King of Eschatology

Chapter 183 - Alien is the boss

The sunrise came to the east and the golden glow of the morning glow shone on the top of Mount Tai, dissipating the mist, making the whole mountain exude an extraordinary sight, shining with crystal luster.

The clouds and mists lingered, and the ancient trees were looming, as if the dragons were dormant and extraordinary.

At the foot of Mt. Taishan, a group of people turned around like an ant on a hot pot, but there was nothing they could do.

All the high-level personnel at the Tiantian base have come here, and a temporary conference room has been set up to discuss solutions to this matter.

Lin Xiaoxiao’s eyes flowed, her eyes staring at Taishan were full of dignity, and the sky had already set off a terrible storm.

After the end of the last days, humans are evolving, zombies are evolving, wild beasts are evolving, and plants are evolving. Now it seems that the mountains are also evolving.

If it continues to follow this pattern, will the famous mountains and rivers be evolving?

Then, is there any possibility of evolution in rivers, lakes and seas?

When I thought of it, Lin Xiaoxiao shuddered, and a sharp gas was created between the eyebrows, secretly: “This end time is indeed getting more and more dangerous.”

At this time, she had to admire, Lu Fan was too prescient. If it had not occupied Tianlong Mountain in advance, Tianyue Base would have no standing capital in the last days.

After a short while, a streamer rushed away from the distance, like a meteor, violently rubbing against the air, creating a series of sonic booms.

This is a figure. He is galloping forward and going forward, and often after a long time passing somewhere, sharp crackling sounds come one after another, and he even surpasses the speed of sound.

Lu Lufan was panting like a cow and sweating like rain. Due to his fast speed, his body was hot, and his sweat evaporated quickly, like a red-hot soldering iron.

Xi Rao is based on the physical fitness of Lu Fan’s fifth-order evolutionist, and cannot support him to rush on such a high speed. If his physical potential has not increased before, he can go up to half the distance at this time.

Soon, the towering view of Mount Tai has already reflected in Lu Fan’s eyes. The closer he got, the more anxious Lu Fan felt. He really wanted to know what happened to Mount Tai.

In the past, Taishan was right in front of his eyes, and he had never paid much attention. Now, if he looks closely, he will find that the light is really shining.

“What the **** happened there?”

凡 Lu Fan’s eyes were deep, and a special feeling lingered in his heart.

Blessings of bliss and disaster, and changes in Taishan, may be a disaster to humanity, and more likely to be a shocking change.

As long as you can seize the opportunity, maybe you can accelerate evolution and become the king of this world.

At the foot of Mount Tai, Lin Xiaoxiao and others have already camped here. Lu Jiajun blocked the intersection to Mount Tai strictly. On the one hand, it prevents humans from entering it by mistake. On the other hand, it is to prevent the terror presence from running out.

After a recent period of exploration, Lu Jiajun found that there were many mysterious beasts on Mount Tai, each with a strong breath, at least also a second-order beast, densely packed, countless.

There is a layer of fog at the foot of Mt. Taishan. Through the scope of the fog, no news can be transmitted. All those wild beasts with strong breath are shrouded in the fog and cannot be rushed out for a while.

Twenty-five days ago, Huang Yongsheng and Yu Lenghuixian’s eggs hurt and broke into the mist. Since then, their whereabouts are unknown, and they do not know whether they are dead or alive.

Two days later, Ling Ce broke in alone, trying to find two people, but after entering the misty area, he also disappeared without any news.

Since then, this mist has been called the death barrier. As long as you enter the mist, you will not be able to come out if you have the power to reach the sky.

“Is the boss in touch?”

Lin Xiaoxiao’s eyebrows were slightly frowned, looking towards Xu Xiaopeng.

小 Xu Xiaopeng’s face was embarrassing, and he stubbornly responded: “Not yet, but I sent a message to the boss and sent a lot of it, 100,000 in a hurry. As long as he took out the communicator, he would definitely see it.”

In the temporary meeting hall, everyone was silent. Chen Dapeng, Ren Hongjun, Lan Ye, Ye Yiliang, Lin Wei, Dong Yang and others all sighed. Some people were worried about the three who accidentally broke into Taishan, and some were worried about Lu Fan. .

As the atmosphere became more and more dignified, members of the Tiantong organization came to report that an unknown object was found in front of them and they were approaching towards Taishan Expressway.

The member of the Tiantong organization looked strange. After the report was completed, he added, “The unknown object is in the form of a human, and it is likely to be an alien.”

Everyone was surprised when he heard this.

Now it’s messy enough, even if unknown objects appear at such a critical moment, why are there any aliens wrong?

Everyone walked out of the temporary conference hall and came outside. Everyone was out of control, ready to face the aliens.

Xu Xiaopeng urged a tall boy around him: “What are you waiting for, your uncle, hurry up to a high place to see.”

The tall boy is named Tang Lijie. He is a vision-enhanced person. He can see things far away. The nickname is Qianliyan. He is an elite representative of the Tiantong organization.

However, this elite represents some brain short circuit ~ ~ everything is done slowly. It is a broken bicycle, pedal and turn.


力 Tang Lijiemune responded slowly, then slowly ascended to the top of a nearby building, his eyes narrowed, and he looked away.

Instantly, the light in his pupils shone, like two electro-optical holes passing through the void, leading directly to infinity.

At this moment, Tang Lijie’s temperament changed greatly, and a violent spirit broke out, as if he could see through his soul at a glance.

Tang Lijie saw that a figure came madly from the distance, the other party was galloping, and the toes could rush out of the distance of nearly 100 meters each time, the speed was appalling.

Tang Lijie’s eyes focused on the person’s face. When he saw the other person’s face clearly, he immediately showed great joy.

“It’s the boss, the alien is the boss!”

Tang Lijie shouted gleefully, the electric light in his eyes disappeared instantly, once again restored the former look of Mu Na.

Because he was so excited, he forgot that he was still standing at the top of the high-rise building, so he slipped under his feet and fell off with a cry.

“Ah, help!”

Tang Lijie shouted for help, and everyone couldn’t help but be full of black lines.

Tang Lijie is a first-order new human. Although the physical strength of the intensifier is not as good as that of the evolver, it does not fall from this height, so there is nothing worth shouting.


Tang Lijie fell to the ground fiercely, his toothache grinning suddenly, and he looked at the people with grievances, as if to say, “What are the special high-end new human beings, so no one came to catch me?”

Everyone would not care about his thoughts at this time. At this time, he was all attracted by his words. Everyone was overjoyed and exclaimed, “Is the boss coming back?”

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