King of Industry

Chapter 235

Chapter 235 – Central Meeting

Chapter 235 Central Stem Meeting

By taking the opportunity of his uncle’s family coming over, Zhao Guoyang talked with him about joining his Rongguang Machinery Factory.

Not surprisingly, my uncle readily agreed and agreed to Zhao Guoyang’s proposal without hesitation.

Next, he only needs to wait until the end of the year to officially go to work to go through the resignation procedures, and then he can report to Rongguang Machinery Factory.

While sending his uncle’s family away, Zhao Guoyang noticed that his cousin He Hui looked at him with an inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

He didn’t care too much, just smiled at his cousin and asked her to come and play at home when she had time. At the same time, Zhao Guoyang didn’t forget to explain a few words to Zhao Xiaojing, asking her to communicate with the two sisters, He Hui, and try to get into a good school .

As a girl, Zhao Xiaojing probably guessed some of He Hui’s thoughts.

Because of this, she was a little unhappy about her brother’s belated understanding.

However, Zhao Xiaojing also understands, who would not admire a man as outstanding as his brother, or a young and ignorant girl?

In the blink of an eye, it was already the fifth day of the Lunar New Year.

Early in the morning, Zhao Guoyang got up at six o’clock. After a quick wash, he ate a bowl of Jingguo powder and set off. He drove his motorcycle straight to Hongda Machinery Factory.

As in previous years, the factory did not officially go to work until the seventh day of the seventh day. Zhao Guoyang went over early today because Director Mu called and said that the factory would hold a meeting of middle-level cadres before going to work.

Although Director Mu didn’t elaborate on why this middle-level meeting was held, Zhao Guoyang guessed it was close to ten after a little thought.

Needless to say, it must be because of this new scooter project in the factory.

After Zhao Guoyang completed the design of the general plan of the scooter, Director Mu, Ma Jian, and Wang Youchang, the two deputy directors, couldn’t wait to promote the project immediately.

Zhao Guoyang still knows a little about the thoughts of the three factory leaders, so he has been rushing forward with this matter without any delay.

Just last night, Zhao Guoyang had a phone call with his teacher, Mao Tiansheng, and asked about the progress of the students’ blueprint decomposition.

It’s not bad. Basically, most of the students have completed the drawing of the parts at hand. Only a few are slow, and there is still a day or two of effort.

However, the teacher has already said that when Zhao Guoyang officially starts work on the seventh day of the seventh day, all the drawings will definitely be completed. At that time, he will send it directly by express mail.

Riding a cool motorcycle and walking on the small road in the urban-rural junction, Zhao Guoyang has been thinking about the issue of today’s central government meeting in his mind.

In the past, the news that the factory was going to start a complete motorcycle project was always closed, and only a few people knew about it.

Since Director Mu has called all the middle-level officials for this meeting today, it seems that he is going to officially announce this new project in the factory.

From Zhao Guoyang’s personal point of view, this project is undoubtedly very important. It not only determines the future development of the factory, but also affects whether he can go further in Hongda Machinery Factory and truly obtain a certain right to speak, so as to facilitate his future development. plan.

The reason why he has such an idea is not that Zhao Guoyang has a rebellious mind and wants to break free from the shackles of several factory leaders, but that he knows that the personnel changes in state-owned enterprises are changing rapidly.

Whether it is the factory director Mu Aijun, or Ma Jian and Wang Youchang, they may be transferred to other state-owned enterprises or institutions at any time.

Once the three leaders who appreciated and cared for me are no longer in the factory, and I have not gained a certain right to speak, then I may not be able to control how the factory will go in the future.

In view of this, Zhao Guoyang wanted to make this scooter project work out no matter what.

Because only by becoming a member of the factory-level cadres, can we avoid unnecessary troubles and better lead Hongda Machinery Factory to glory step by step.

Driving a motorcycle roaring down the small road, the speed was a bit faster than that of a car. Zhao Guoyang arrived at the factory before going to work.

As soon as he entered the factory gate, Zhao Guoyang saw Mu Aijun pushing a bicycle in front of him. He hurried over to greet Director Mu and said happy new year.

Seeing him coming so early, Mu Aijun was quite satisfied. He patted Zhao Guoyang on the shoulder with a smile and said: “Guoyang, today’s meeting is very important. After a while, I plan to ask you to go up and make a speech. You need to prepare a little bit. You don’t need to say anything, you just need to tell the general manager Tell me what you have done, and everything will be done!”

“Okay, Director Mu! This is no problem. As for the general plan, I have an extra printed copy in my office. I can take it to the venue and introduce it to everyone.” Zhao Guoyang nodded repeatedly.

While the two were laughing and chatting, they had already arrived at the office building.

At this moment, middle-level workers have arrived in the factory one after another. Seeing Mu Aijun and Zhao Guoyang walking together, these people stepped forward to say hello to the two of them.

