King of Eschatology

Chapter 42 - Inhumane approach

The time passed quickly, the sun was setting, and the sun was about to set.

In the football base, the survivors responsible for guarding the escalator all looked towards the east, their eyes were full of anxiety.

怎么 “Why haven’t you come back? It’s so urgent!”

They are waiting for the return of the executive team. A whole day has passed, and none of the five executive teams have returned. Without the supply of materials brought back by the executive team, they can only starve to death here.

He Xiang’s face also became more and more gloomy. Today he was stepped on the ground in front of everyone, which greatly challenged his majesty, but unfortunately the opponent was too strong, he could only endure this mouthful. Bad gas.

Fortunately, the other party did not compete with himself for the seat of the elder brother, and now he is still the boss of the football base.

For these foreigners, He Xiang decided to offer them as grandpa. As long as they don’t go to trouble them, shouldn’t they take the initiative to find something?

一群 “A bunch of waste, such a thing can’t be done.”

He Hexiang cursed his teeth, and everyone around him looked like a chill.

Suddenly, a flag was lifted in the distance. At this moment, it was waving gently. After everyone saw it, all eyes brightened, and the first execution team returned.

Soon afterwards, several flags appeared at the same time in different directions, and together they were exactly five, indicating that the five executive teams had all returned, but they were afraid to attract the attention of the zombies, and they had been hiding in the mad weeds.

I saw that the five executive teams had returned, and He Xiang felt slightly better, and said to the people around him, “Send a signal to the opposite person, and we will take them back.”

After speaking, He Xiang turned to the people around him and said, “Chen Xingyuan, we act!”


兴 Chen Xingyuan smiled cruelly, he shook his long hair comfortably, the excitement in his eyes could not be covered at all, the abnormal psychology prompted him to rush towards the refugee area.

Several other survivors saw Chen Xingyuan’s actions and immediately followed them. They were all He Xiang’s confidants, and they were all the same with Chen Xingyuan.

Xu Xiaopeng, who was responsible for the investigation, found the distant flag in another area of ​​the ring building and reported the discovery to Lu Fan.

Lu Lufan ignored this matter, but just casually said: “It should be that the team we met is back. Wealth is in the sky, life and death, don’t care about them.”

Xu Xiaopeng said a while, and then went back to guard.

Hoyadin found Lu Fan and asked, “Boss, why don’t we take control of this base? There are nearly a thousand survivors here!”

Not only was Hoyadin puzzled, other people also had the same doubts, at this time they cast a questioning look.

Through Wu Guang’s description, everyone already knows the details of the football base. The boss He Xiang here is not popular at all, and it is easy to replace him.

However, Lu Fan thinks that the time is not mature, and it takes time to fully control this base.

So, Lu Fan responded to the crowd: “Don’t worry, we just came here, and directly disregarded the hearts of many people at the old meeting, and so on.”

Everyone has always obeyed Lu Fan’s orders. At this time, Lu Fan has made a decision, and they will not talk more.

About ten minutes later, there was a sudden noise in the refugee area in the west, and the entire football base became a flying dog again.

快 “Look, there are refugees going to be thrown away.”

蜡 A young man with a yellow complexion looked at the West with fierce eyes. Whenever someone was thrown down, he would come to see the lively.

However, the other person beside him showed sorrow, looking at the cruel scene in the distance and whispered: “Someone was thrown down again, who is next?”

“It doesn’t matter who he is, as long as it’s not me!”

Lu Lufan and others also discovered the changes in the western region. According to Wu Guang’s description at the time, the current move of the football base is to welcome the survivors back.

“This group of beasts actually do this kind of thing.”

吴 When Wu Guang talked about this, everyone just felt incredible, until the **** thing happened in front of them, and everyone understood the cruelty.

Lu Fan’s brows were frowned, and his body was full of murderous gas. Even if he didn’t want to care about it, his reason and conscience made him unable to pretend to be invisible.

“Go stop them!”

Lu Lufan’s words did not fall, and he rushed towards the western region immediately.

Others saw Lu Fan move and followed them.

Wu Guang was shocked when he saw this scene and shouted to Landing Fan: “Boss, if you stop them now, the execution team will not be able to return, and the loss will be greater than now.”

When everyone heard Wu Guang’s words, they were all touched. What he said was true. If there were no refugees in the west to attract the zombies, the execution team evacuated from the east would be severely hit by the zombies.

Lu Lufan’s footsteps didn’t stop at all. At this moment, he was so desperate, and responded coldly: “I have my own way!”

Although the ring-shaped building where the football base is located is large, in the eyes of the third-order evolutionist, this distance is just a matter of several ups and downs. After less than a minute, Lu Fan has rushed to the refugee area.

Extremely tragic things are happening in the refugee area. Every refugee is ashamed with despair in his eyes.

One after another, the refugees were heartily thrown down ~ ~ attracting a large number of zombies to scramble to bite, the scene was terrible.

Chen Xingyuan’s eyes were full of excitement. He shook his long hair, but his eyes swept across the refugee area as if looking for something.

咦 “Why, that little beauty is gone?”

Chen Xingyuan was still thinking about the little beauty she found in the morning, but she couldn’t see each other at this time, and her heart was a little itchy.

“Xiao Wang, a few of you follow the boss, I will go there and see.”

Chen Xingyuan said to a bloated guy around him, and then groped towards the locked area in the morning.

Others were very happy to see Chen Xing away, so they could throw a few more people down, and it felt like a great deal.

Xiao Xiaowang grabbed a seven- or eight-year-old boy and dragged his arm towards the edge of the building.

The little boy burst into tears and was frightened. His mother broke a leg. At this moment, he desperately hugged the little boy, shouted hard at the little king, and cried, “Please, don’t kill my child, please Please let him go. “

“Go away!”

Xiao Wang kicked the child’s mother to the ground with a kick, and then raised the little boy high, preparing to throw it down.

The child’s mother kept crying. She didn’t care about her body pain, and hurriedly crawled in front of He Xiang, scratching her head desperately, crying sadly: “Please, please let the child go. I throw it down and use my life to change the child. “

He Xiang shouted impatiently: “Smelly girl, go away!”

The mother’s eyes were full of despair. Her blood was **** on her forehead, and her hair was scattered like a ghost. At this moment, she suddenly showed a touch of hot color, as if she had made some crazy decision.

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