King of Industry

Chapter 998

Chapter 998 – Problem Angle

Chapter 998 The Angle of the Question

In the studio, after Zhao Guoyang narrated, the enthusiasm of the audience was ignited.

Samba is originally a country known for its “enthusiasm”. In such an atmosphere, everyone naturally raised their hands and signaled to the host Anfield that they wanted to ask questions.

Such a scene is the best for Anfield.

Seeing that Zhao Guoyang temporarily silenced her voice, she smiled and nodded to a student from the University of St. Paul and said, “Student, you should ask questions first!”

The students who were called were immediately overjoyed, stood up hastily, and took the microphone from the staff.

“Mr. Zhao, we have been deeply moved by what you have said about the origin and history of yachts. I would like to ask you, what is your opinion on the development of modern yachts? And what is your opinion on the future development direction? What judgment?”

Obviously, the student’s question is still very deep.

After he asked the question, there was sparse applause from the audience.

The first applause is for the student who asked the question; the second is also a welcome for Zhao Guoyang’s next speech.

After the applause gradually subsided, Zhao Guoyang smiled and picked up the microphone in front of him again.

“Since 1975, the world yacht industry has entered a period of rapid development for 15 years.”

“During this period, a series of features of modern yachts have gradually formed and become more perfect. For example, aesthetics and practicality have made great progress. The taste and style of the public are also improving rapidly.”

Zhao Guoyang paused for a while, and then said: “After entering the 1990s, modern yachts have gradually become larger. The world’s major yacht giants have launched large yachts over 24 meters in length.”

“During this period, a large number of advanced aviation and aerospace technologies have also begun to be applied to yacht manufacturing. For example, the two large yachts produced by our “Xingtai-Daewoo Shipping Company” are equipped with helipads…”

Listening to Zhao Guoyang’s eloquent narration, the audience at the scene were all engrossed and did not dare to be distracted for a moment.

Only Suzanne, because she has known this information for a long time, has time to pay attention to Zhao Guoyang herself.

Seeing the calm appearance of her partner, Susanna couldn’t help giving a thumbs up secretly.

Indeed, even if Zhao Guoyang has never experienced it before, he will not have the slightest stage fright when encountering the recording of such an important TV program today.

This person seems to be a born perfect person, and he can’t find the slightest weakness or weakness in his whole body.

He is not only good at technology, but also has a high vision in business. He also has extraordinary abilities in many fields that he has never been involved in.

This is what Suzanne admires Zhao Guoyang the most.

Thinking of Zhao Guoyang’s many praiseworthy features, Susanna’s eyes on Zhao Guoyang gradually became brighter.

Zhao Guoyang noticed Suzanna’s strangeness, and thought he might have said something wrong, so he hesitated for a moment.

However, seeing that Suzanne didn’t remind him, he continued to talk in relief.

“By 1996, the global yacht industry has formed a market structure centered on the United States and Europe.”

“Among these two market centers, Europe has an advantage in the design and manufacture of high-end luxury yachts, while the United States has an absolute advantage in terms of quantity and class.”

“These two centers, supplemented by the island country, our China, and Latin American countries and regions represented by your country Samba, constitute the current pattern of yacht manufacturing around the world!”

Speaking of this, Zhao Guoyang paused for a while, and then continued: “As for the future outlook of the yacht manufacturing industry, I think it should be more intelligent and diversified!”

Hearing this, Anfield couldn’t help asking: “Mr. Zhao, what is the concept of intelligence you are talking about? Can you give us a detailed introduction?”

Zhao Guoyang smiled slightly, nodded slightly and said: “Of course, the so-called intelligence actually refers to the application of artificial intelligence in related industries.”

“Let’s give a few examples. Functions such as information perception, communication and navigation, automatic parking, offshore, automatic cleaning, etc., all belong to the category of artificial intelligence.”

“I believe that with the rapid development of supporting industries such as ship technology and information technology in the future, the application of artificial intelligence on yachts will definitely become more and more extensive…”

After Zhao Guoyang’s speech, the scene was quiet for a while, and then there was a burst of warm applause.

Indeed, Zhao Guoyang’s explanation of the yacht industry just now was so wonderful that all the audience held their breaths and did not dare to be distracted in the slightest.

After he finally finished speaking, everyone had only one thought in their hearts, and that was more than enough.

A teacher-like audience member raised his hand excitedly, indicating that he wanted to speak.

Anfield, who came back to his senses, saw this person, and quickly reached out his hand and made a “please” gesture: “Professor Sherman, do you have any questions for Mr. Zhao? Please tell me!”

Hearing Anfield’s name, Zhao Guoyang knew it in his heart.

