king of los angeles

Chapter 13 13.3 Less

Chapter 13 13. The Three Young Masters
"Enchiladas? I think you could try the steak."

Hart looked at the menu that Lin Feng had just ordered in surprise.

Lin Feng has not yet adapted to the eating habits of North America. The Mexican seafood pie is similar to the traditional Chinese pie, but the taste is lighter.

On second thought, Lin Feng planned to try the heavy-tasting North American food.

Spicy steak, the beef from Mexico is tender and fragrant, soft and juicy.

Lin Feng originally didn't know how to use a knife and fork, but he is Gary Smith, and his hands can completely control this eating tool with the inertia he has developed over the past ten years.

It's a bit strange for three men to have dinner, at least there will be no gossip.

"Dude, this is L.A. If you look at a convenience store waitress, it's going to get headlines, but it's been better in the past few years, because we can't make the playoffs and we don't have a big star. Those reporters will focus on Kobe. fertility issues."

Kuzma said while eating.

"Lack of big-name players? I think that will become history. LeBron has been rumored to have an affair with the Lakers. What do you think?" Lin Feng tried to guide the topic.

Hart smiled, "Don't tease me, brother, LeBron is No.1 in the league, let him bring a group of rookies to Los Angeles? Although we have unlimited potential, the fact is that there are too many old fritters in the West."

At present, in the odds of James' next home, the Lakers have risen to the first place, but Hart and Kuzma don't seem to believe that this kind of thing will happen.

No. 1 in the league airborne a team that has failed to make the playoffs for years and does not have a big-name star?

Well, what Lin Feng can do now is to wait quietly, and he can't talk too much. It would be embarrassing if Lao Zhan doesn't come to the Lakers in a few days.

Although Mexican food has a strong taste, it is still quite good, and you need to taste it slowly.

For example, chicken and corn red and white soup, red and green shredded chicken soup is due to the addition of red chili juice and green chili juice.

The brave and industrious Mo people like to stew in a big mess. They throw all kinds of ingredients and seasonings into the basin, and then stir or add water to stew. The taste is actually very delicious.

The atmosphere of the dinner party was very harmonious. Kuzma and Hart were considered well-known, and they were occasionally recognized by people. Everyone was very sensible, and they didn't run up to cry for autographs or force a group photo.

"Dude, you made the right choice in Los Angeles." Hart joked as he ate his steak.

Lin Feng spread his hands. It was the top management of the team who signed him at the last moment, rather than him picking and choosing the Lakers.

A rookie has no right to choose a team, he can only choose to work hard and push himself to the top of the league.

"Mr. Gary Smith, is that you?" A quiet little girl.

Lin Feng sat on the outermost side, just in time to see her.

"I'm Gary Smith, girl, what's your name?"

The little girl with long blond hair was very cute, holding a glass of juice, she looked about five or six years old, she ran over from the next table, and the adults were chatting.

"Daisy, sir. My father often took me to Staples. I watched Kobe play. He is very good." The little girl is not afraid of strangers, and can chat with people normally.

"Great name, Daisy, nice to meet you."

Lin Feng shook hands with the little girl, feeling his heart was about to melt, Daisy was cuter than Curry.

Lin Feng glanced at the next table. Three adults in suits seemed to be discussing business. They were wearing extraordinary clothes, and they were wearing classic Patek Philippe watches.

In Los Angeles, many urban celebrities have exclusive seats in the Staples Arena, and watching football has become an amateur pastime for dignitaries.

It seems that this little girl's father is unusual, nine out of ten he is a rich man.

"Looks like you already have little fans," Kuzma said jokingly. He leaned over and asked, "Daisy, do you know who I am?"

Daisy stared at him for a long time and shook her head.

Hart leaned forward and back with a smile, "Hahaha Kyle, why do you get attention as a substitute player. You should ask Brandon Ingram, he is our starting small forward."

The three chatted passionately, and Daisy looked at them cutely with her big eyes blinking.

Unwilling, Kuzma continued to ask, "Daisy, you should remember that number 0, it's a very special number."

Daisy said puzzledly, "No. 0 is a piece of rubbish. My dad said so."

Lin Feng and Hart blushed, and tried their best not to laugh.

While Kuzma was embarrassed, a middle-aged man came over and hugged Daisy.

The man nodded apologetically, "I didn't keep an eye on my daughter."

"Dad." Daisy called out crisply.

Apparently, Daisy's dad overheard their conversation, especially the part about Kuzma being a defensive hole.

Lin Feng held up the Mexican beer and touched the juice glasses of the two of them, "Tongyan Wuji."

Kuzma slumped into the sofa, "I think I should change my style of play to please the rich in Los Angeles, such as replacing unpretentious layups with explosive dunks, just make a unique comparison, and you will never want to receive my game in the future." Pass."

Hart comforted: "Dude, you don't have to worry about it, like Brandon."

Kuzma burst into laughter instantly, "Ingram? Gary, you may not know, that guy will not get angry no matter what the reporter writes about him, just like he has no feelings, he is a ruthless character."

"That's great, we need to shield the influence from outside the venue." Lin Feng ate French fries.

"You will be a good player, Gary, really, I mean it." Kuzma suddenly got up and hugged him, which reminded Lin Feng of Frank's behavior at the press conference yesterday.

He spread his hands helplessly.

Soon, the photo of the three of them having a meal made the news and entered the top ten sports search list on Twitter.

Los Angeles has its own traffic.

Gary Smith's name gradually attracted people's attention, and his past history began to be uncovered. There was even a woman, Aite, who said he forgot to pay overnight.

Lin Feng, who was lying on the bed, patted his body and said to himself, "Gary, now I need to bear the fun you enjoyed before."

In the evening, his agent Perkins called him, "Gary, it seems that you have integrated well in Los Angeles."

Lin Feng smiled, "One good news and one bad news, which one do you want to hear?"

"Good news, I have a bad heart." Perkins said lightly, relieved that Gary was on track.

"From the current point of view, I am confident that I can fight for a starting point guard position in the summer league."

"Very well, I was not disappointed. Bad news?"

"Lend me the car you just bought and drive it for a few days. I've had enough of squeezing the subway every day."

What Lin Feng said was the truth, he wanted to go to the training hall earlier, but suffered from not having a private car.

"Dude, you've grown up, you're no longer that drunken pick-up brat, you've learned how to extract residual value from your agent."

Lin Feng smiled, "I consider you a friend."

Perkins laughed loudly, "Why not me, these are two pieces of good news for you."

"The key will be in your hands later."

 Need your referral ticket!friends!

(End of this chapter)

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