King of Industry

Chapter 968

Chapter 968 – He Fully Deserves The Title!

Chapter 968 He fully deserves this title!

In the office, after Ruan Minghao asked if he wanted to cooperate, Zhao Guoyang laughed.

“Chairman Ruan, I don’t think it’s appropriate to use the word cooperation. The main reason why we at Xingtai International want to enter the “aviation industry” is actually for the development of the national aviation industry.”

“The National Aviation Industry Corporation, as the pillar of China’s aviation industry, has made great contributions and sacrifices for the country. Now that ‘Xingtai International’ wants to get involved in this business, it is absolutely impossible to combine Chairman Ruan and ‘National Aviation Industry’ Industrial Corporation’ aside, the technology we have researched will definitely be shared with you!”

Looking at the boss of Huaxia Aviation Industry in front of him, Zhao Guoyang looked very calm, but his tone was very firm.

After listening to his narration, Ruan Minghao showed a look of approval.

“Okay, well said, Researcher Zhao. I didn’t expect you to be such an aspiring young man with a patriotic heart!”

“With your words, our “National Aviation Industry Corporation” will definitely do our best to support this big project of your “Xingtai International”!”

Zhao Guoyang was not surprised by Ruan Minghao’s statement.

Hearing this, he nodded with a “huh” and said: “Thank you, Chairman Ruan, for your understanding and support. Speaking of which, on our ‘Xingtai International’ side, although there is technical support from ‘Bombardier’, It’s more certain.”

“But we are also facing many problems such as insufficient number of technical personnel and insufficient test equipment. In these aspects, we need the strong support of the country and the “National Aviation Industry Corporation”!”

After Zhao Guoyang said this, Li Kejian jumped in front of his head and said: “Hey, Guoyang. You don’t have to worry about this aspect. For entry-level technicians, I will help you find a way to solve part of it.”

“Chairman Ruan and I have discussed this year’s graduates from the two major aerospace schools in China, and they will provide a batch of priority to enter your company.”

“That’s right, that’s right, what Mr. Li said is right!” Ruan Minghao nodded and echoed when he heard the words, “I have asked people to come over. The number of graduates from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics this year is about 1,000. The number of graduates is about 800.”

“For these two schools, our ‘National Aviation Industry Corporation’ will provide 100 direct recruitment places to support the ‘Aviation Industry Research Institute’ of your ‘Xingtai International’! How about it, look like this Has it solved your urgent need to employ people?”

Zhao Guoyang was naturally overjoyed at Chairman Ruan’s quick words.

In fact, when his own “Aviation Industry Research Institute” is about to be established, what he is most worried about is not the scarcity of high-end talents, but the shortage of entry-level technical personnel.

Now, Mr. Li and this Chairman Ruan directly solved the biggest problem he faced, and made Zhao Guoyang’s thinking clear all of a sudden.

Next, the three bosses chatted with Zhao Guoyang for a while about where they planned to set up their “Xingtai International” research institute.

When Zhao Guoyang proposed to locate the research institute in the northwest, several leaders nodded approvingly.

Ruan Minghao said with emotion: “It seems that Researcher Zhao really has a deep research on our China’s ‘aviation industry’. You can tell from the location of your research institute!”

Chairman Ruan’s words are very reasonable.

The northwest region of Huaxia is sparsely populated and has always been the best research location for the aerospace industry.

Whether it is flight tests or various scientific research activities, it is undoubtedly much more convenient in the Northwest than in the East.

Of course, Zhao Guoyang is well aware of this, so he proposed to put the research institute in the northwest.

Smiled reservedly, Zhao Guoyang was about to mention the loan of the “Aviation Industry Research Institute” to several bigwigs when Fang Xuesen spoke out first.

The leader stared at Zhao Guoyang, and said solemnly: “Guoyang, we absolutely support you and your ‘Xingtai International’ entering the aviation industry.”

“But you should also know that the aviation industry is a very expensive industry. Even if you can solve it technically, it will definitely not work without strong economic support.”

After hearing this, Zhao Guoyang nodded again and again in agreement.

Fang Xuesen paused for a moment, and then said: “We all know that Guoyang is good at making money. If I am not wrong, the total profit of the three companies under your banner will reach 1 billion this year, right?”

When Fang Xuesen said this, Zhao Guoyang was a little embarrassed.

He just scratched his head and was about to answer, when the leader added another sentence: “What I’m talking about is US dollars!”

Ruan Minghao, who was sipping his tea, almost choked up the tea when he heard the phrase “make up the knife”.

He originally thought that although Researcher Zhao was capable, he had started a few businesses, but in just two or three years, he could only make a small amount of money at most.

Who knew Minister Fang would say such an astonishing number.

Moreover, looking at the meaning of Researcher Zhao opposite, he seemed to have acquiesced, which made Ruan Minghao completely dumbfounded.

