King of Industry

Chapter 976

Chapter 976 – This Is Not Easy!

Chapter 976 This matter is not easy to handle!

In the huge office, Zhao Guoyang was listening carefully to the statement of Mayor Hu Jianqiu of Xijing City.

Mayor Hu first expressed his gratitude to the “National Aviation Industry Corporation” for its continuous support.

Mayor Hu is also very supportive and looking forward to “Xingtai Aviation Industry Company” being able to settle in Xijing City.

“Chairman Ruan and Researcher Zhao, with the support of the state, through our own efforts, Xijing City has gradually formed the largest aviation aviation center in Asia integrating aircraft research and design, production and manufacturing, flight test appraisal, and scientific research and teaching over the years. Industrial Base.”

“To be proud, our Xijing City has more scientific research units engaged in aircraft research and manufacturing, as well as scientific and technological personnel engaged in various aircraft research and manufacturing, than other cities in the country.”

“In terms of aircraft manufacturing, I have full confidence in our city of Xijing!”

After hearing Hu Jianqiu’s words, Ruan Minghao, who was sitting next to Zhao Guoyang, nodded lightly and said: “Mayor Hu is right! Xijing City’s status as a national aircraft manufacturing center has indeed been established very early.”

“However, in recent years, as other provinces and cities have attached importance to aircraft manufacturing, the situation that Xijing City is thriving no longer exists.”

“Now the emerging aircraft manufacturing bases such as SJ City and Bingcheng are catching up. If Xijing City wants to maintain its leading position in this industry, it still needs to make continuous efforts!”

After Ruan Minghao finished speaking, Zhao Guoyang felt a slight smile in his heart.

Of course he knew why Chairman Ruan belittled the status of Xijing City in his words.

Needless to say, it must be to raise conditions and bargain.

Speaking of which, Xijing City is a well-known industrial city throughout the country.

Especially in the manufacturing industry, Xijing City has the most complete categories and the largest scale among several key industrial cities.

Because its own basic conditions are really good, when Xijing City cooperates with some state-owned enterprises and central enterprises, it will take a higher stance.

This time the “National Aviation Industry Corporation” came forward to allow Zhao Guoyang’s “Xingtai Aviation Industry Company” to settle in Xijing City. Of course, there is an idea of valuing its infrastructure conditions.

But if the Lion of Xijing opened his mouth, he didn’t care about the opportunity given by the “National Aviation Industry Corporation” and even made some troubles, of course Ruan Minghao would not agree.

So this time, he made his attitude clear and warned Mayor Hu that he and the “National Aviation Industry Corporation” did not have other options.

Sure enough, after hearing what Ruan Minghao said, Hu Jianqiu’s expression changed.

However, the leader’s response was very quick.

After Ruan Minghao finished speaking, he nodded with joy on his face and said: “Yes, yes, Chairman Ruan is right. In the industrial development of our Xijing City over the years, compared with some emerging industrial cities in China, There’s definitely been a bit of a lag.”

“But our city has made up its mind to change this situation after learning from the painful experience.”

“I invite the two of you to come here today, just to express our sincerity! Let the ‘National Aviation Industry Corporation’ and ‘Xingtai Aviation Industry Corporation’ happily invest and build factories in our Xijing City!”

Ruan Minghao was very satisfied with Hu Jianqiu’s modest attitude.

After listening, he turned his head to look at Zhao Guoyang and said, “Researcher Zhao, you are an expert in industry. Even Mr. Li is ashamed of your ability in this area.”

“Let’s talk about how we should start this cooperation project in Xijing City this time!”

After Ruan Minghao finished speaking, Zhao Guoyang smiled slightly and said: “Chairman Ruan and Mayor Hu, this cooperation is nominally finalized by the three of us, but actually many departments are involved.”

“For example, our “Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry” and the “Ministry of Finance” must all participate in this project.”

“Under such a premise, our cooperation must be more purposeful, and the responsibilities between each other should be clarified, so as to avoid the situation of arguing with each other!”

“Well, Researcher Zhao’s words are deeply rooted in my heart!” Ruan Minghao nodded repeatedly, “For a long time, our Aviation Industry Corporation has been working hard with the support of several major departments of the ministries and commissions.”

“For this project, it is obvious that our “Aviation Industry Corporation” injected 3 billion into Researcher Zhao’s company. But in fact, more than half of our money is raised through the Ministry of Finance…”

After sighing, Ruan Minghao went on to say: “Therefore, our ‘Aviation Industry Corporation’ side needs to report to the ‘Ministry of Finance’ every step of the project.”

“This time when we came to Xijing City for inspection, the “Ministry of Finance” didn’t really approve of it. They are still more optimistic about SJ City, a richer city!”

