King of Industry

Chapter 248

Chapter 248 – Jade Is Not Cut, Not A Device

Chapter 248 Jade can’t be crafted

“That’s right, I am Zhao Guoyang, and I am also the leader of the technical department of our Hongda Machinery Factory. I asked Professor Zhu to let you draw these drawings!”

Looking at the students with their mouths open, Zhao Guoyang said very calmly.

Knowing Zhao Guoyang’s identity, these “Heaven’s Proud Sons” instantly became frost-beaten eggplants—withered.

Indeed, it seems amazing to them that one person can draw such a complex motorcycle general picture without any mistakes.

“Gong Zhao… We, we didn’t know it was you…” the man with glasses said in a low voice.

Little Curly also lowered his head, and said embarrassedly: “Yes, Mr. Zhao, we thought that the person who drew such an awesome drawing must be a senior expert similar to our teacher…”

Hearing this, Zhu Maotao laughed and said: “Xiao Song, you think highly of me, teacher. I can’t draw the general picture drawn by Guoyang so perfectly! Siyan, don’t you think so?”

Seeing the teacher’s smiling face, Zhao Siyan was also happy.

She turned around and glanced at Zhao Guoyang, and said with a snort, “Yes, we are all mortals, how can we compare with Guoyang, a god-man!”

Being killed by Zhao Siyan without a trace, Zhao Guoyang was a little speechless and shook his head repeatedly.

Seeing that Researcher Zhao finally showed the attitude that his peers should have, more than 20 students couldn’t help laughing, and the thorn in their hearts just now gradually faded away.

With this kind of prestige, the communication between students from Hongda Machinery Factory and Jinling University of Technology became smoother.

Zhao Guoyang and Hua Guosheng went through the drawings, except for some details, basically guiding the production is easy.

A large group of people have been busy in the office until after get off work, and they are willing to give up after completing all the details seriously.

When Zhao Guoyang was about to speak and invite everyone to have a meal, Wang Youchang had already walked in quickly.

Seeing Zhao Guoyang, the joy in Wang Youchang’s eyes flashed away. He patted the former on the back, walked up to Zhu Maotao, and said enthusiastically, “Professor Zhu, Guoyang, it’s time for dinner. Let’s go first today.” Here, let’s go to Fuchun Hotel to have a meal together. Director Mu has booked a box there, just wait for us to go there.”

“Oh, it’s Fuchun Hotel!” Zhao Siyan couldn’t help crying out when she heard the name.

She has a classmate from Ninghai who likes food very much and often whispers the name “Fuchun Hotel” in her ear.

The two most famous dishes of “Fuchun Hotel” are boiled dried shredded rice and steamed buns with crab roe, which have been well received by countless diners, and they are also the delicacies that Zhao Siyan has always coveted.

A group of people rushed to the Fuchun Hotel in a mighty way, while Zhao Guoyang took the time to call Houzi and told him to charter a minibus to come here tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow is the weekend, and it is impossible for Hongda Machinery Factory to ask the students to work overtime, so there is naturally time.

It just so happens that Professor Zhu and Siyan are going back to Jinling the day after tomorrow, so I can show them around their Rongguang Machinery Factory tomorrow.

During lunch, Zhao Guoyang had already planned.

When everyone arrived at the “Fuchun Hotel”, several factory leaders of Hongda Machinery Factory had already been waiting for a long time. When they saw Zhu Maotao and Zhao Siyan coming, they rushed out to greet them.

When he was seated, Zhao Guoyang naturally sat with several factory leaders, accompanied by Professor Zhu and Zhao Siyan.

Hua Guosheng and the people from the technical department were divided into three groups, and they sat down at three tables with more than twenty students.

After all, everyone is not familiar with each other, so they are naturally a little cautious when eating.

Fortunately, the food at Fuchun Hotel was really delicious, and the students were soon immersed in the feast.

Such a sumptuous meal, wine is naturally indispensable, at the request of Director Mu, Zhao Guoyang accompanied Professor Zhu and Zhao Siyan to drink two glasses.

His drinking capacity has improved significantly now. After two glasses of wine, there is no reaction.

During the meeting, Director Mu and Professor Zhu had a preliminary talk about the next internship of the students.

The internship period is initially scheduled to be four months. Officially starting next week.

Originally, this group of students is still five months away from graduation, but the last month is reserved for them to do graduation design, so the internship period can only be four months.

As far as the number of people is concerned, Director Mu waved his hand—there is no cap.

That is to say, as long as the students are willing, all of them can stay in Hongda Machinery Factory for internship.

As for which students are willing to continue working in Hongda Machinery Factory after the internship period, Mu Aijun also has a clear statement.

As long as the employment intention is set with the factory, the students will start to count their working years during the internship. In addition, the salary and treatment will also increase accordingly. It will definitely not be worse than staying in the provincial capital, and various benefits will be given priority.

What Mu Aijun did was basically to retain this group of talents with enough sincerity.

After all, the length of service is still very important in this era. Being able to calculate the length of service half a year in advance is really not ordinary.

After hearing Director Mu’s words, Zhao Siyan on the side smiled and said: “Director Mu, your offer is too generous, even I am a little tempted.”