You know, his “National Aviation Industry Corporation” last year’s profit was only about 1.5 billion.

Fang Xuesen obviously didn’t want to expose Zhao Guoyang’s shortcomings. After saying this number, he changed the subject: “Although Guoyang’s ‘Xingtai International’ has strong economic strength, you have now undertaken the construction of the largest one in our country. Engineering—’high-speed railway project’. So how much money do you have left to build this ‘Aviation Industry Research Institute’?”

After Fang Xuesen asked this, Ruan Minghao and Li Kejian looked at each other and nodded.

Zhao Guoyang also echoed: “What Minister Fang said is true! The issue of funds cannot be ignored.”

“In this regard, I think the only solution is a loan…”

After hearing this, Fang Xuesen said with a “huh”: “Loans are one aspect, and there will definitely be state funding.”

“Of course, the country is not rich now, so don’t expect too much from the amount of funding!”

Hearing the words, Zhao Guoyang expressed his position repeatedly: “I understand, Minister Fang. In fact, I am already very satisfied that the country can give us ‘Xingtai International’ certain policy support. In terms of funds, I really don’t expect too much.” many!”

Fang Xuesen was still very satisfied with Zhao Guoyang’s attitude. He touched his chin, and then said: “In terms of financial support, our Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry will provide a piece; Chairman Ruan, I don’t think I will treat you badly.” .”

“But these are just a drop in the bucket. In the end, you ‘Xingtai International’ still have to borrow a large part from the bank to solve the big problem!”

Zhao Guoyang was already prepared for this, so he nodded repeatedly and said, “Minister Fang, don’t worry, I will start preparing for this matter after I hold a meeting with the company’s board of directors.”

“We have always had good cooperation with several banks in SJ City. Each bank has a loan of three or four billion yuan, so it shouldn’t be a big problem.”

“In addition, there are several banks in Jiangnan Province that can help…”

After Zhao Guoyang analyzed a few sentences, Ruan Minghao waved his hand and said, “Hey, Researcher Zhao, the sporadic loans of these two or three hundred million yuan are too scattered, but it doesn’t help. In my opinion, go directly to the Big Four on the capital side. The state-owned banks are doing well.”

“Looking back, the presidents of several major banks and I will inform you of this matter, and ask the country’s leaders to come forward to coordinate and give you 10 billion Xingtai International directly.”

Ruan Minghao’s words are not bragging.

In fact, his “National Aviation Industry Corporation” has been in-depth cooperation with the four major state-owned banks before, and the total loan amount has already exceeded 10 billion.

Now it is also for the development of China’s “aviation industry”, Zhao Guoyang and his “Xingtai International” have no reason not to approve the money.

Zhao Guoyang was very grateful to Chairman Ruan for his sincere help, and immediately said a few words of thanks to the leader.

Ruan Minghao grinned and said, “Thank you, I should thank Researcher Zhao and you!”

After sighing, Ruan Minghao said with a serious face: “I’m not saying this politely. Researcher Zhao, as a private entrepreneur, you can have such a mind and courage to get involved in a business like the ‘aviation industry’… To be honest, I personally admire it very much!”

Seeing that the boss was serious, Zhao Guoyang put away his smile, let alone said any unnutritious polite words.

After the office was quiet for a while, Li Kejian smiled and said, “Chairman Ruan, you may be wrong about what you said. Although Guoyang is a private entrepreneur, he also has an identity within the system!”

“He is still a ‘special researcher’ of our Mechanical and Electronic Industry Department, don’t forget about this!”

Fang Xuesen on the side heard the words, and nodded repeatedly: “Yes, yes, Mr. Li’s words are too correct! Chairman Ruan, Guoyang has such an awareness, I personally am not surprised at all.”

“In fact, in detail, the reason why our country has made such great progress in the automobile industry, shipbuilding, and construction machinery and equipment manufacturing in the past two years is inseparable from Guoyang’s contribution.”

“So, Mr. Li and I have never simply regarded Guoyang as an entrepreneur or a businessman. To put it a little exaggeratedly, he is a great contributor to the development of our Huaxia industry!”

Turning his head and glanced at Li Kejian, Fang Xuesen asked with a smile: “Mr. Li, do you agree with my evaluation of your student?”

Li Kejian laughed, nodded again and again: “I don’t avoid relatives in internal promotion, I completely agree with Minister Fang’s evaluation! Guoyang is fully worthy of this title!”

Listening to the two big men singing together, Zhao Guoyang touched his nose helplessly.

Speaking of which, he never felt that he had anything to be proud of these achievements.

Fate made me live again, so I can’t just spend my life in such a mediocre way, right?

It is my duty to make a little contribution to China’s industrial progress, and there is nothing worthy of praise.

Zhao Guoyang’s indifferent performance surprised Ruan Minghao who was on the side, and made this boss even more fond of him.

(end of this chapter)

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