King of Eschatology

Chapter 59 - Desperate battle

A large number of zombies gushed frantically from the entrance of the sewer. Hoya Ding decisively issued an order to block the sewer. However, there were too many zombies. At this time, the blocking was obviously too late.

不好 “No, it’s surrounded by zombies. There are too many, tens of thousands!”

A member of the Tiantong organization ran to Wu Guang with a sad face, reporting sadly.

Wu Guang was shocked when he heard this. He hurriedly looked out and found that all the zombies were densely packed, and there was a steady stream of zombies underground. The whole research institute was completely surrounded by zombies.

Everyone looked away in horror, and saw a huge horror zombie standing in the dense crowd of zombies. Although he didn’t move, he put heavy pressure on Lu Jiajun.

“Second-order zombies!”

Everyone sighed, and there was a despair in everyone’s heart.

Surrounded by a large number of zombies, the people have fallen into the Jedi without a retreat. Coupled with that terrible second-order zombies guarding there, the Lu Jiajun absolutely has no way to live.

“Brothers, kill, even if we died here today, we will kill a few more zombies!”

Although infinite despair emerged in the heart, the army’s war will never diminish in the slightest. Even if it is known that today is a mortal end, the army will have to fight one soldier and one soldier.

At the Tiantian base, Lu Fan sat comfortably on a bench, constantly swiping his cell phone, and checking the recent major events. Suddenly, a mechanical system sound sounded in his mind.

“Congratulations, Yu Lenghui became an evolutionary, first order!”

Suddenly Lu Fan was shocked, and stood up immediately.

According to common sense, Lu Fan should be happy to break through the followers of faith as an evolutionary, but now he does not think so, it is very likely that Lu Jiajun has encountered great trouble.

Humans have the opportunity to become new humans only when they break through their limits. Yu Lenghui’s team is performing tasks in the southern suburbs of Thailand. Could it have encountered an accident?

Lu Fan hurriedly entered the Super God Link system to check the zombie points, and found that the points are rising madly, and it is clear that a large number of zombies are being killed.

Xu Lufan was shocked and had no time to say anything. He threw his mobile phone on the table and reached the extreme speed, jumping straight from the top of the building, rushing towards the southern suburbs like a goshawk.

Near the Luanjiao Research Institute, the Lu Jiajun was engaged in an uphill battle. A team of more than 100 people has now lost more than 20 people and suffered heavy losses.

Fortunately, Yu Lenghui broke the limit and became an evolver at a critical moment, which made the morale of the Lu family soldiers reluctantly resist the offensive.

The original idea of ​​wanting to rush out from here has fallen through. After discovering that nothing can be done, Hoya Ding decisively issued a life-saving order.

The sewer exits in the Research Institute have all been sealed to temporarily resolve the internal concerns, but the zombie outside has launched an overwhelming charge, and the army ’s defense line has become at stake.

The original courtyard wall, which was more than two meters high, could not play any role at this time. The huge number of zombies was directly stacked into the stack using the method of the stack.

Especially the east courtyard wall swayed from time to time, obviously it can’t be long.

Once the courtyard wall collapses, Lu Jiajun will be drowned by a large number of zombies.

“Return to the Research Building!”

Hoyadin gritted his teeth and finally issued an order to retreat.

After returning to the Scientific Research Building, it will become more difficult for everyone to break out, which is equivalent to going to a dead end. However, if they do not return now, everyone will probably be completely killed in the next wave of zombies.

Lu Jiajun’s execution ability is very strong. After Hoyadin’s order was issued, everyone began to retreat in an orderly manner towards the scientific research building. Members of the God of War team took charge of cover and soon retreated into the scientific research building.

“Go up to the second floor!”

The first floor of the research building is all hollowed out, and the wall is decorated with tempered glass, which looks very beautiful from the outside.

The disadvantage is that it is too brittle and not solid at all. A shock from the zombie will completely break this layer of defense.

The members of the Lu Family Army all evacuated to the second floor, forming the first defense at the entrance of the stairs.


A large number of zombies rushed into the scientific research building. The toughened glass on the first floor really couldn’t withstand the impact of the zombies. At this time, it was shattered, and a large number of zombies swarmed in, blocking the scientific research hall.

Soon after, the zombies began to make a violent impact on the second floor.

I have to say that Hoyadin ordered the Lu family to retreat to the second floor is a wise choice. The stairs are narrow and the number of zombies that can be rushed to the second floor is limited. The family can still cope with it.

Zombies have no wisdom. They only know that they instinctively attack humans and ignore other things. At this time, they squash and stamp on each other, and even a large number of zombies trampled their heads.

This is simply an unexpected delight.

However, Lu Jiajun did not show lightness, because the second-order zombies had not yet shot, and he stood in the zombies so silently, staring blankly at the crowd, as if he could see things.

“Might the second-order zombies have recovered their vision?”

Many people speculated, but it was quickly rejected ~ ~ The pale material on the zombies’ eyes was very hard and could block the attack of the bullets, so the eyes of the second-order zombies only strengthened the defense and did not restore vision.

If not, it would be terrifying.

On the second floor of the Research Building, Huang Yongsheng was sitting on a wooden table, panting heavily.

I was in a state of strengthening for a long time, which made his body load too severe, and he became very weak now.

“Old Huo, what should I do?”

Huang Yongsheng’s eyes were dim, and both hands holding the big sword were shaking.

Hoyadin is also very expensive. He leans against the wall, Shura’s sword is on the ground, and the black zombie blood drips slowly.

“As of now, we have no hope. If it is not Yu Lenghui’s breakthrough at the critical moment, we are estimated to have died in that wave of shock.”

During the conversation, the eyes of the two looked at a white young boy next to him, and there was a touch of relief in his eyes.

Yu Lenghui wiped the black blood on his face to reveal the white skin. He smiled bitterly and said, “Now that the second-order zombie has not shot yet, we have been beaten like this, hey, there is no way.”

Hoyadin relieved: “Don’t be discouraged, there are 30 floors in the scientific research building. We slowly back up, maybe when we retreat to the 30th floor, the zombies will be wiped out by us.”

Huang Yongsheng smiled bitterly and asked, “Do you believe it yourself?”

Hoyadin is the word, the Lu Jiajun’s physical strength is too severe, they have become so tired as evolutionaries, the status of other ordinary survivors can be imagined.

At most half an hour, if there is no support, the army will be wiped out.

Where in the last days will there be reinforcements?

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