King of Industry

Chapter 952

Chapter 952 – He Is The Big Boss

Chapter 952 He is the big boss

In the Starbucks cafe, Zhao Guoyang and John Bauer chatted all afternoon, and then bid farewell.

Coming out of the cafe, Zhao Guoyang was just about to stroll back to the hotel helplessly, when the phone rang.

After answering the call, it was Zhao Qian who called.

She, Isabella, and Olivia walked the streets all afternoon, and they were about to call Zhao Guoyang to find a place to eat together.

Calling Zhao Guoyang at this time is naturally to ask him what he thinks about what to have for dinner.

Zhao Guoyang didn’t have any special requirements, he just asked where the three were and went to meet them.

Arriving at the commercial street in downtown Montreal, Zhao Guoyang saw the three women walking side by side in front of him from a distance.

Walked up quickly and stopped Zhao Qian and the others, Zhao Guoyang asked Zhao Qian indifferently: “How is it, Xiaoqian, did you go shopping this afternoon?”

“Well, there are so many brand stores on the streets of Canada! I haven’t heard of several famous brand stores before!” Zhao Qian said excitedly.

Zhao Guoyang shrugged and said in relief: “It’s nothing. There are still differences between popular brands in North America and European countries. It’s normal if you haven’t heard of them!”

Isabella on the side heard the words, and even echoed: “What Mr. Zhao said is true. Our clothing brands in Canada are indeed quite different from those in traditional European countries. For example, Louis Vuitton and Chanel, in our There’s not much of an audience here.”

“Yes, yes, we in Canada prefer younger and more individual clothing brands. For example, Donna Karan…”

Listening to the chattering of the two girls, Zhao Guoyang smiled and said, “Donna Karan is more avant-garde, and symbolizes the different cultures and lifestyles of New York. It is quite suitable for girls of your age.”

“Ah, Mr. Zhao, you actually have research in this area? This is too surprising!” Isabella couldn’t help but exclaim after hearing this.

Olivia was not surprised by this, but nodded with a smile and said: “I am not surprised by Mr. Zhao’s erudition. In my eyes, he already knows everything. Otherwise, it would be impossible to discover it all by himself. Launch the fashion brand ‘Fashionbeauty’.”

Olivia’s words reminded Isabella.

Indeed, the brand “Fashionbeauty” has gradually gained popularity in North America in the past two years.

Just now, when the three girls were shopping, they went to the “Fashionbeauty” store.

Because she is more familiar with the situation in Canada, and with the guidance and help of Isabella and Olivia, the “local snakes”, Bai Rou opened the first “Fashionbeauty” monopoly store in Canada as early as the beginning of the year. shop.

This specialty store in Montreal is already the second one opened by “Rongguang Co., Ltd.” in Canada.

With Zhao Guoyang’s aesthetic vision beyond this era, coupled with the efforts of the designers of “Rongguang Co., Ltd.”, “Fashionbeauty” is now more and more recognized by everyone.

Especially young girls have higher recognition of this brand.

This point is actually not difficult to understand.

After all, “Fashionbeauty” focuses on relatively moderately priced jewelry.

Ordinary style earrings and pendants, it is rare to see more than one thousand dollars.

Such a friendly price is very attractive to those students who are still in school and do not have enough pocket money.

Therefore, it is understandable that this brand has a strong reputation among young people.

After chatting about fashion brands for a while, Isabella took everyone to a Chinese restaurant.

In 1995, not many Chinese settled in Canada.

In addition, Chinese restaurants on this street are relatively rare.

Zhao Guoyang was surprised that Isabella was able to go around and find a family.

Pulling Zhao Guoyang and Zhao Qian into the Chinese restaurant, Isabella explained with a smile: “Mr. Zhao, Zhao Qian, this Chinese restaurant is one of the few Sichuan-style Chinese restaurants in Montreal, and it is very well-known.”

“When you usually come here to eat, you often have to queue up.”

After hearing this, Zhao Guoyang nodded in relief.

There are many types of Chinese restaurants, but Sichuan and Hunan are the most popular in foreign countries.

Firstly, Sichuan cuisine and Hunan cuisine have a strong taste, which is easy to be addicted to.

Another one, these two dishes can be prepared in a variety of ways to meet the needs of different groups of people.

After the four people were seated, the owner of the Chinese restaurant saw compatriots coming to the door, so he took the initiative to say hello with the menu.

After chatting with this slightly fat middle-aged man, Zhao Guoyang found out that the manager of his family’s “Rongguang Co., Ltd.” specialty store in Montreal often came here to eat.

Zhao Guoyang was amused when he heard that the boss had a look of hope when he moved ahead of his own store.

It can be heard that the boss named Zeng Quanfa still recognizes his company and the brand “Fashionbeauty” very much.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for this person to give that store manager a 10% discount for a long time.

Of course, some of the factors must be due to regular customers.