Seeing these people’s occasional envious eyes, Zhao Guoyang secretly laughed in his heart, and thought: I also followed Director Mu today to show some prestige.

Hongda Machinery Factory has a total of 17 middle-level managers, plus two factory-level principals and two factory-level deputies, a total of 21 people attended today’s meeting.

The meeting is held in the small conference room run by the factory, with an oval conference table, and everyone sits one by one.

The two in the middle are naturally the factory director Mu Aijun and the secretary Zhang Zhizhong.

On both sides of the two are the two deputy directors Wang Youchang and Ma Jian.

Further back, Sitting next to Ma Jian was the first member of the Zhonggan—the chairman of the labor union, Lian Hongjun.

Beside Wang Youchang, Wang Cheng, the head of the purchasing department, should be sitting next to Wang Youchang. But today, under the arrangement of Director Mu, Zhao Guoyang was replaced, and Wang Cheng’s turn was next.

This subtle change failed to escape the eyes of some caring people. Needless to say, this is the meaning of Director Mu’s intention to reuse Zhao Guoyang.

But to everyone’s surprise, Wang Cheng, who was squeezed out of his position, showed no abnormality on his face.

On the contrary, sitting next to Zhao Guoyang, he talked and laughed with the young technical section chief, looking very enthusiastic.

What is the situation? Seeing this scene, everyone murmured in their hearts.

“Okay, everyone is here, let’s start the meeting!” Mu Aijun sat up straight and started today’s meeting.

There is no need to repeat the process of the meeting. First of all, a few factory-level cadres said a few words of congratulations to everyone.

After a few words, Mu Aijun turned to the topic. He looked around for a week, and slowly said: “Comrades, many people may have guessed the purpose of this meeting today. Yes, we have this meeting today mainly to discuss the future of the factory. Development issues.”

“In the past year, the development of our Hongda Machinery Factory is obvious to all. No matter in terms of total production value or profit, we have made great progress. This has also accelerated the pace of development in our factory. confidence.”

Mu Aijun paused for a moment, and said with gestures: “Last year was approaching the end of the year, there was good news that the State-owned Assets Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Finance approved a sum of funds for our Hongda Machinery Factory, allowing us to use it for the enterprise. transformation.”

“After getting this exact news, several of our factory leaders started a one-month careful investigation. After the inspection, we unanimously decided to make the production of complete motorcycles as our Hongda Machinery Factory. Transformation goals…”

Hearing this, several cadres below let out a low voice: “Ah! A whole motorcycle?”

Seeing the astonished expressions on these people’s faces, Mu Aijun nodded heavily and said, “That’s right, it’s a complete motorcycle!”

“In fact, we have been implementing and promoting this plan in an orderly manner years ago. Let me tell you, at present, our plan and the general drawing of the first model have passed the access assessment of the State Economic and Trade Commission and obtained the “Motorcycle Production Access Certificate”!”

After Mu Aijun finished speaking, Zhao Guoyang, who was sitting upright in his seat, was also slightly surprised.

He didn’t expect Director Mu to be so powerful on top, and he got the access certificate so quickly.

In fact, my master plan is basically just a preliminary product. If you really want to pick and choose, it is easy for people to find faults.

Unexpectedly, Director Mu won the “Motorcycle Production Access Certificate” based on this general plan that lacked a lot of things, which is really unexpected.

After Mu Aijun finished his long speech, the meeting room fell into a momentary silence, and everyone silently weighed the gains and losses of this transformation in their hearts.

In the eyes of some seasoned and prudent cadres, such a large-scale transformation is naturally not safe, and the risk is too great.

As for some radical middle-level cadres, it is another idea.

In their view, since the factory can provide frames for well-known domestic motorcycle brands, why not produce motorcycles by themselves? It’s nothing more than adding some more parts, such as tires, engines and so on.

Although everyone’s ideas are not consistent, there is still a consensus on one thing, that is, the acquisition of the “Motorcycle Production Access Certificate” is a very good opportunity for transformation.

Mu Aijun anticipated everyone’s reaction, and seeing that no one spoke, he turned his gaze to Zhao Guoyang, indicating that he could show the general plan.

Zhao Guoyang nodded to Director Mu in a subtle way, took out the blueprints he brought and slowly unfolded them, then stood up and said to everyone: “Everyone, the blueprint I am holding now is the one that our factory will soon develop. General drawing of the first motorcycle.”

“You can take a closer look at this drawing. Basically, as long as you refine it a little bit, this drawing can almost meet the requirements for guiding production.”

Zhao Guoyang turned his head and glanced at everyone, waved his arms vigorously and said: “After Director Mu issued the “Motorcycle Production Access Certificate”, it should be said that the first problem of our factory’s motorcycle production has been solved. “

“Now the second problem, the drawing problem, we have also solved. The rest is only the procurement of parts and production. And this is the focus of our meeting today…”

(end of this chapter)

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