King of Industry

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 – Undercut Problem

Chapter 11 Undercut problem

Seeing Zhao Guoyang and Liu Linzhi entering the technical department talking and laughing, Hua Guosheng, the oldest technician there, felt a little embarrassed.

Zhao Guoyang can become the only two reserve cadres in the factory this time, Hua Guosheng is still convinced. After all, they have made great contributions to the important event of Siyang Group’s frame rework.

But thinking about how an old guy in his forties, he might call a young man in his early twenties to lead him in the future. He really couldn’t turn this corner for a while.

While Hua Guosheng was silent, other comrades in the office had already cheerfully greeted Zhao Guoyang.

“Guoyang…ah, no, no, no, he is our future Section Chief Zhao, congratulations.” Roommate Xu Dongfeng was the first to come over to say hello to Zhao Guoyang.

“Fuck you, Dongfeng, don’t talk nonsense if you’re not sure yet.” Zhao Guoyang smiled and punched Xu Dongfeng, then turned his head and said to other colleagues in the technical department.

“Don’t worry too much about the publicity in the factory. It’s better to call Guo Guoyang in the future. It sounds kind, doesn’t it? Say yes, Master Hua!”

Hearing what Zhao Guoyang said, Hua Guosheng felt much more at ease.

Thinking about it carefully, this Zhao Guoyang’s technical level is really not bad, and he definitely has the qualifications to become a reserve cadre.

Now that he has achieved success, but he doesn’t raise his tail, and his posture is still so low, it seems a little unreasonable for him to hold it.

“I think everyone should listen to Guoyang. The title is really not that important, but there is one thing. People in the technical department must work together in the future and learn from Comrade Guoyang.” Hua Guosheng said seriously.

“Master Hua, just rest assured, we promise to work hard!” Several younger technicians nodded repeatedly.

After chatting with everyone for a while, Liu Linzhi revealed his reason for coming.

It turned out that after hearing Zhao Guoyang talk about the welding technique to eliminate air holes last time, he felt that the other party was really a “big cow” level master in welding.

It happened that he encountered a little problem when welding the parts, so Liu Linzhi wanted to ask Zhao Guoyang for advice.

“Guoyang, it’s like this. Our welding team has been working on the generator frames of the ‘Runfa’ recently. However, when welding, there are always problems with undercutting. I just want to ask you to help me to see if there is any There is no solution.” Liu Linzhi looked at Zhao Guoyang expectantly and said.

After listening to Lao Liu’s words, Zhao Guoyang understood the general idea in his heart. In this era, in small-scale machinery factories like Hongda Machinery Factory, welding is basically done by hand, and automatic welding is not used.

Compared with automatic welding, manual welding is more difficult and more prone to problems. Undercutting is one of the more common problems.

Seeing Zhao Guoyang’s silence, Liu Linzhi felt a little uneasy, worried that he would say something that would be refusal or that he was powerless.

But Zhao Guoyang’s next sentence made him completely relieved.

“Master Liu, although the problem of undercutting is common, it is relatively easy to solve. Let’s go and have a look.” Zhao Guoyang raised his head and said with a smile.

“Okay, let’s go to the welding team.” Liu Linzhi nodded vigorously.

Hua Guosheng over there also waved to Xu Dongfeng and the others: “Let’s go, everyone follow Guoyang to learn.”

“In the field of welding, Guoyang’s level is definitely the top capable person in our factory. It is enough for the few of you to learn three things from him.”

Hua Guosheng’s words are not an exaggeration at all. He participated in the whole process of the frame problem last time, and what Zhao Guoyang said made him engraved in his heart even more.

Originally, before the results came out, Hua Guosheng was a little skeptical, but later, under the leadership of Liu Linzhi, the welding team used Zhao Guoyang’s method to easily repair the batch of frames from the Siyang Group, allowing Hua Guo Sheng was completely convinced.

Zhao Guoyang and five or six people from the technical department followed Liu Linzhi to the welding team. A female welder was welding a generator frame.

The arrival of Zhao Guoyang and his party did not attract the attention of the female welder.

Wearing a welder’s mask and holding a welding torch, she welded continuously along the base metal of the weld toe.

A minute later, after the bottom of the generator frame was welded, she put down the welding torch in her hand.

After taking off the mask, the female welder named Zhou Jingfang was startled when she saw so many people around her.

Zhao Guoyang smiled quickly and said, “Sister Zhou, we’re just here to take a look, don’t be nervous.”

Liu Linzhi had already put on asbestos gloves at this time, pinched the frame of the generator, pointed to some cracked weld scars on the bottom and said helplessly: “Guoyang, look, there is still the problem of undercut.”

Zhao Guoyang took a look and said: “Well, I just discovered that there is actually no problem with Miss Zhou’s welding level, but the operation method is not proper, which caused the undercut.”

Seeing Zhou Jingfang’s bewildered face, Zhao Guoyang continued to explain: “Sister Zhou, when you were welding just now, your hands were held flat all the time, which made the welding torch stay on both sides of the groove for too long, which eventually resulted in biting. Things happen on the side.”

“Actually, if you save yourself a little effort and move it from side to side while soldering, it’s an easy fix.”

After speaking, Zhao Guoyang decided to demonstrate it himself. He took the gloves, torch, and mask from Zhou Jingfang, adjusted the welding current, and then picked up an unwelded frame and started welding.

“Welding the root of this tubular material does not require excessive welding current, and the effect of short-arc welding is better.”

“In addition, if the strips are transported a little slower on both sides of the bevel, and a little faster in the middle of the weld, basically there will be no problems.”

Zhao Guoyang began to demonstrate while talking, and after a while, the frame of the generator in his hand was welded.

Zhao Guoyang took off the welder’s mask, carefully looked at the smooth root of the generator frame after welding, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

In his previous life, although Zhao Guoyang had a deep research on the welding process, he didn’t have many opportunities to operate it by himself. Especially after becoming famous, it is rare to do it personally.

Just now on a whim, he wanted to set an example for Zhou Jingfang and Liu Linzhi.

Finally, when he picked up the welding torch, he remembered that he hadn’t touched this thing for almost fifteen years in two lifetimes combined.

Fortunately, I saw Zhou Jingfang use this welding torch just now, and I know the basic principle very well, so I finally didn’t make a fool of myself.

After Zhao Guoyang finished welding the frame of the generator, Liu Linzhi’s eyes stared straight.

He stroked the extremely smooth but tight weld at the bottom of the generator, feeling like he was in a dream.

(end of this chapter)

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