King of Eschatology

Chapter 125 - Horrible corpse

Ten minutes later, in the conference hall of the Tianyue Base, all the high-level personnel were present, and some people were falling asleep. At this time, they were dizzy and wondered what Lu Fan was going crazy.

Lu Fan saw that people were here, and he did not hesitate, and went directly to the theme, saying: “Our latest batch of evolution agents and awakening agents have been produced. Now we will arrange for the Lujiajun soldiers to take them as soon as possible.”

Hearing Lu Fan’s words, the confused people suddenly awakened, all showing great joy.

难 “It’s no wonder that the boss has hurriedly convened everyone to meet. It turned out that the evolutionary agent and awakening agent have been produced, but the **** who just hit the door just is so abominable. Don’t let me meet him on the road, hum.”

Many people have the same thought in their hearts, but at this moment they are all absorbed in the sight, waiting for his further instructions.

Lu Fan looked around at everyone and said, “Immediately organize a thousand ordinary Army soldiers and take the awakening agent in turn.”

Everyone was shocked when they heard this word, and Chen Dapeng immediately wondered: “One thousand? Boss, am I right?”

Lu Fan smiled unwillingly, and said, “You haven’t heard wrong, it’s a thousand.”

As soon as this word came out, there was an uproar.

Last time, Lu Fan brought more than 300 awakening agents to the Tianyue base. Everyone had felt incredible. I did not expect that Lu Fan had brought another 1,000 awakening agents this time.

According to the 30% success rate of the awakening agent, does this not mean that Tianyue base will add another 300 new human warriors?

Thinking of this, the crowd is excited. If the meeting is not going on, I am afraid they will cheer up.

However, Lu Fan’s words did not end, and continued: “Immediately organize fifty new first-order humans and prepare to take second-order evolution agents.”

“What? Second-order evolution agent!”

Everyone was shocked, and then they were overjoyed.

Second-order evolution agents are not unfamiliar to everyone, Hoyaddin, Lan Yan, Ling Ce, Huang Yongsheng, Yu Lenghui, including the last Lin Xiaoxiao, they all broke through to second-order new humans by means of second-order evolution agents.

I was just surprised that Lu Fan had brought in 50 second-order evolution agents.

At the thought of Tianyue Base adding 50 second-order new humans, the senior staff at each Tianyue Base couldn’t help but feel excited, a sense of excitement that wanted to yell loudly emerged.

Soon after, Lu Fan threw another blockbuster and said, “Immediately organize five new second-order humans and prepare to take a third-order evolutionary agent.”

At this moment, the entire conference hall was surprisingly quiet, and many people struck themselves hard, feeling a bit unreal about all this.

I want to know, except for Lu Fan who is a fourth-order powerhouse, the entire Tianyue base is only Lanyi. One person is a third-order new human, which shows that the third-order new human is scarce.

“Third-order evolution agent, oh my god, am I not dreaming?”

“Does this mean that our Tianyue base will add five new third-order humans out of thin air?”

“Boss, are you sure you are not kidding?”

It is no wonder that the senior staff of the Tianyue base did not believe what Lu Fan said. Looking at the entire Chinese land, there are only a handful of new humans who have broken through to the third order.

Suddenly Tianyue base will add five new third-order humans at once. This information is simply overbearing, like a thunder in the flat ground, which blew up in everyone’s hearts.

Lu Fan nodded his head with a smile, and said, “I’ve finished speaking, execute immediately.”

When I heard Lu Fan’s order, everyone started to act in a confusing manner, and many people still felt like dreaming, and sometimes hesitated to make sure that this was not a dream.

For Tianyue Base, this is bound to be a sleepless night.

Lu Fan left alone in the conference hall, and his mood was not good, but he felt a little bit more stressed.

The end of the world is coming, new materials are found, new weapons are made, and Galway weapons have also come out. I believe that it won’t be long before the matter of energy crystals will be exposed.

Given the vastness of the Huaxia land, it is impossible that only Tianlong Mountain has energy crystal veins, and other famous mountains and rivers must also have it. What Lu Fan has to do is to walk in front of everyone.

Even if others have discovered the use of energy crystals, Tianyue Base will have developed enough by then, and Lu Jiajun will already be invincible. He will not be afraid of any challenges.

Tianjing Base, Cabinet Headquarters.

Dozens of cabinet members sat full, Hu Feng sat in the first place, frowning with a report.

“Another small base was annexed by the zombies. We can’t let it go.”

The other members were silent, and the atmosphere in the entire conference room became more dignified.

According to the information gathered by members of the Tianjing base dark group, there is a wave of zombies in the Central Plains area. The human survivor base is being slaughtered in an organized and disciplined manner. So far, 100,000 survivors have been swallowed.

Zombies are originally a group of brainless species. Although they pose a great threat to humans, it is generally difficult to find survivor bases as long as they are not attracted.

现在 Now, there is a wave of organized and disciplined actions by a large group of zombies, which is very scary. Obviously, there is a high-level zombies that gave birth to spiritual intelligence, which is controlling this group of zombies.

There are intelligence-enhanced people in human beings, and mad animals and zombies also have intelligence-enhancement phenomena. Once they appear, they are more threatening than ordinary high-level zombies or zombies.

After the beasts appear intellectually strengthened, their spiritual intelligence will become extremely high, and they are called spiritual beasts by humans.

If this happens to a zombie, it is called a corpse by humans.

At the moment, there is a high-level corpse leading hundreds of thousands of zombies, sweeping the entire Central Plains area. More than a dozen small survivor bases have been destroyed, and three medium-sized survivor bases have been destroyed. The total number of deaths has exceeded One hundred thousand.

It is worth mentioning that not everyone was eaten by zombies. In fact, only a small part of them were devoured by the zombies. After most of the survivors were bitten by the zombies, they changed into new zombies.

In other words, the zombie group is constantly expanding. This kind of action is completely premeditated ~ ~ The soul corpse is absolutely terrifying and it is developing its own power.

The reason why the members of the Tiantianjing base cabinet attach so much importance is not to avenge the dead survivors, but to worry about the evolution of the zombie group.

As we all know, zombies rely on swallowing human flesh to gain energy, thereby accelerating evolution. Many zombies that have swallowed human hearts have a great probability to evolve into second-order zombies.

Similarly, if the second-order zombies devour a sufficient amount of human flesh and blood, they will evolve to the third-order and pose a greater threat to humans.

If this wave of zombies is left unattended, under the leadership of that high-level corpse, this wave of zombies will soon grow to a very horrible height. By then, it will be too late for humans to want to fight back.

说 “Talk about your thoughts.”

Hu Feng opened his eyes and swept his eyes to the crowd. In fact, in his heart, he already had a preliminary plan.

Opposite Hu Feng, a balding cabinet member suddenly said, “The zombie group in the Central Plains is too large, with a total of 300,000 zombies. It is difficult to wipe out our Tianjing base alone, and we need to join forces with the bases. “

人 This person is named Liang Guangchao and is one of the cabinet veterans, but unfortunately he is talented and has no real power.

Everyone heard Liang Guangchao’s words silent. If a few months ago, Tianjing Base combined with the major bases to destroy the zombies would not be a problem, but since the Flying Eagles team was destroyed by Tianyue Base, Tianjing Base has lost its right to speak.

Hu Feng’s deep eyes flashed and said: “I think you can try it. If it doesn’t work, you can let Lu Fan of Tianyue Base as the general commander to lead the coalition forces of the major bases.”

As soon as this word came out, there was an uproar.

Uh …

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