King of Special Effects

Chapter 51 - , Luck is really not too good!

  As each department prepared, Yi Yang looked at the five-page script.

   Forty-five episodes of the entire TV series. I have 26 plays, and four of them are for the protagonist. I just follow the protagonist and have no lines.

   The remaining half of the lines are: Chen, second discussion!

As far as Yi Yang knows, in Hengdian’s group shows, if you want to play a role, you have to rely on luck and relationship, and if you can’t, you have to give a gift. You are dragged in by someone. When the group show can actually be mixed with a role, this luck How good is it?

   Twenty-six scenes, it is estimated that it must be played for several days.

   was ready to start shooting, Yi Yang stuffed the script into his clothes and prepared.

   The camera works, and Mr. Fang Fulin first started acting.

   had to say that before the officially started shooting, it was really nervous, especially fortunately to face Jiang Xin on the stage, but that’s the kind of big star who can’t usually see money.

   It’s Yi Yang’s turn to play. He took a step and said the lines just now more perfectly.

  After the director yelled to stop, wait for a minute, and ‘OK’ came from behind the monitor!

   Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The leading actor on the stage stood up and walked to the director. His assistant was shaking the fan for him, which should feel hot.

After a long while, the deputy director came out of the director with some smiles and came directly to Yi Yang: “It’s a good performance. Which group are you from, what’s your name?”

   Which group head?

   In this case, Yi Yang can only tell the truth: “Assistant Director, I tell you the truth, you can’t beat me!”

   “Why am I hitting you?”

   “Actually, I’m not a group show. I just arrived at this Hengdian today. I just wanted to get in here and watch your filming. As a result, I was pulled in and put on a piece of clothing to perform a group show.”

  Associate director stunned: “Why didn’t you say that early?”

  Yi Yang waved his hands helplessly: “You didn’t give me the chance to explain. Originally, it would be done when I was a group performance station. How could I think of giving me a role to play.”

“Okay, you are not here to act, but now there is such an opportunity, you have already played a scene, it is impossible to change another person behind, twenty-six scenes, it may be a week later, you can Can’t you pick it?”

  Yi Yang nodded: “I can, but I just came. I don’t have any temporary residence permits, so I wouldn’t have anything to do in acting?”

The deputy director shook his head: “It’s okay, I’ll give you a follow-up actor’s certificate tomorrow. I will find a house for you in the dormitory provided by the crew. I seem to remember that there was a woman with you just now. Is it your girl? Friends, there are limited listings, is it okay to live together?”

   Yi Yang shook his head decisively: “Of course it’s okay, thank you deputy director.”

   “That’s it first, let’s talk about the specific things after we finish work, and then you can stand here without you.” The deputy director finished and went away to continue to prepare for the next drama.

  Yiyang looked towards the place where Ling Lan was standing, and found that she was holding her mobile phone to shoot to her side. When she saw Yiyang looking at her, she waved and said hello.

The group performance next to    should have heard the conversation of Yi Yang who was a deputy director just now, and they all came up to Yi Yang: “Dude, you are lucky enough, just met such a good character on the first day.”

   “Dude, your line is very slippery, you have to compete with the protagonist, have you learned acting before?”

   “Brother, add a WeChat!”

  Although these group performances are envious and jealous, but if they are really allowed to perform this role, they may not be able to perform better than Yi Yang.

  Making friends between men sometimes only requires a cigarette or a sentence.

  During the preparation of the crew, Yi Yang had chatted with several groups around him, including the buddy who just lost his role.

   This buddy, Yi Yang had to chat with him: “Brother, won’t you hate me?”

“The skills are not as good as people. Why do you hate you? I hate myself too. You don’t know. I just wanted to give myself a slap.” Just now he still had a suicidal expression on his face. Give it out: “Add a WeChat, have a chance to eat barbecue together!”

  The two added WeChat.

   “My name is Yi Yang!”

   “Liu Tianxiang!”

   This is also to know each other, continue shooting!

   Behind these are several major starring dramas, Zhao Ying’er also appeared, and the two sisters of the Su family who played the maid stood behind her.

   It’s really nothing to do with Yi Yang. A group of people just stood in the background for an hour.

  Director and the heads of several crews discussed there for a while, only to announce the completion of today’s filming task, and finish work!

   “Amin, you talk to the guy just now, he either has learned acting, or he has the talent for acting, um… so, you call him, I talk to him!”

   Jiang Zhi and the director knocked on Erlang’s legs and chatted with several leaders of several investors.

  After finishing work, Yi Yang changed his shoes for the first time, which was really uncomfortable for him.

   Return all the clothes to the clothing, remove the beard from the face to the makeup group, and then go to Ling Lan.

   “It’s almost eleven!” Yi Yang looked at the phone: “Are you cold?”

  Ling Lan shook her head and smiled softly: “What happened just now, how did you tell me the line?”

   “Say a line is not counted, but also received a role with 26 plays, my luck when you were good?” Yi Yang took out the script: “The line is quite a lot!”

  Ling Lan just wanted to say something, the deputy director came to the two of them: “Brother, the director told you to go.”

   was able to speak to the director, but this was an opportunity. Yi Yang handed over his things to Ling Lan: “Wait for me!”

   “Simply you two come with After the meeting with the director, I will arrange the documents and dormitory for you.”

   The two men cleaned up and walked to the director!

   “Jiang Dao, are you looking for me?”

   Jiang Zhihe is facing Yi Yang, and several leaders beside him look at him.

   “Little brother, listen to A Ming saying that you just came to Hengdian today. You just did a good job just now, and you also have a solid line of writing. Have you learned acting before?”

   Yi Yang shook his head: “No, strictly speaking this should be regarded as the first performance.”

“Then you should be very talented in acting. It’s hard to come by. The role played this time was originally set to be an actor, but he has very important things temporarily. He didn’t come and let Aming find a newcomer to play. To be honest, I was very disappointed with the NG guy many times ago. I will give you this opportunity now. If your next few plays are well performed, I will find a role for you when I wait for my next show. Act.”

   Still playing a role?

   Yi Yang’s purpose of this trip is to learn to film.

  Whoever thinks that when he first arrives in Hengdian, he encounters thousands of groups who are in great demand.

   “Jiang Dao, I…”

   Jiang Zhi interrupted his words with a man with eyes next to him: “I seem to be familiar to you, and the girl next to me.”

   Another middle-aged man was surprised for a while: “It’s a bit familiar. Have you ever played a role in any of the dramas before?”

  Yi Yang still shook his head: “I have taken a few confidant videos before!”

“Yes, I remember, you are the general, she is the general’s wife!” The glasses guy took out his mobile phone and clicked on the confidant: “Lao Jiang, the two of them are quite popular on the confidant. Have you watched this video? !”


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