King of Industry

Chapter 910

Chapter 910 – Posco

Chapter 910 POSCO

Sitting on the plane returning from Monaco, Zhao Guoyang felt relieved.

During the three-day “exhibition”, he was busy from beginning to end.

Almost all the time, there will be a group of exhibitors who are interested in buying around him, asking this and that.

Of course, Zhao Guoyang did not work in vain.

During these three days, “Xingtai International” and “Daewoo Shipping Company” booked a total of eleven “Phoenician” yachts and nine “Starfish” yachts.

A total of 20 yachts were ordered, accounting for almost half of the yachts ordered at the entire exhibition.

Such outstanding achievements naturally made “Xingtai International” the focus of attention of all parties.

On the first day, Nocioni, the sales general manager of “RIVA” yacht company, took the initiative to come to chat with Zhao Guoyang for a while, and then the other big figures from the other major yacht companies also came to make friends with him.

Of course, these big shots still care about their own face and are more reserved.

Everyone just had some technical exchanges with Zhao Guoyang, and did not ask him for advice on the means of operation.

Speaking of which, Zhao Guoyang and his “Xingtai International” did not use much management means at this exhibition, but just seized an opportunity.

Looking at Zhao Guoyang, who was stretching beside him with a tired face, Jin Xiuzhu pursed her lips and said with a smile: “Mr. Zhao, you have really worked hard these few days.”

“If you didn’t come with me this time, it would be great if our “Daewoo Shipping Company” could sell two or three yachts. How could it be as good as it is now…”

Jin Xiuzhu’s excitement is beyond words. The reason is very simple. During the short three-day exhibition period, her “Daewoo Shipping Company” sold as many as 20 yachts, and the deposit alone collected 1 million US dollars. .

When all twenty yachts are delivered, this will be an income of three to four billion U.S. dollars.

Even if the cost and other things are taken into account, this order can bring at least one or two hundred million yuan in revenue to the company. For Jin Xiuzhu, this is simply a dreamlike result.

You know, this “Daewoo Shipping Company” was still at a loss before Zhao Guoyang acquired 55% of its shares.

After only one year, the company turned around immediately, which is really exciting.

After careful calculation, although Jin Xiuzhu became the second shareholder of the company, she definitely made a lot of money.

More importantly, by selling the shares of “Daewoo Shipping Company”, the relationship with Zhao Guoyang, a partner, has become closer.

It is precisely because of this account that “Xingtai-Daewoo Motor Company” was established later.

Now after Jin Xiuzhu has cooperated with Zhao Guoyang for so long, she has already blindly trusted this partner.

She is full of expectations for the future of “Xingtai-Daewoo Motor Company”.

Hearing Jin Xiuzhu’s sigh from the heart, Zhao Guoyang sneered and said: “Come on, Miss Xiuzhu, don’t give me a high hat.”

“These few days, you have been busy. The orders added in the next two days, aren’t many consumers going there just for the face of Miss Jin?”

Zhao Guoyang’s words are not nonsense.

In fact, after he made a demonstration on the first day, Kim Soo-joo did play a more important role in the next two days.

Because she brought several sports cars this time, the exhibition area of ”Xingtai International” has a lot more attractions than other yacht companies.

After realizing the superior performance of the sports cars of “Daewoo Motor Company”, some consumers expressed their opinion to Jin Xiuzhu, the eldest lady of “Daewoo Group”, and asked to buy them.

In this way, the yachts of “Xingtai International” will naturally receive more attention.

After hearing Zhao Guoyang’s praise, Jin Xiuzhu’s face flushed a little.

It should be said that before this Miss Jin met Zhao Guoyang, she still had a bit of a savage princess in her temper.

Because of her high self-esteem, she sometimes doesn’t care about others’ feelings when she talks and does things.

But after getting to know Zhao Guoyang, Jin Xiuzhu really changed a lot.

The reason for this is mainly because after she got to know Zhao Guoyang, she realized what it means to be capable.

With Zhao Guoyang as a benchmark, Jin Xiuzhu’s arrogance naturally restrained.

Even deep in her heart, she has a bit of admiration for Zhao Guoyang, treating him as an idol.

Now that she can get a compliment from her idol, Miss Jin is of course very complacent.

After joking a few words, Zhao Guoyang seemed to remember something.

He turned to Jin Xiuzhu and said, “Xiuzhu, have you made any progress in new products at Daewoo Heavy Industries recently?”

Seeing that Zhao Guoyang asked solemnly, Jin Xiuzhu didn’t dare to neglect.

She thought about it for a moment, and then explained: “At Daewoo Heavy Industries, we mainly maintain old products. At present, we have not developed new models of heavy equipment such as hoists and excavators. It is produced according to the old products. At most, it is just some improvements in the details.”

