King of Eschatology

Chapter 145 - Tough 1

In the jail, Lin Xiaoxiao succinctly expressed her point of view. According to the information so far, she believed that Dong Yang would make the right choice.

As for Ju Moqing and others, Lin Xiaoxiao just intimidated casually, but did not expect that the other party’s will was so unsteady, and he immediately persuaded.

林 For Lin Xiaoxiao, it is certainly a good thing to have a few more thugs. Even if the battle is dead, I do n’t feel bad. At that time, I will send a banner to Tianjing Base to meet the volunteers and everything will be done.

鞠 If Ju Moqing knows Lin Xiaoxiao’s thoughts, I’m afraid I have the heart to die.

Lin Xiaoxiao nodded his head slightly to the crowd, and said, “That’s good, now that’s it, let’s go now!”

The chanting voice did not fall, Lin Xiaoxiao’s momentum as a third-order intensifier burst out, and the long sword behind it turned into a stream of light. The sword groaned throughout the space, and there was a strong energy everywhere.

Lin Xiaoxiao leaped into the sky, and flew into the sky with a flying sword, flying away in the direction of Tai City.

Seeing this scene, all members of the Flying Eagles team were stunned and stunned. They always heard that Lin Xiaoxiao was an intelligence enhancer, but never thought that the intelligence enhancer would be so powerful.

“Even the women around are so powerful, how strong is Lu Fan’s strength? I recognize this boss!”

Dong Yang’s eyes are bright, he lifted a big axe and ran away in the direction Lin Xiaoxiao left.

The other members of the Flying Eagles team left. After choosing their weapons, they followed closely behind Dong Yang and accelerated their journey.

Cu Ju Moqing and others looked at each other. At this time, they also did not dare to neglect, each took his own weapon and ran away in the direction of Tai City.

As for running away, they never thought about it, let alone say that the task has not been completed, even if there is no task, he dare not offend Lin Xiaoxiao easily.

During the period when Wu was locked up, Ju Moqing and others had learned a lot of things, especially when they heard the news of the destruction of the heavenly court, everyone was shocked for a long time and was silent, and never dared to raise any bad thoughts.

Therefore, even if they are unwilling to do so, they have to go to Thailand to participate in the battle.

Near the Tianlong Mountain, the battle between the Lujiajun and the zombies continued, and a large number of zombies were slashed. Lujiajun fighters also began to suffer casualties, especially ordinary soldiers. More than a dozen people had been infected with the zombies virus, which resulted in corpses.

At this moment, the Lu Jiajun had been completely submerged by a large number of zombies, and the entire earth was covered with the carrion remains of zombies. The black blood flowed like a stream.

Every Lu Jiajun soldier was bathed in blood, his body was covered with black zombie blood, and no one flinched from start to finish, even though his arm was numb, he was still desperately chopping the zombies.

I want to say that the most difficult thing is to count Lu Fan’s battle with the fifth-order spirit corpse. Due to the gap between the ranks, Lu Fan’s battle with the opponent felt more and more powerless, and his body began to appear injured.


Lu Fan chopped an axe at the root of the fifth-order corpse. In his opinion, only these weak points of the zombies can be used.

However, what made Lu Fan unexpected was that the fifth-order corpse seemed to know his weaknesses, so when Lu Fan attacked, his mouth was tightly closed, and two rows of sharp teeth were biting into each other, making the ear canal A solid defense was formed nearby.

So when the Frenzy Battle Axe was chopped near the ear canal of the opponent, it was blocked by the opponent’s teeth, but the Frenzy Battle Axe was bounced back.

Lu Lufan was so shocked by the shock that he almost didn’t grasp the handle of the axe and took a few steps back.

阶 The fifth-level zombies seized the opportunity, and the dark sharp sharp claws suddenly pulled out, piercing Lu Fan’s underbelly fiercely.


The blood splattered, and Lu Fan added another wound to his body. In contrast, the fifth-level zombies were still alive and well. Although the body was scarred, there were no fatal injuries.


Lu Fan’s eyes were cold, and at this moment, his anger became more and more fierce. This feeling of being crushed by the other side was really bad.

Since the rebirth of the Ninth, Lu Fan has always been playing against his opponents, and has never been so embarrassed as he is now, but the system has only a few hundred thousand points, which is far from the million points required to break through the fifth order. And the distance.

“Do n’t I be useless without system assistance?”

“no way!”

Lu Lufan had already hit the real fire. At this moment, he didn’t care about his injury, and began to work hard with the fifth-order spirit corpse.

Lu Fan knows that he must not be defeated. Once defeated, the entire Lujia Army will be buried here. From then on, the Tianyue base will no longer exist.

The fifth-order corpse has a very high intelligence. He saw that Lu Fan was desperately fighting with himself, but he chose to step back and not confront Lu Fan.

I can say that the choice of the fifth-order corpse is extremely wise, because the whole battle is evolving towards the victory of the zombies, especially the ordinary Army Army Corps. Whenever there is a reduction in human soldiers, the number of zombies will increase.

As a result, it is only a matter of time before Lu Jiajun defeats.

Lu Fan’s anger was soaring in his heart. He could not tolerate it. The forces he had worked hard to build up had been consumed in this way. Therefore, he must make a quick decision.

Lu Fan took off his shirt and tied it to his waist, and pulled back the flesh and blood that had been opened at the wound. He was so angry that the blood in his body was roaring like a river.

Lu Fan forcibly raised his own momentum to the limit, but his body was injured in many places ~ ~ As the blood in the body rolled, blood spewed out like water column.

However, Lu Fan didn’t care about all this. In his eyes, there was only victory. The strong war will linger around the Quartet, causing the surrounding machines to be affected, creating an extraordinary momentum.

“If this corpse cannot be destroyed, what is the difference with salted fish!”

Lu Fan was completely angry. At this time, he seemed to have lost his mind, and only the offense remained in his eyes.

The trembling battle axe flashed out thousands of golden lights at once. Lu Fan held the axe and his feet slammed into the ground. As the earth and rocks were shattered, his body had stormed out, leaving a series of residual images along the way.

It was not until this moment that a strong breaking sound sounded. Lu Fan’s speed broke through the sound barrier, and the body and the air fiercely rubbed, creating a series of sonic booms.

The fifth-level spirit corpse felt a strong crisis from the attack of the opponent. He could feel that the opponent’s Qi had firmly locked himself and could not escape at all.

Therefore, the fifth-ranking spirit corpse crossed his arms with his arms crossed and stood in front of him.

The trembling battle axe cut through the void, and the dazzling light fell like a golden sun.


The rock was cracked, the ground was shattered, and a huge pothole was cut out where the fifth-level spirit corpse was located. With his arms raised, he blocked Lu Fan’s full blow.

此时 At this moment, the fifth-level spirit corpse’s pale eyes suddenly flashed, and a horrible spiritual wave was rippling in all directions. He opened his mouth and yelled at Landing.


The spiritual attack of the fifth-order corpse was launched again, and the powerful sound waves drowned Lu Fan’s figure instantly.

Uh …

开始 Start tomorrow, burst! burst! burst! Brothers, can you recommend me a ticket? !!

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