But no matter what, Zhao Guoyang was very pleased to be able to be praised by his compatriots for the company he created in a foreign country.

Originally, after Zhao Guoyang chatted with the boss, he didn’t mean to reveal his identity.

But if he doesn’t say anything here, it doesn’t mean that others don’t speak.

While the boss was making tea for the four of them, Isabella introduced her own Chairman Zhao to the boss vividly.

“Boss Zeng, you may not know the identity of our Mr. Zhao, right? He is the big boss of the ‘Fashionbeauty’ store you just mentioned!”

“Uh… big boss?” Hearing this, Zeng Quanfa was taken aback.

Isabella nodded vigorously, and explained: “That’s right, this ‘Fashionbeauty’ brand is owned by ‘Rongguang Co., Ltd.’. You always know about this, right?”

Seeing Boss Zeng nod his head slightly, Isabella went on to say: “Our Mr. Zhao is the chairman of Rongguang Co., Ltd. If you say he is not the big boss, what is it?”

“Huh?” Zeng Quanfa didn’t expect such an answer, and was a little confused at the time.

At this moment, Zhao Guoyang couldn’t hide anymore.

Just nod to clear up the compatriot’s doubts: “Boss Zeng, Isabella didn’t fool you. I am indeed the founder of the brand ‘Fashionbeauty’ and the chairman of ‘Rongguang Co., Ltd.’…”

Taking out a business card from his pocket, Zhao Guoyang solemnly handed it to Boss Zeng.

After taking the business card, Zeng Quanfa was in a daze for a while before realizing what was going on.

At that moment, he shook Zhao Guoyang’s hand excitedly and said, “So it’s Mr. Zhao, I really don’t know Taishan with my eyes, I’m disrespectful and disrespectful!”

Listening to this gentleman’s words, Zhao Guoyang couldn’t help laughing: “Boss Zeng, what disrespect is there. We are all the same, businessmen!”

Seeing that Zhao Guoyang didn’t show any airs at all, Zeng Quanfa showed a sincere smile: “Mr. Zhao, what you said is flattering me. I’m just a small businessman, and you are an entrepreneur. Your nature is too bad. !”

Zhao Guoyang laughed dumbfounded when he heard the words: “Boss Zeng, don’t bury me. If you keep talking like this, I won’t dare to come to your place for dinner in the future!”

“Ha, okay, okay, don’t talk about this, don’t talk about this!” Zeng Quanfa said quickly.

Knowing Zhao Guoyang’s true identity, Zeng Quanfa naturally became more enthusiastic.

This person not only cooks for the four of them, but also brings out a bottle of Wuliangye that he treasured, saying that he wants to treat Zhao Guoyang to a drink.

Of course, Zhao Guoyang couldn’t refuse, so he could only invite the Zeng boss to sit down and have a drink.

Zeng Quanfa was quite straightforward. After Zhao Guoyang invited him, he sat down without much refusal.

Zhao Guoyang admired the frankness of the Zeng boss, and started chatting with him immediately.

After two drinks with Zeng Quanfa, Zhao Guoyang smiled and said, “Boss Zeng, what do you think of the prospect of our ‘Fashionbeauty’ brand in Canada?”

“Do you think it has an advantage in competing with some European and American fashion brands?”

After hearing Zhao Guoyang’s question, Zeng Quanfa didn’t dare to be negligent, and quickly put down his chopsticks to speak out his thoughts slowly.

“Mr. Zhao, to be honest, I only heard about the brand ‘Fashionbeauty’ this year. Moreover, at the beginning, I really didn’t expect it to be our Huaxia brand!”

After Zeng Quanfa said this, Zhao Qian who was at the side couldn’t help but snickered.

Indeed, just looking at the name, few people would think that the brand “Fashionbeauty” would be a Huaxia company.

Zhao Guoyang had expected this point, so he nodded with a smile, motioning for Boss Zeng to continue.

After calming down, Zeng Quanfa continued to speak: “Although I don’t know much about the brand ‘Fashionbeauty’, my wife often visits this specialty store in the city.”

“According to her, Mr. Zhao, your ‘Fashionbeauty’ jewelry style is relatively new. Whether compared with some old brands or some young brands, you have an advantage in style.”

“In addition, your brand is also very close to the people in terms of price. These are your advantages!”

Hearing this, Zhao Guoyang said with a “huh” and said: “So, Boss Zeng thinks there are any deficiencies in our ‘Fashionbeauty’, or is there anything that needs improvement?”

“Uh, this…” Hearing Zhao Guoyang’s question, Zeng Quanfa scratched his head embarrassingly, as if a little embarrassed.

“It’s okay, Boss Zeng, you can tell me about it. Aren’t we asking you for advice now? You can give an evaluation from a neutral point of view, which is the most fair!”

After hearing this, Zeng Quanfa breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly expressed his point of view.

(end of this chapter)

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