After hearing this, Zhao Guoyang said with a “huh” and said, “Xiuzhu, your strategy is correct. The products of the ‘Daewoo Heavy Industries Group’ are not available in many styles, so we still need to focus on high-quality products.”

“As long as we can produce one or two high-quality products, it will be enough for us to eat for two or three years!”

Jin Xiuzhu certainly recognized Zhao Guoyang’s opinion.

She nodded again and again: “Yes, Guoyang. We are already preparing for the deep sea exploration equipment that you and I mentioned before. Just wait for your ‘Xingtai International’ laboratory to make progress. You can act anytime.”

Zhao Guoyang nodded lightly when he heard the words: “That’s right, deep-sea exploration equipment and deep-sea mining equipment, all of which require a combination of heavy industry manufacturing and shipbuilding.”

“Now in Malaysia, the ‘Daewoo Heavy Industries Group’ and the ‘Daewoo Shipping Company’ that you preside over can just form a communication and complementarity in this respect, which is very beneficial for us to launch the deep sea mining ship project in the next step!”

Jin Xiuzhu nodded solemnly, and said: “Yes, Guoyang. After receiving your call before, I have already called a meeting with the technical backbones of the two companies.”

“As long as your ‘Ship Industry-Special Materials Research Institute’ officially approves the project, we will definitely cooperate fully. Whatever needs us to do, you, the chairman, just order it down, and we promise to do our best to complete it.”

Zhao Guoyang is still very satisfied with Jin Xiuzhu’s statement.

He nodded again and again: “Well, we are definitely going to engage in this deep-sea mining ship project. But before that, we still need to solve the problem of materials.”

After a short pause, Zhao Guoyang sighed and said, “Speaking of which, Xiuzhu, you should also have some understanding of our China’s steel smelting level.”

“Although I can help with the material allocation of marine steel. But without a matching smelting method, that’s not enough…”

Jin Xiuzhu nodded in agreement, and said awkwardly: “Yes, Guoyang, what you said is indeed a big problem.”

“In fact, our Daewoo Group originally set up a steel smelting company, but in the end we had to give up because of the tempering of the capital chain.”

“Although I don’t want to admit it, in terms of iron and steel smelting technology, South Korea is indeed in the leading position of the ‘Hyundai Group’…”

Sighed helplessly, Jin Xiuzhu then said: “If Guoyang wants to import a smelting production line capable of producing marine steel, I can try to help you communicate with the ‘Hyundai Group’!”

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Zhao Guoyang’s face.

He glanced at Jin Xiuzhu, who was a little downcast, and said with a smile: “Xiuzhu, why do you think of ‘Hyundai Group’ first when I mention steel smelting?”

“Speaking of which, except for the steel used in automobile production, they are still passable. I really don’t like the production of other special steel products.”

“If I really want to import a production line, my target must be another steel company in South Korea!”

Hearing Zhao Guoyang’s contemptuous words, Jin Xiuzhu was taken aback.

The reason why she first thought of “Hyundai Group” was mainly because of the hostile relationship between her own “Daewoo Group” and the other party.

With this relationship, the name of the biggest competitor is naturally on the mind of Miss Jin.

But in fact, “Hyundai Group” can be regarded as a heavyweight enterprise in South Korea in terms of steel smelting.

But compared to another super giant in steel smelting, it is still too far behind.

After being stunned for a moment, Miss Jin finally came back to her senses.

She opened her mouth, and tentatively asked: “Guoyang, is the company you’re talking about “Pohang Steel” in South Korea?”

“That’s right, what I want to talk about is this company!” Zhao Guoyang snapped his fingers.

South Korea Pohang Iron and Steel Corporation, established in 1968, is a well-known super large enterprise and one of the largest steel manufacturers in the world.

Its steel output in 1995 reached 25 million tons, ranking No. 4 in the world.

Its main products include all steel categories such as cold and hot rolling, wire rod, electrical steel, steel plate, stainless steel, and special steel.

Every year, we provide more than 20 million tons of steel products to enterprises in more than 50 countries around the world.

Compared to “Hyundai Group”, “Posco” is the best one in South Korea’s steel industry.

After hearing Zhao Guoyang’s affirmative words, Jin Xiuzhu said deeply: “Guoyang, you are right. If we want to import marine steel, we must start with ‘Pohang Iron and Steel’. Hyundai Group’ is much more reliable.”

Zhao Guoyang gave a “hmm” and then asked: “Xiuzhu, don’t you know that the steel used in the production of your “Daewoo Group” is purchased from “Pohang Iron and Steel”?”

After hearing this, Jin Xiuzhu said something.

(end of this chapter)

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