King of Industry

Chapter 61

Chapter 61 – Are We Friends

Chapter 61 Are we friends?

Standing next to the laser welding machine, Zhao Guoyang unhurriedly checked whether the power supply, water circulation, and gas connection of the equipment in the machine are normal.

After finding that there was no problem, he connected the power and turned on the main power switch.

Next, Zhao Guoyang turned on the water cooler and laser generator in sequence. And open the argon gas valve to adjust the gas flow.

Seeing his orderly and smooth operations, Liao Jingsheng’s last little worry disappeared.

After inputting the work parameters to be executed, Zhao Guoyang started welding.

First, of course, is the spine of the C100 frame.

The strength required for this piece is extremely high, and a welding action must be maintained for a minute or two without the slightest deviation.

This is quite troublesome for ordinary welding machines, even if it is an excellent operator, it is difficult to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

But with a laser welder, this problem is easily solved.

With the emergence of laser pulses, the spine part of the C100 frame is quickly fused into a whole.

The whole process took less than a minute, and Zhao Guoyang easily completed this most important part.

Seeing the tight fit at the spine of the frame, Hua Guosheng and Zhang Chaoyang, who were watching next to them, all looked happy.

As for Xu Dongfeng, this kid’s attention is all on Ning Xiaohong, and he has long since left the matter of frame welding out of the blue.

Next, Zhao Guoyang welded several other important points of the frame.

After finishing it, he raised his head with a smile, pointed to the frame and said to Ning Xiaohong: “Mr. Ning, generally speaking, our frame is finished, and there are still a few small places. I need to trouble you to make up for it.” Solder it.”

Ning Xiaohong said “Yes”, walked over from Liao Jingsheng, and took Zhao Guoyang’s place.

After getting down, Zhao Guoyang and Hua Guosheng explained a few words, asking him to be in charge of docking with Ning Xiaohong, and to fix those places on the frame that still needed to be repaired.

Hua Guosheng is now obedient to Zhao Guoyang, and after listening to his orders, he naturally nodded again and again.

Seeing that everything had been arranged, Zhao Guoyang walked up to Liao Jingsheng, and whispered, “Director Liao, can you take a step to speak!”

Liao Jingsheng looked at Zhao Guoyang curiously, nodded, and followed him into the workshop.

Bringing Liao Jingsheng to the die-casting machine that had just been repaired, Zhao Guoyang explained his idea of renting this machine.

“Director Liao, I have a friend who wants to open a small workshop to make some small objects, and needs a small die-casting machine. Just now I heard from Section Chief Ning that the die-casting machine in your factory is not available for the time being. I don’t know if it can be Temporarily rent it to my friend?”

Although this Liao factory manager is a transferred cadre, he is not the same as Li Changhe’s big bastard, he is very shrewd.

I said that a friend needs to use it, but the actual situation is estimated that Director Liao can guess a little bit.

Sure enough, after hearing Zhao Guoyang’s words, Liao Jingsheng looked at him with a half-smile and said, “Brother Zhao, I’m afraid you contributed a lot to this small workshop of your friend?”


Zhao Guoyang scratched his head and said with a smile: “Uh, Director Liao, to be honest, the products of this small workshop are determined by me, so it can be regarded as a technology investment.”

After talking with Liao Jingsheng, Zhao Guoyang also thought about it.

Anyway, this small workshop of mine will surface in the future, so instead of hiding it now, it is better to tell the truth to Liao Jingsheng.

Speaking of which, the things I make don’t conflict with their Xiangyang Machinery Factory, and it’s not that they don’t pay rent. This shrewd factory manager should not be embarrassed in this regard.

After hearing Zhao Guoyang finish speaking, Liao Jingsheng nodded secretly.

He waved his hand and said briskly: “Since you have spoken, brother Zhao, how could I not agree?”

“There is no need to pay the rent. Anyway, this broken machine will not be used in our factory for the time being. But there is one request. If my Xiangyang Machinery Factory encounters any technical problems in the future, Brother Zhao, you can help me.” !”

Zhao Guoyang didn’t expect that there would be a good thing about not renting, so he naturally agreed immediately: “This is no problem! As a friend, even if there is no such thing as renting a die-casting machine, I can’t refuse to agree, Director Liao, if you ask me.”

Liao Jingsheng was overjoyed when he heard the words. He patted Zhao Guoyang on the shoulder and said, “Well, you are right, Brother Zhao, we are friends!”

“Whenever you want this die-casting machine, you can come and get it. I will explain to Xiaohong in a while, and you can go to her directly when you come.”

“Success, thank you, Director Liao!” Zhao Guoyang said gratefully. Although it may be a trivial matter to the other party, it is very important to me.

Liao Jingsheng waved his hands with a smile and said, “Brother Zhao, is that why you pulled me over?”

“Yes, yes, that’s it.” Zhao Guoyang nodded.

“Although the factory didn’t say that I’m not allowed to start a business outside, it’s just an attempt after all, so…”

Liao Jingsheng is so shrewd, he smiled when he heard the words: “Understand, understand, this matter, just talk among our friends, it has nothing to do with work.”

It was indeed a pleasure chatting with a smart person like Liao Jingsheng.

The two chatted for a while, Zhao Guoyang checked that the time was almost up, and went with Liao Jingsheng to see the progress of the laser welding machine.

“Guoyang, it’s all right, it’s all good!” Hua Guosheng couldn’t help trotting over and shouting when he saw Zhao Guoyang coming.

“Master Hua, is our frame welded?”

Hua Guosheng nodded cheerfully and said: “Yes, you explained the few places that need to be reinforced, and Section Chief Ning helped us to weld them.”

Zhao Guoyang glanced at Xu Dongfeng who was chatting with Ai Ai and Ning Xiaohong over there, and his stomach burst into laughter. This guy seemed to be a **** again.

As soon as he saw Zhao Guoyang and Liao Jingsheng approaching, Ning Xiaohong had a look of relief on his face.

She coughed, quickly got rid of Xu Dongfeng, walked to Zhao Guoyang and said, “Guoyang, it’s all done, see if there is anything missing.”

Zhao Guoyang clasped his hands together, made a gesture of thanks to Ning Xiaohong, and followed to the C100 frame to check it carefully.

“OK, no problem!” After checking, Zhao Guoyang nodded.

It should be said that Ning Xiaohong’s welding skills are still very good, not inferior to Liu Linzhi, the leader of the welding team in his own factory.

Of course, it can also be said that she was touched by the laser welding machine.

But being able to operate a laser welding machine is also a manifestation of her ability. Master Liu Linzhi still can’t do this.

Seeing that the frame was finished, Zhao Guoyang exited the laser welding program, turned off the laser generator, closed the valve of the argon gas cylinder, and finally turned off the main power switch.

After finishing all this, Zhao Guoyang came down and said to Liao Jingsheng and Ning Xiaohong: “Factory Director Liao and Section Chief Ning, thank you for your help and support today. I will treat you at noon, and we will go to that ‘Wang Da Restaurant’ to eat How about a light meal?”

Liao Jingsheng glanced at Ning Xiaohong, and nodded in response with a smile.

(end of this chapter)

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