King of Special Effects

Chapter 470 - , ‘Progressive plan’!

People leave the office and cram into major tourist attractions in the country and occupy all free highways.

After the National Day, the fourth day of the small holiday.

The weather in Shunning is particularly good, and the blue sky and white clouds make people feel happy.

This day is also the day when “Progress” officially meets with the audience.

Movie theaters in major cities across the country are also full of people. Today, two heavyweight movies are on the line, and at least 90% of the audience are directed at these two movies.

Forty-seven percent of “Progressive” rehearsals, and 39 percent for “Transformers 6”. The two films accounted for at least 80 percent of the theater’s resources.

Of course, this can’t be blamed for the progressiveness of “Progressive” and “Transformers 6,” the original “Progressive” can only be 32%, and many movies were launched after seeing Yi Yang’s movie finalization. Changed files.

They do not have the courage to face, then it is no wonder Yi Yang.

As early as two months before “Progressive”, “Transformers 6” was scheduled to be released on October 4.

And Yi Yang chose to release at this time as well, that is to understand that he would die with “Transformers 6.”

For the domestic audience, the motherland raised her eyebrows.

However, many people say that Yi Yang is a bit of a result and is too confident.

An arrogant person can’t end well.

Of course, this kind of “curse of arrogance” was scolded by netizens and they didn’t dare to say anything.

Don’t say anything else. The box office scores of “Under the Deep Space” at 10 billion yuan are there. Confident or conceited, it’s not that Yi Yang is a director without achievements.

Do you think the 50 billion box office fell from the sky?

And just today, Yi Yang’s feelings will be self-confident or arrogant.

A few days ago, Yi Yang made an appointment to pack the 3D projection halls of two movie theaters for everyone in the company to watch. The crew shooting at Hengdian also purposely shut down from October 1st to October 5th. Let the crew watch it.

Because of the confidentiality, most of the employees of Liangyi Media, including the crew of this movie, have never seen what the film looks like.

They are all their own, and Yi Yang has nothing to watch.

He and Yuan Zhengzhong, A Ming, Su Yanxin and others also bought tickets for different screening halls in different movie theaters, to feel the audience’s response on the spot.

How viewers watch this movie is very important.

From some comments on the Internet, Yi Yang can also well absorb the opinions of the audience.

As soon as he arrived at the theater, Yi Yang wore a mask and a cap to pick up the ticket. After waiting for a while, he checked in the ticket.

Advertisements are still on the big screen, and the rows are filled with people.

The lights are dim here, and there is no need to worry about being recognized. After finding a place to sit, Yi Yang took off the mask, which is really uncomfortable to wear.

After watching the ad for more than five minutes, the film’s feature film started.

Familiar with the opening music, and the brand-new 3DLOGO of Liang Yi Media.

The whole story is based on the fact that the earth will soon die due to the core of the earth.

The beginning of the movie is a guide introduced by the news situation.

The TV stations that broadcast the news are Jiangnan Satellite TV and CCTV.

“Chinese astronomers have discovered that there may be a liquid freshwater lake in the Earth-like planet’Tianyuan’ found in the Nanmen two galaxy, 4.3 light years away from the solar system.”

“The “Clairvoyance” developed by our country was successfully launched, and it will complete our cosmic exploration plan in the next 30 years.”

“The United States NASA and my country’s NASA issued a joint statement yesterday, confirming that there is a liquid freshwater lake in the “Tianyuan”, this life may exist in 4.3 light years from the solar system, and scientists have discovered that the planet’s atmosphere can be artificially modified.”

“The UN’s five standings jointly proposed to concentrate the scientific and technological forces of all mankind and begin to land on the “Sky Garden” project spacecraft.

“The “progressive” plan will start in September this year. The island nation launches the “Moon” space capsule on the second of this month. This unmanned spacecraft was originally planned to land on the surface of the moon and establish a base. This is the “progressive” plan. The first part, but because of navigation applause, yesterday afternoon, the spacecraft has lost contact with the ground control center.”

“The island nation announced its withdrawal from the’progressive’ plan, and the lunar base will be taken over by the Russian Space Agency, which originally planned to establish a Mars base.”

“Our country is responsible for the second and sixteenth, twenty-fourth, thirty-eighth, forty-second, and other sixteen stages of the progressive plan, taking over the pilot spaceship’Kuafu 1’built by the Russian Aerospace Mars base. ‘Successfully landed on the surface of Mars on October 28th, seven days ago.”

“Kuafu 2” and “Kuafu 3″ built at the Mars base in China were successfully launched at the two rocket launching sites in the north and south this morning. The first manned spaceships Kuafu 4 and Kuafu were planned to land on Mars. 5’is also scheduled to launch in the middle of next month, and it is planned to complete the construction of all Mars bases this year.”


All the news is promoted at intervals of years, and the content of each sentence is accompanied by a picture. It was presented to the audience with absolute shock at the This is the opening, after half a year The construction of the century, the forty-six phases of the “progressive” plan jointly executed by 120 countries around the world have been completed, and the human space station has been built to the edge of the solar system, in the form of a post towards 4.3 light years away. Yuan’s march forward.

These human-built aerospace bases will provide supplementary resources for future mankind’s immigration plan for “Tianyuan” and serve as a relay for communications.

Seventy years after the time progressed into the distance progressive program, the first group of astronauts who went to’Tianyuan’ were awakened from the dormant warehouse, and their spacecraft accelerated through Jupiter’s gravitational slingshot. The speed of light traveled at one-hundredth of the light for seven years, and gradually slowed down in the later period, and the flight for another eight years. Now they are only the distance from Martian to the Earth from the “Tianyuan”.

However, their spacecraft had a main power failure one month ago, and they could not accelerate towards the ‘Tianyuan’.

They used a laser communicator to send messages to the rear to explain the situation, indicating the direction and location of their travel, and then once again entered a seven-year hibernation.

Five years later, Earth only received the news they sent back, and redefined the plan for the second batch of astronauts to go to the ‘Tianyuan’.

From here, it is the core of the movie story.

Actors such as Huang Xuan, Miao Pu and Mai Kai appeared one by one.

They departed from the South China Sea Satellite Launch Center, and according to plan, first entered the lunar orbit to fly around the moon, converge with the Russian astronauts played by Alkaji there, and then went to the Mars base to supplement equipment and supplies, and there will be The role played by Duan Yihong joined.

In space, planet-to-plane travel, all the pictures are truly displayed.

Compared to “Under the Deep Space”, there is nothing worse.

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