King of Industry

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 – Waiting For Your Words

Chapter 13 is waiting for your words

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“In that case, you are going to follow me. I have passed through Jinling City on business trips too many times to count, so I should be more familiar with it than you.”

Zhao Guoyang nodded, agreeing to Ma Jian’s words.

“Guoyang, to tell you the truth, this time we went to Siyang Group, besides delivering the reworked frame on time, the two of us have a more important task…” Ma Jian said pretending to be mysterious.

Actually, Zhao Guoyang already had his own guesses about going to the Siyang Group in Yangcheng this time.

There is no doubt that it is not as simple as escorting the frame with the factory manager Ma, there must be other things, otherwise why drag yourself?

So now when Ma Jian raised this question, Zhao Guoyang didn’t feel awkward at all.

Seeing Zhao Guoyang’s calm expression, Ma Jian was puzzled: “Guoyang, why are you not curious about what tasks we have? Could it be that you have already guessed it?”

Zhao Guoyang smiled reservedly: “Director Ma, I did think of something before.”

“Actually, it’s not difficult to guess, isn’t it? Our Hongda Machinery Factory has not been doing well in the past two years. Now that we have finally found a big family like Siyang Group, we naturally want to cooperate with them further. For example Provide people with several more product frames, or other devices.”

Zhao Guoyang expressed some of his imagination on a whim. “I heard that Siyang Group may cooperate with Yamaha, a famous motorcycle brand in the island country. If we can establish a long-term cooperative relationship with each other, it may be a bright road in the future!”

“Relying on this shareholder style, maybe within a few years, our factory will be able to develop into a leading machinery company in Ninghai City…”

After Zhao Guoyang finished speaking, Ma Jian looked at him with dull eyes. After coming over for a while, he said, “Guoyang, I don’t even dare to be so optimistic, you really dare to think about it!”

Zhao Guoyang also knew that he seemed to have talked too much, so he quickly shut up.

But Ma Jian has recognized his ability and foresight through what he said just now, and then said: “Guoyang, don’t be too restrained between us, you can share any ideas you have!”

“I have a general understanding of your ability now, and you can’t hide it even if you hide it!”

Zhao Guoyang scratched his head, not knowing what to say.

“Hey, why didn’t you say it?” Ma Jian smiled.

“Your guess just now is absolutely correct. The factory let me go this time. In addition to delivery, there is also a task to discuss in-depth cooperation with Siyang Group.”

“However, Mr. Mu, Mr. Wang and I don’t know that Siyang Group is going to cooperate with Yamaha Group. We old fellows just think that someone will be merciful and reward us with several types of frames. Do it and be satisfied.”

What Ma Jian said to Zhao Guoyang did not mean to hide anything, and he told him all the decisions of the high-level managers in the factory. This is also a way for Ma Jian to win people’s hearts.

Compared to Mu Aijun and Wang Youchang, Ma Jian undoubtedly knows how to be more flexible, and his style of acting is more casual.

To be honest, this time he is not very sure about whether he can complete the heavy burden of expanding his business, and now he tells Zhao Guoyang all the difficulties, which means that the other party will advance and retreat with him.

Not knowing why, he felt that this young man might really have something to do.

After hearing Ma Jian’s words, Zhao Guoyang looked at him again in his heart. Regardless of whether the director of the horse factory said he loves to run trains, at least he has done a good job in knowing people and making good use of it.

In the early 1990s, there were not many leaders like Ma Jian. Conservation and prudence were a common problem among many business leaders.

After thinking for a moment, Zhao Guoyang raised his head and smiled and said, “Director Ma, it is a good thing to further deepen the cooperation with the other party. I will do my best to assist you. If you need me, just tell me.”

“Okay! What I’m waiting for is Guoyang’s words!” Ma Jian laughed.

“Don’t worry, as long as you can complete this important task assigned by the factory, I guarantee that the factory director will make you a regular cadre as soon as you go back. If Wang Youchang still refuses to agree, then come to my sales department! “

The long-distance passenger car bumped on the uneven provincial road and didn’t arrive in Jinling until the sun was about to set.

In late autumn, when it was dark and early, when we got out of the station, the director of the horse factory twisted his waist, looked at the time, and said, “Guoyang, let’s go eat something to make a bed, and get on the train, but there is nothing good to eat. “

On a business trip, Zhao Guoyang naturally listened to the leadership’s arrangements. He nodded his head in agreement with Ma Jian’s proposal.

Ma Jian took Zhao Guoyang to a small restaurant not far from the station. Although it looked inconspicuous, it was clean and tidy, and the food tasted very good.

While eating, Ma Jian chatted with Zhao Guoyang: “Guoyang, time is tight today, let’s deal with it casually, and when the matter is done, I will take you to Jinling Hotel when I turn around, and treat you to a big meal.”

Zhao Guoyang smiled at the big cake painted by Ma Jian, but he didn’t take it seriously, because he had been to too many high-end places like Jinling Hotel in his previous life, and he couldn’t be excited at all.

Ma Jian deserves to be the director of the marketing factory, and he is quite good at talking about mountains. After a meal, Zhao Guoyang listened to him explaining the scenic spots and historical allusions of Jinling City, and he didn’t feel bored.

Seeing that it was about the same time, Ma Jian settled the bill and rushed to the train station with Zhao Guoyang.

Standing outside the dimly lit and crowded Jinling Railway Station, Ma Jian sighed with emotion: “Tsk tsk, we can’t compare Ninghai City and a big city like Jinling. It feels better during the day, but the excitement of the night It’s really different, I don’t know when Ninghai City will develop to this state…”

Looking at the rows of old-fashioned street lamps in front of him, Zhao Guoyang secretly laughed.

What he wants to say is that in less than ten years, many medium-sized cities in the Republic will have such a weather.

Twenty years later, not to mention Ninghai City, which has a fairly good economy, even some developed towns will not be much worse than the current Jinling night scene.

The time to enter the station finally came. Zhao Guoyang and Ma Jian followed the crowd and finally squeezed into the platform.

Looking at the green leather train in front of him, Zhao Guoyang was lost for a while.

In the early 1990s, bullet trains and high-speed rails had not yet been seen. The whole country was filled with the slowest, small and crowded green leather trains.

Of course, compared to the hundreds or thousands of yuan before the rebirth, the train ticket price in this era is much more affordable, and it is the best choice for long-distance travel.

(end of this chapter)

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