King of Special Effects

Chapter 141 - , I\\\'ll rub your back!

After a ten-hour drive back to Shunning, as soon as he arrived at the studio, Yi Yang carefully studied the computer simulations on the recovery of Shule City on his computer.

There are more than twenty buildings of all sizes, which may not be half the size of Shule City before thousands of years ago.

However, Yi Yang has limited funds and energy to invest in this area. For this film, he cannot completely recover these buildings that have long disappeared in the history.

But since there is no way to play it all, then use the special effects in the later period to restore it as real as possible.

Yuan Zhengzhong pointed to the computer screen and said: “If you use rammed earth, you may be able to save some costs. The main viewfinder is restored to be more real, and the other can be justified.”

“These three walls are the key, and it is estimated that the most money is spent.” Yuan Zhengzhong had been to several crews before, but few crews built a city because they wanted to shoot a movie: “Looking at the lease of land, less Hundreds of thousands, millions, and so much money, otherwise we will make up in the Western Studios?”

Yi Yang looked at the computer and shook his head when he heard Yuan Zhengzhong’s words: “Come on, don’t make up for this city. You want to make an epic blockbuster. You should still pay for this. How can there be so many empty-gloved white wolves in this world?” The thing is, if there is 300-400 million, I will restore the Yumen Pass.”

“Okay, Brother Yi, when are we going?”

“Take a rest tomorrow, and start the day after tomorrow. In the past two days, the drawings and plans have been designed. Find a place to start construction as soon as possible.”

Back home in the evening, Ling Lan showed Yi Yang some of the storyboard scripts she had written these days.

This film Ling Lan is a screenwriter, because there is no field information, and many parts are written by imagination. Her imagination has been pushed to the extreme these days. Until now, she has a feeling of Jiang Lang’s exhaustion, and her head is empty. Can’t think of anything.

“My brain cells don’t know how many died, I have to rest for a few days, you come the rest.”

Yi Yang agreed, looking at Ling Lan, who was preparing her hair for a shower in front of the dressing table, couldn’t help but hugged her from behind, and said softly, “Lady is working hard!”

Ling Lan pushed Yi Yang away: “Come on, haven’t you gone to Hengdian for a few days without taking a bath, and smelly of sweat?”

“It’s only two or three days!”

“Only two or three days? Thanks to what you can tell, take a shower!”

“Why don’t we wash them together, please rub my back.”

“Let me rub your back and think beautifully!”

“Then I will rub it for you!”

“Come on, take a shower!”

Ling Lan directly pushed Yi Yang out of the room, and then threw out the shorts directly.

Having slept in a bed with Ling Lan for so long, she hadn’t seen her complete body yet, and Yi Yang called himself that this man had failed too much.

After three baths and five baths, I lay in bed and watched the storyboard script written by Ling Lan in the past few days.

I have to say that Ling Lan may really have the same spirit as herself. In many plots, she thinks it is basically the same as what she thinks, and there is no need for him to modify it again.

“Invincible, use Master’s words to say that this is a natural scriptwriter material, and God rewards you with this bowl of rice.”

The script is determined, the actors are determined, and then the first site to be prepared becomes the most troublesome issue for Yi Yang.

In the morning, he didn’t arrive at the studio and he received several 200,000 consecutive transfers. After ten text messages from the bank, the studio’s account balance was increased by two million more.

The phone of Ding Liwei, the penguin film and television, followed.

These two million people are estimated to have been transferred from Penguin. His phone had to be answered. Yi Yang had to find a parking place on the road where he could park and then answer the phone.

Ding Liwei is still the kind of good brother’s tone: “Brother Yi, I just asked the finance to sell you the two million deposit for the copyright of the heroes. You check it!”

“Just received, I wonder where this money came from!”

“Haha, how is the crew preparing?”

“Still in preparation, I have just confirmed the roles of the actors.”

“Who is the leading role?” Ding Liwei asked with concern: “Wouldn’t it be Jiang Xin, is it not appropriate for this protagonist to use him?”

“With his role, the protagonist is Duan Yihong!”

Ding Liwei seemed satisfied with the voice: “Well, his movie reputation is good, he can use it!”

Listening to Ding Liwei’s voice, Yi Yang seemed to think of something, and said hurriedly: “Mr. Ding, do you have any photographic equipment on the penguin side, such as a set of rocking arms and video cameras?”

Ding Liwei was stunned, and then said: “How could these things not be there, what are you doing, do you want to borrow from me?”

“Yeah, I have too much money here. I have to plan for half a day for every penny spent. It is not a small fee to rent equipment. I want to save or save a little!”

“Haha, there is really your kid. Well, I lent a part of it from the equipment department, but this is the company’s property. You can get the bn cost, and you will be compensated for the damage.”

“Good to say!”

“I’ll prepare it here, so I’ll tell you, but I don’t want to send it, you come and get it yourself!”

“It’s okay, thank you very much. I’m going with an IOU!”

Hanging up the phone, Ling Lan ate a freshly peeled orange and smiled: “This man is really not stingy!”

“That’s because I can make money for him, otherwise he wouldn’t be so generous, but I like a businessman like him, and his routines are used together, and he can’t find his stubble.”

It is also a good thing to save the cost of renting equipment, so that Yi Yang can recover Shule City more comfortably.

Coming to the studio, Yuan Zhengzhong was already busy with the construction drawings of Shule City. They were not professionally designed. The planning drawings could only be approximate.

However, this is not a kind of urban construction.

“Brother Yi, just now Penguin Finance called to say that there are two million copyright deposits. Have you received them?” Yi Yanggang entered Tian Li and asked: “If they receive me, they will reply to you!”

“Receive just reply to them directly, and Xiaoli, there are a few payments in Hengdian, and the compensation plan of the actors, wait for me to organize an account and send it to you, you make the following form .”

“Good brother Yi!”

Now that all the actors and actors have been determined and the remuneration has been negotiated, Duan Yihong has the highest remuneration of 5 million, Dili and Jiangxin each have 1 million, and the others are tens of thousands or more. It is determined that the actor’s salary is less than 10 million.

As for An Ming and Lu Yang, Yi Yang now feels that they have been suffocated by signing them in the name of Liangyi New Media.

Zi Gaodi made them angry, so they can make a lot of sense, for example, receiving advertisements, performing commercials, etc. These brokerage companies are not professional in this small studio Yi Yang.

This time, the overall pay is low, and the two of them are 250,000 each, which is not too low compared to the lead role, but starring in this drama is a chore for all the actors in the crew.

After the shooting of the Titans ended, Yi Yang had to talk to them about signing the contract.

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