King of Eschatology

Chapter 1158 - catastrophe

On the Holy Spirit Mountain, more than 80 million soldiers from the concentration camp gathered here. After such a long time, everyone noticed something was wrong, and an ominous premonition was raised in their hearts.

“Why hasn’t the Great God of Heaven appeared? What is the purpose of his calling us here?”

“How do I feel a little evil here? Have you noticed that I seem to be thinner than before?”

“Why are there so many native evolutionists outside? Did they surround us?”

“What the **** is God doing? I’m a little panicked.”

With the passage of time, there are more and more unstable factors. The evolution of the minds and emotions of the evolvers in the concentration camps began to change greatly, and the tense atmosphere began to spread.

In a corner below the Holy Spirit Mountain, the evolvers of the Divine Realm camp were all around, guarding a small hill.

“Stupefying, aren’t we doing this a bit better?”

I was surrounded by people, Chi You asked awkwardly, always feeling a little uncomfortable.

Fu Ren, who hasn’t spoke yet, hummed coldly, saying, “What do you know, this great movement made by the Goddess of the Goddess Xuanqiong is definitely not for us to travel, no matter what, life is important.”

During the conversation, Fuxi buried the last **** stone in the soil. The sudden flash of the entire mountain stream quickly restored the tranquility of the past.

But behind that tranquility, there is a trace of different energy fluctuations.

During this long waiting time, Fu Xi set up a magic array here, the main function of which is stealth, and has a very strong defense.

The Tatars and Gods are already planning. Once there is a change here, they will hide into the illusionary array for the first time and save their strength as much as possible.

But after waiting so long, there was no change at all, and the atmosphere of depression became more and more intense.

On the top of the Holy Spirit Mountain, Gaode Xuanqiang Tiantian and Wuyuan Demon are standing under the Tushen Sword Formation, looking dull.

At first they thought about catching a big fish, but after waiting so long, the other party didn’t even move a bit.

“Is the Dark World completely maimed?”

The Devil smirked, and shook his head in disbelief.

Although the demons and the gods have joined forces to defeat the dark world, they are far from being able to destroy the opponent.

The other party hasn’t shown up until now, maybe there are other methods hidden.

When the big deities heard the words of the big deities, they immediately laughed and said, “Don’t worry, those hidden in the dark must be more anxious than us, wait a minute.”

Seeing the Da Tian God so determined, the Big Demon no longer insisted, and continued to wait.

About half an hour later, the sky suddenly became gloomy, and a large cloud appeared in the northern sky, spreading rapidly toward the Holy Spirit Mountain.


On the Holy Spirit Mountain, the two Xeons frowned at the same time and looked towards the dark clouds in the north.

The eyes of the Great God and the Great Demon flashed at the same time. Obviously, when they were performing divine magic, they could see things happening beyond infinity.

After the two clearly saw the true colors of the dark clouds, they couldn’t help but startled and changed. The extremely huge overcast cloud turned out to be an inestimable number of zombies.


The zombies swarmed so fast that they received special instructions and took the initiative to attack the Holy Spirit Mountain.

Gaode Xuanqiong’s great **** looked extremely gloomy. He didn’t expect that he originally wanted to fish, but it turned out to be the zombies.

Heiyuan didn’t have a sneer in his heart, and asked coldly, “This is the fish you want to catch?”

Da Tian Shen was in a bad mood and said in a bad tone: “You can’t let these zombies approach, they will eat up all our blood sacrifices, and they must be killed outside the Holy Spirit Mountain.”

The Devil also knew that it was not the time to find trouble, and he nodded immediately, ready to send troops to intercept the zombies.

The speed of the zombies is extremely fast. During the time that the Great God of God and the Great Demon talked, they have appeared in the eyes of many evolvers.

At this moment, everyone was horrified. Every horde about the terror of zombies knew that the zombie tide broke out because of the existence of zombies.

By this time, everyone already knew that such a disgusting thing as a zombie was definitely made by a tumor in the dark world.

On the Holy Spirit Mountain, the evolvers of the concentration camps were all astonished. Most of their strengths were below the fifth level of the divine realm. This level of evolvers encountered the tide of zombies, which is basically the end of death.

When the evolvers of the concentration camp were frightened, the local evolvers who guarded the periphery suddenly moved, and all the warriors of the demon gods took out their weapons and met the dark clouds.

Suddenly, the sky shone, the entire sky was rendered into a golden color, and there were scenes of magical warriors casting divine magic everywhere.

Seeing this scene, all the concentration camp fighters are relieved, as long as they are not allowed to shoot, everything is easy to say.

“No wonder there are so many Demon-type warriors here, it was originally to protect us.”

Some evolutionists optimistically said that they were looking a little embarrassed when they looked at the demons and warriors who dared to kill the enemy ahead.

In fact, the reason why the gods do not let the soldiers in the concentration camps just prevent them from being eaten up by zombies.

You know, the evolutionaries of these concentration camps are all sacrifices that are about to be sacrificed. If the sacrifices are gone, the next things will become extremely troublesome.

The soldiers of the concentration camp thought they were protected, in fact the demon tribe was only protecting their sacrifices.

In the mountains, the people and gods will see the outbreak of war, and all the evolutionaries who call on the Shenzhou Realm will all enter the fantasy formation.

Regardless of whether the flames of war will be burned here, it is right to hide it first.

There are more than 80 million evolvers on the Holy Spirit Mountain ~ ~ The Shenzhou Realm camp only has more than forty people, so when they suddenly disappeared, they did not attract anyone’s attention.

Of course, the main reason is that everyone is attracted by the battle in the north of the sky, who will care about the stay of dozens of evolvers.

In the illusion formation, the evolvers of the Divine Realm camp are all hiding inside. This illusion formation is very strange. The inside scene cannot be seen from the outside, but the inside can clearly see the outside.

“I sent the message to Lu Fan’s little brother. He should have received it. I hope he doesn’t come to the Holy Spirit Mountain. This place has become a horror abyss that cannibalize.”

The sultry **** will sigh. There are too many evolutionaries here. He doesn’t know if Lu Fan is here.

If you come here, the gods will find a way to notify the other party, and must do everything possible to avoid this catastrophe.

Thanks Michael1227 for the reward and thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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