Turning his head and glanced at Hu Jianqiu, Ruan Minghao shrugged and said: “So Mayor Hu, our top priority is to come up with a cooperation charter that satisfies the leaders of the ministries and commissions.”

“For example, what advantages does your Xijing City have, what kind of help can it provide us with this project, etc…”

“Just like what Researcher Zhao said just now, you Xijing City, you must first present all the conditions you can afford, so that we can continue to talk!”

Ruan Minghao and Zhao Guoyang sang together, and soon Hu Jianqiu was shocked.

The Mayor Hu moved his lips, and said in a somewhat embarrassed voice: “Chairman Ruan and Researcher Zhao, I understand what both of you mean.”

“It’s just that our finances in Xijing City have been tight for the past two years. Except for some land, there is really nothing that can be sold!”

Ruan Minghao seemed to have expected Hu Jianqiu’s attitude, and immediately touched his chin and said, “Mayor Hu, the land alone seems too thin.”

“You have to know that when our researcher Zhao invested in the ‘high-speed railway project’ last year, the capital city and Binhai City each supported 1.2 billion for the excavation of the high-speed railway section!”

“If you don’t give a penny of support, then things will be difficult!”

After listening to Ruan Minghao’s hard and soft words, Zhao Guoyang felt amused in his heart.

I want to say that when my company “Xingtai International” won the “high-speed railway project”, it did get a certain amount of financial support from Beijing and Binhai.

However, a large part of this financial support is discounted equipment and labor costs.

For example, during the construction of this project, the two places provide services such as safety supervision and environmental monitoring, which are also counted as sponsorship funds.

Of course Hu Jianqiu didn’t know about these minutiae.

At this moment, Ruan Minghao took him into the army with the “high-speed railway project”, and this Mayor Hu seemed a little helpless.

“This…Chairman Ruan, don’t worry. I know that Researcher Zhao and his ‘Xingtai International’ have a strong scientific research level, and they are fully worthy of our Xijing City’s financial support! It’s just…”

“Just what? Does Mayor Hu have any concerns?” Ruan Minghao asked with a smile.

Hu Jianqiu shook his teeth and told about his difficulties.

“Chairman Ruan and Researcher Zhao, this is the case. You two should know that Xijing City lost a lot of key enterprises in the restructuring of the aircraft industry in the past two years.”

“During this process, we in Xijing City have paid more than 300 million in severance pay to our employees.”

“What’s more important is that our city will continue to distribute some training fees and relief funds to these employees. Make sure that they can tide over the difficulties before they find new jobs.”

Hu Jianqiu made a bitter face, shook his head and sighed: “To tell you the truth, as the mayor, my money bag is already empty. I will never refuse anyone who can support this project with a part of it.”

“But… I really can’t get the money out now!”

Looking at Mayor Hu’s frowning face, Ruan Minghao sighed with empathy.

Actually, what he just said about the run was just to add some weight to his cooperation project.

But I didn’t expect that Mayor Hu and Xijing City were so poor that Ruan Minghao couldn’t say some words that came to his lips.

After coughing, Ruan Minghao turned his gaze to Zhao Guoyang who was silent.

“Researcher Zhao, Mayor Hu has revealed the difficulties of their Xijing City. What do you think of this matter?”

Hearing Chairman Ruan’s question, Zhao Guoyang seemed to have recovered.

He let out a “huh”, looked at Hu Jianqiu and said, “Mayor Hu, those aircraft parts factories in Xijing City that were forced to disband at the beginning, are they all sold off now, and they no longer exist?”

After Zhao Guoyang asked this question, Hu Jianqiu shook his head solemnly.

“That’s not the case, Researcher Zhao. Although these backbone enterprises in our Xijing City have no aircraft to manufacture, they can only slowly decline. But their factories and equipment are still there.”

“When I was talking to the leaders of these companies, I gave them a death order. The factory buildings are not allowed to move; the equipment and production lines that produce aircraft parts are also not allowed to move.”

Hearing this, Zhao Guoyang’s eyes gradually lit up.

He rubbed his chin, and said confidently: “According to Mayor Hu, don’t you think that these parts manufacturers in Xijing still have production capacity?”

“That’s right, these enterprises still have production capacity. As long as there are raw materials, they can reorganize the equipment and call back the operators. They can start work at any time.”

After Hu Jianqiu finished speaking, Zhao Guoyang completely relaxed.

He rubbed his chin, and said calmly: “Mayor Hu, Chairman Ruan and I have already heard about your difficulties. Do you think this will work? Our Xingtai Aviation Industry Company” This is like, apart from the free land provided by your Xijing City, you don’t need to pay other support funds.”

“But, you have to do me one more favor…”

(end of this chapter)

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