sky, and he smashed it in front of Daye God.

The college entrance examination is coming, and I wish the brothers and sisters of the King of Evolution in the last days can enter the ideal university.

Come on!

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