King of Industry

Chapter 55

Chapter 55 – Learned A Lesson

Chapter 55 took a lesson

Thank you for the good names that have been registered yy, Qingwu Feiyang 11, the dedicated playboy, the young soldier 1113, Huakai Mianyuan, Zuozheng, Little Kitty Cat Fishing for Big Fish, Feng951, LUMIN, Coming to Bingshao, Tianya One person 001, Xiao Yijian, Huanhuan Xiaodao, nerd 6, classic string ball, evildoer is ready to die, etc., for the rewards and support of good friends, I will definitely work harder. Next week, the old rules will continue to walk three chapters a day From now on, I hope all friends will like it and support it. If you have time, you can reply more. I will read it every day, and you can also enter the genuine group to communicate together. Let us watch how Zhao Guoyang embarked on a road of industrial prosperity!


Seeing that Lao Zhu nodded in approval, Zhao Guoyang continued to say: “K is a correction constant. Since the straddle motorcycle frame is heavier, this value is higher. It should be 160-190. As for the curved beam frame, this The value should be 130-160.”

Hearing this, Lao Zhu nodded. He could barely understand the formula Zhao Guoyang just said.

At least this correction constant, people did not talk nonsense, but affirmed that the straddle type is bigger than the underbone vehicle.

Zhao Guoyang pointed to a series of data on the paper, and then explained: “In the first formula, G represents the curb weight of the motorcycle, g represents the acceleration, w represents the peak adhesion coefficient between the tire and the ground, and d1 represents the vertical position of the frame. The vertical distance from the center of the bearing under the tube to the center of the tire, d2 represents the distance from the center of the bearing under the stand tube of the frame to the ground. e represents the horizontal distance from the center of the bearing under the stand tube of the frame to the center of the tire.”

”Then according to this formula, the horizontal reciprocating load F(0) of the frame is easy to calculate.”

Zhao Guoyang wrote a series of data, and finally came to the conclusion that the horizontal reciprocating load F(0) of the straddle frame produced in the factory before was about 800. However, the horizontal reciprocating load F(0) of the C100 frame has reached more than 1000.

Of course, the one-way vertically upward load F(Z) and the one-way vertically downward load F(S) are still larger for the straddle frame.

Zhao Guoyang said earnestly: “Master Zhu, the data will not lie. You have also seen that although the vertical load of the straddle type is larger, the reciprocating load in the horizontal direction is not as large as our new model. of.”

“The main function of the head tube is to break down the reciprocating load in the horizontal direction, so of course we have to use materials with higher tensile strength and yield strength to make this piece.”

Perhaps worried that Lao Zhu would not believe it, Zhao Guoyang drew a circle on the formula on this piece of paper, and said with a smile: “Master Zhu, this formula is a load calculation formula often used in motorcycle calculations.”

“If you don’t believe me, you can take this piece of paper and ask someone to check it later to see if I have said anything nonsense!”

“No need, I believe you, old Zhu!” Hearing this, Lao Zhu would have no doubts.

Although he can’t understand the pile of formulas written by Zhao Guoyang, the reason is obvious.

Indeed, compared with the straddle frame, the center of the bearing under the frame riser of the curved beam frame is lower, and the load in the horizontal direction is greater, which is understandable.

Old Zhu is not easy to convince others, but once he is convinced, he will never go against others.

He immediately took the blueprint in Zhang Chaoyang’s hand, and said, “Section Chief Zhao, I’m sorry, I was too empirical before. I will do as you said for the parts production of this frame, and we will start working right away!”

Seeing that Lao Zhu was really convinced, Zhao Guoyang was quite relieved, and then took out a pack of cigarettes, distributed them to Lao Zhu and the workers behind him, and said politely: “No hurry, let’s smoke a cigarette first. Actually, I am also Reflect on this matter, does our technical department have a better way to deal with it?”

Zhao Guoyang took a puff of cigarette, turned to the workshop director Zhang Fusheng and said: “Director Zhang, if the comrades in our technical department can communicate with your workshop in advance, some problems can be solved easily, and there is no need for conflicts to arise during on-site production. gone.”

Zhang Fusheng exhaled smoke rings, looked at Zhao Guoyang with admiration and said: “Guoyang, you really deserve to be a college student, and what you said is reasonable.”

“Actually, sometimes the drawings and instructions given by your technical department are all in the fog in our workshop, and we are only doing things based on experience.”

“If it weren’t for Lao Zhu’s checkpoint, the mistakes would definitely not have happened once or twice. When he raised a question today, I was somewhat puzzled. After all, Lao Zhu has rich experience, and he is the technical guarantee of our workshop.”

Zhang Fusheng glanced at Zhao Guoyang who nodded silently, and said with a smile: “However, Guoyang, you have taught us all a lesson today.”

”Although experience can indeed play a certain role in many cases, in the final analysis, everything we do must be based on scientific evidence. The formula you listed just now really clears up everyone’s doubts, amazing!”

Old Zhu next to him heard what Zhang Fusheng said, and nodded in agreement: “The director is right, Section Chief Zhao, you can teach everyone a lesson.”

“Chaoyang, Chang Yuan, you two should learn more from your section chief Zhao, don’t keep asking questions.”

Seeing Lao Zhu mentioning himself, Zhang Chaoyang and Chang Yuan looked at me and I looked at you, all with embarrassing expressions.

Zhang Chaoyang coughed, and reluctantly explained: “Old Zhu, our section chief is a college student, and his education is much higher than ours. We can’t learn his level.”

“Hey, there are not so many words. It’s like the formula just now. Even if you haven’t touched it before, can’t you write it down? It will always be useful in the future!” Old Zhu said earnestly.

“Yes, we are wrong, can’t we!” Zhang Chaoyang shook his head helplessly and said, “After Chang Yuan and I go back, we will copy down the formula written by Section Chief Zhao, and make sure to remember it firmly!”

“Well, this makes sense!” Lao Zhu nodded in satisfaction, turned to look at Zhao Guoyang and said.

“Chief Zhao, I think the communication problem you mentioned just now is very necessary. Production and technology have always been inseparable.”

“In the past, people from your technical department came down to the workshop too rarely, and there was almost no communication between everyone, which also caused some estrangement.”

“To be honest, you people in the technical department are usually a little arrogant. Even if it is our Director Zhang, they don’t listen to it very much. I am a straightforward person, Xiao Section Chief, don’t take it to heart.”

Hearing Lao Zhu’s non-stop firing cannons, Zhang Fusheng scratched his head for a while.

Zhao Guoyang patted Zhang Fusheng’s arm comfortingly, and said with a smile: “Director Zhang, Mr. Zhu, this is indeed our problem. The technical department is originally intended to serve production, and your opinions are very important to us. At that time, there were mistakes in the technical drawings, if the production can find out in time, it can save our factory a lot of losses.”

“Yes, yes, yes, this is indeed the case! Although Lao Zhu has a bad temper, he has indeed done a good job in technical control.” Zhang Fusheng nodded in approval.

“I remember that last year, Section Chief Huang of your technical department sent someone to bring over a wrong blueprint. If our old Zhu hadn’t discovered it in time, there would have been a mass accident. Chaoyang, tell me, is there such a thing?”

Zhang Chaoyang nodded awkwardly when he heard the words, and said: “Indeed, Section Chief Huang was also careless that time, and reversed the two dimensions on the drawing…”

“Okay, that’s what I mean!” Zhang Fusheng looked at Zhao Guoyang and said.

“Guoyang, I agree with what you just mentioned. Since the technical department serves production, communication between us should be strengthened.”

(end of this chapter)

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