Needless to say, the elderly man in front of him should be a well-known professor at a university in Sao Paulo.

Thinking of this, he politely got up and nodded to the old man, and then said: “Professor Sherman, hello!”

Professor Sherman was excited when he heard that Zhao Guoyang greeted him on his own initiative.

He took the microphone handed over by the staff behind him, and said tremblingly: “Mr. Zhao, I just listened to your analysis of the global yacht industry. It’s really enlightening!”

“I would like to ask you a little bit, that is, like our Samba country and the vast Latin American region, many of them are close to the sea. The demand for yachts here is supposed to be great.”

“However, according to the data I have at hand, the total number of yachts sold in Samba in the past three years is only a mere 300, which is less than one-tenth of that of Apennines, the world’s largest yacht consumer.”

The old man paused for a moment, took a breath, and then said: “What I want to ask Mr. Zhao is why the yacht sales in Samba and Latin America are so poor? If we want to change this situation, we What needs to be done?”

After listening to Professor Sherman’s question, Zhao Guoyang felt a smile in his heart.

He knew that the other party must have been employed by a certain yacht distribution company in Samba, or served as a consultant in a certain yacht manufacturing company, so he was interested in this question.

Of course, scientific research requires funds. It is not uncommon for this Professor Sherman to condescend to serve as an honorary consultant of a company.

Moreover, having an expert like him to help you feel the pulse is of great benefit to the development of the company.

After thinking about this, Zhao Guoyang will naturally answer the other party’s question more seriously.

He pondered for a while, then raised his head and showed a smile: “Mr. Sherman’s question is really not easy to answer. Let me try to analyze it. If I make a mistake, please don’t worry about it!”

After hearing this, Sherman, who had just sat down, quickly stood up and said, “No, no, Mr. Zhao, feel free to say that I will never criticize you just because I am not satisfied with your answer.”

Sherman’s sincere words touched Zhao Guoyang somewhat.

To some extent, the other party is very similar to Li Kejian and Mr. Li from the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. They should be the kind of people who are highly respected and want to do something.

The only difference is that this Professor Sherman wants to help these yacht dealers in Samba to open up the situation; while Mr. Li has a bigger ideal, hoping that China’s industry can make great progress.

In any case, such people who work hard for their goals are worthy of respect.

Cleared his throat, Zhao Guoyang said calmly: “Professor Sherman, in my opinion, the reason why yachts in your country and Latin America are not selling well has nothing to do with people’s consumption levels.”

“The reason is simple. Whether it is your country or Latin America, there are a lot of rich people. Some, even in the world, can be called rich. In terms of consumption level, they are definitely enough to buy a yacht. layered.”

“Then why are yachts not so popular in your country and in Latin America? I think there are three main reasons!”

Zhao Guoyang opened his fingers and said in detail: “First of all, the first reason is historical reasons. Because your country and Latin America have been colonized by Western countries for a long time, they have a natural aversion to foreign ships. Rejection. Naturally, I don’t like to see new ships such as yachts…”

Zhao Guoyang’s first reason is eye-catching.

Indeed, his angle of seeing things is really not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Let’s just talk about his first reason. I’m afraid no one in the audience can think of it.

But everyone has to admit that Zhao Guoyang’s analysis is very reasonable.

Even the host Anfield, after Zhao Guoyang gave the first reason, his eyes were full of brilliance. It seemed that he did not expect this young entrepreneur to speak so daringly.

Zhao Guoyang didn’t pay attention to Anfield’s eyes, he paused for a moment, and then gave the second reason.

“The second reason is the solidification of consumption concepts.”

Zhao Guoyang talked eloquently: “In Samba and Latin America, although there are many rich people, what everyone compares with each other is mostly luxury cars and mansions. People are still in a wait-and-see state when it comes to things like yachts. , not familiar with it.”

“However, I believe that as the yacht industry gradually spreads around the world, this situation will definitely improve.”

“As for the third reason, it is the high threshold of the yacht business.”

Zhao Guoyang turned his attention to the auditorium, and said earnestly: “According to what I know, the current price of yachts of world-class brands is almost 20 million US dollars. Moreover, there are no discounts.”

“Such a price is not a small number even for the rich. For those who will reach this level of consumption, it will be prohibitive.”

“Therefore, I think that if you want to change the decline of the yacht sales industry in your country and Latin America, and introduce some low-cost, high-quality yacht brands, it has become a top priority.”

Speaking of this, Zhao Guoyang pointed at Philip Antali, who was smiling and listening beside him, and said: “This time, my cooperation with Mr. Antali is to improve this aspect…”

(end of this chapter)

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