King of Eschatology

Chapter 90 - Mortal resistance

The oil barrel exploded, and the flames splattered. A dozen aliens who died at the core of the explosion died instantly. A large area was immediately emptied under the city wall.


The screams screamed continuously, some of the alien species not at the core of the explosion, but also some were drenched in flames. The black robes were instantly ignited by the flames, and the screams of different species were burned again and again.

Some of the aliens found that the black robes were ignited, and they took off the black robes decisively and threw them on the ground. As a result, their skin was exposed to the air, and the sun was suddenly scorched.

When I saw this scene, everyone in the Canglan base was energized, and Lin Lian’s move inspired everyone.

“I see, I see!”

Someone shouted and immediately caught everyone’s attention.

The man was emotional, and if he was insane, he shouted, “They are afraid of the sun, and they are afraid of the sun!”

I heard this expression, everyone looked shocked, and looked down the city wall, and found several aliens who had taken off their black robes, and they really burst into the sun with their skin bursting and suffering.

That feeling, it was as if grilling, the heterogeneous skin was irradiated by the sun, and it was instantly scorched.

Xiong Haijian, who was broadcasting live, was taken aback by the sudden fire. The camera turned unconsciously towards the place where the flames burned, but before he turned around completely, he had been kicked to the ground by He Ai.

“Why do you want to die? The live broadcast can only report the good side. If you leak out the information that is not conducive to the gods team, be careful of your fate!”

Xiong Haijian nodded again and again and hurriedly turned his direction. The camera pointed at the other side, where several aliens had already boarded the city wall.

The killing is about to start.

The aliens have zombie-like fangs and claws, and their fighting power is super strong. Ordinary people are not their opponents at all. When the aliens rushed to the city walls, a large number of Clan guards were slaughtered.

The famous alien even took out the heart of a survivor cruelly, plunged directly into the mouth of the blood bowl, and enjoyed the food comfortably, the scene looked shocking.

Zhe Linwei and others immediately opened up their combat power and tried their best to kill the aliens who had ascended the city wall. Soon, ten of the more than 20 new humans were killed and the rest were wounded.

Fortunately, this wave of aliens who had ascended the city wall was completely destroyed. If they were torn open, the Canglan base would be over.

Lin Linlian held swords in both hands, and blood flowed on her arms. After a long battle, her body load was increased, and now her young face looked extraordinarily pale.

At this moment, even if Lin Lian is not willing anymore, she has to admit that the Canglan base has no hope.

The message for help has been sent out for more than an hour, and until now there has been no response. It seems that no one in the entire China Federation will come to the rescue.

Lin Linlian was a little lost, and looking at the black squadron in front of her, a sigh of death appeared in her heart.

“To rush into the Canglan base, you must step on my body first!”

Lin Linlian’s heart was decisive, and her watery eyes were full of unyielding warfare. She held the sword in her hands and tried her last strength to chop off a stranger who had just emerged.


Long Sword snapped, and her high-intensity battle has already exceeded her limits.

Lin Linlian looked at the broken sword and muttered to herself: “Is everything over?”

Her arms are heavy and her strength has been exhausted. If another species rushes up, she will destroy the fragrance.

此时 At this moment, there was a roar of motors in the sky. Everyone could not help but looked up and looked towards the northwest, and found that an armed helicopter was approaching rapidly.

When I saw this scene, everyone in the Canglan base instantly ignited hope.

“Someone is here to support us, everyone!”

Lin Linwei was overjoyed, shouting loudly to the guards of the Canglan Base who were struggling to persist.

Everyone was in full spirit, and with all their strength, they attacked another wave of alien attacks.

On the helicopter, Lu Fan stood proudly. He stood at the door of the cabin and looked keenly towards the Canglan base.

As a third-order intensifier, Lu Fan’s vision is extremely horrible. Even if he is far away, he can still see the situation on the battlefield clearly.

“The situation in the Canglan base is not optimistic. The Guards have already died hundreds, and only dozens of different species have died. The difference in strength between the two sides is too great.”

Lu Lufan whispered to Ling Ce and Ye still, but was silently thinking about the heterogeneous fighting power. The comprehensive strength of this heterogeneous team has surpassed the Flying Eagles in the heyday.

Just sending out a heterogeneous brigade can turn the world upside down. If the heterogeneous whole is dispatched, I am afraid that it will be enough to settle any large base.

Lu Fan is glad to come here to support himself. If he allows the heterogeneous development to continue, I am afraid that Tianyue Base is really dangerous.

The plane was extremely fast. In less than a minute, it had appeared above the Canglan base. Lu Fan jumped forward and flew down from the cabin door.

“I’m going one step ahead, you guys do it!”

Lu Fan burst into a drink and his body was rushing down like an arrow off the string.

Xun Lingce wanted to rush down with Landing Fan, but he is a second-order evolutionary. Jumping at such a high level will definitely be broken by the broken bones, so he can only give up this plan.

“Miss Ye, wait for the helicopter to land and stop and then come down and don’t fall.”

Ling Lingce turned his head and looked at Ye still, and asked with concern.

However, Ye still didn’t seem to hear her. At this moment, her eyes were closed slightly, her body glowed with radiant light ~ ~ red lips moved lightly, an inexplicable breath wafted from her body.

Suddenly, Ye still had his hands in his hands, and his body even floated out of the air, a strong sacred breath burst out, his hair fluttered, his roots were crystal clear, and his beauty was not beautiful.

Xing Lingce was shocked, looking at the beautiful shadow, and completely stared.

Ye Ye still flew down directly from the door of the cabin, falling slowly and slowly. Suddenly, her originally closed eyes opened in vain, and an appalling terror force rose from the sky.

Ye Ye is still preparing for a long time, and the jade hand slaps down to the bottom, like a thunder blast, the void tearing, and the whole space roars.

“Ancient gate of time and space, please obey the king’s call, come, **** fire!”

The voice of Wu Kongling’s voice exited. In that space crack, the horrible energy was resurrecting. The next moment, the green flames rose into the sky, and from that space crack, poured down like a waterfall.

On the helicopter, Ling Ce felt the horrible power of the green flames, his hair was upright, and he was not shocked by Ye still’s means.

He really didn’t expect that the seemingly delicate Ye still has such a powerful ability.

“Is this the Summoning Enhancer? It really is overwhelming!”

Ling Lingce’s eyes were brilliant and secretly said, “Girl Ye is so powerful, I can’t be overlooked by her. This battle must reach new heights!”

Ling Lingze’s momentum broke out suddenly, and he was full of fierce vigor. He leapt forward, blasting towards the ground like a javelin.

Uh …

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