“Ah, researcher Zhao, if you are willing to come, we will welcome you with both hands!” Mu Aijun was stunned for a moment, and then clapped his hands.

Zhao Siyan glanced at Zhao Guoyang, who was smiling and silent beside her, and shook her head pretending to be distressed: “Hey, forget it, even if you come, you will always be suppressed by Guoyang. Don’t talk about me, even A postdoctoral fellow is no match for him!”

After hearing Zhao Siyan’s words, several leaders of Hongda Machinery Factory laughed, but no one objected to her words.

Zhu Maotao on the side smiled and listened to the conditions offered by Mu Aijun, then turned to Zhao Guoyang and nodded, “Guoyang, I will leave these useless students to you in the future, you should be beaten and punished, just do it , don’t be polite.”

“Haha, Professor Zhu is really giving up. Come on, come on, for your words, I will toast you again.” Mu Aijun laughed and raised his glass to Zhu Maotao.

“It’s not that I’m willing, it’s indeed ‘a jade that can’t be cut into a tool’!”

Zhu Maotao drank the wine in the cup, looked at the calm Zhao Guoyang and sighed, “Geniuses like Guoyang are rare after all, otherwise, if you want to achieve something in a certain area, you still need to practice hard and practice hard. Only then…”

A meal is a feast for the guests and host.

After eating, Director Mu arranged for a car to take everyone back to the Friendship Hotel not far from the factory gate.

This hotel with a good environment has a long-term cooperative relationship with the factory. Basically, if there are guests, they will receive them from them.

Of course, today is Zhu Maotao’s first day bringing students here, so they must live better. If some students decide to do an internship in the factory later, they will definitely live in the dormitory in the factory.

After sending Professor Zhu, Zhao Siyan and the students to the hotel, Zhao Guoyang staggered back to his dormitory.

As soon as he returned to the dormitory, Zhao Guoyang didn’t even bother to wash up, and fell asleep directly.

After returning from Yangcheng, he has been going here and there non-stop. He hasn’t slept in his own bed yet. Now that everything is over, he must have a good rest.

The next morning, Zhao Guoyang was woken up by the sound of the BP machine before seven o’clock.

He picked it up and saw that it was a message from the monkey, saying that the car had arrived and was at the gate of the factory.

After seeing the news, Zhao Guoyang hurriedly got up to wash up, and hurried over.

“Guoyang, here it is!” The monkey obviously saw Zhao Guoyang early in the morning, and waved to him from a distance.

After getting in the car, Zhao Guoyang glanced at the driver sitting in front and said hello.

“Guoyang, you don’t have to be polite. This is from my second uncle’s family. He is about the same age as me, so he is my cousin! You can call him Dahai.” Monkey introduced cheerfully.

After exchanging pleasantries, Zhao Guoyang asked Dahai to drive the car to the door of the Friendship Hotel.

Going upstairs, Zhao Guoyang saw that Professor Zhu had asked Zhao Siyan to gather those college students.

“Hey, everyone will get on the bus in order later, don’t squeeze, and show the spirit of a college student, you know!” Zhao Siyan has always been good at eloquence, and she is even better at organizing such activities.

Seeing Zhao Guoyang approaching, Zhu Maotao smiled and nodded to Zhao Siyan, and followed her downstairs first.

The minibus driven by Houzi’s cousin was rented from the Jianghai County Passenger Transport Center, and it is at least 80% new.

After getting into the car, Zhao Guoyang naturally sat in the last row with Professor Zhu and Zhao Siyan.

He introduced the monkey to the two, telling them that it was his partner and the production director of Rongguang Machinery Factory.

Hearing that he was Zhao Guoyang’s partner, both Professor Zhu and Zhao Siyan dared not neglect, and chatted with the monkey for a while.

After the flattered monkey sat down, he looked at Zhao Guoyang with admiring eyes from time to time, and said to himself: Sun Ning, Sun Ning, if you can let dignified university professors and doctoral students talk to you so politely, this life is worth it .

Along the way, Zhao Guoyang told Zhu Maotao and Zhao Siyan from time to time the experience of developing his small workshop step by step from idea to implementation, and also briefly talked about some minor problems encountered in the factory.

The small problem that Zhao Guoyang mentioned is naturally the problem of insufficient manpower.

In fact, although Rongguang Machinery Factory can only be regarded as a labor-intensive enterprise for the time being, Zhao Guoyang’s expectations for it are still very high.

He is thinking of developing towards “high precision”, and intends to make his factory’s jewelry series, which is currently digging the first pot of gold, truly enter the first-class level.

But in order to achieve this goal, in addition to the necessary capital investment, manpower is essential.

This manpower is not ordinary workers, but designers and engineers.

Whether it is hair clips, earrings or bracelets, there are hundreds or thousands of styles and styles that can be designed. If you want to succeed and sell your products, you must choose the best one from so many designs. .

And this requires a long time of exploration and coordination and communication between technical personnel.

Originally, Zhao Guoyang could not complete this task by himself. But since he has more and more important things to do, he must be at his wits end.

Therefore, in terms of product design, he can only give some general directional suggestions, and then use the “sea of people” tactic.

(end of this chapter)

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