King of Special Effects

Chapter 521 - , The company was rescued!

The next day!

After several days of high temperatures, the weather in Beijing was extremely hot.

Yi Fei has just returned to the studio after a commercial performance. She is now madly receiving various endorsements and attending various announcements. Her popularity is comparable to the previous one.

Of course, she still has the energy to make such a high-profile comeback after the storm of tax evasion and evasion. Someone supported her.

She has a team, interpersonal relationships, and a large group of fans. If you don’t say anything else, it’s because of this. People hope that her cool wish will not be easy to achieve.

Yi Fei’s debut was relatively early, and it can be regarded as one of the earliest actresses in the Mainland who have become popular through the entertainment tide. She has been in the past few years, and the capital she has accumulated is not comparable to those miscellaneous young people such as Qi Dong and Cai Xu.

People are playing in the entertainment circle, and by the way, they are still in the capital market, and the speed of fishing is too fast to describe.

So even facing a huge fine of hundreds of millions of dollars, it can’t hurt her vitality.

Yi Fei wore a famous white fashion suit at Paris Fashion Week, stepped on high heels, and showed the strong side of the strong woman without reservation.

Yifei has always been a woman who claims to be at the forefront of fashion in China, and she likes to invite her to attend any event of famous brand clothing.

So in terms of clothes, she will wear more than anyone else.

“Sister Fei, this is the rating statistics of Jiangnan TV’s “Missing” TV series!” An assistant handed a piece of information to her: “I now think that the bid between us and Jin Yonghua has helped Yi Yang successfully. A busy one.”

Yi Fei turned over the information and looked at the content above, his face changed: “So high? Is the data ghost?”

The assistant shook his head. It should have been no. The ratings of the Jiangnan Satellite TV nighttime gold program have always been good. It is now because of this TV series that directly reached 3.4, which is a bit higher than “Business” starring Hu Yige! “

“And on the penguin platform, in just one night, the demand for more than 30 million.”

Yi Fei knows what this data means. “The Mistake” is open, and it is another successful TV series.

She cannot envy this kind of thing now, and she seems to have nothing to envy.

“It is reported that the single episode of “Mistake” has sold for a high price of nearly six million, and their production cost is 30 million. This drama also made Run Baijin make a fortune!”

Yi Fei smiled: “Do you think all the money you sell is run by Baijin? Jiang Xin’s kid has drawn so many partners, and Liang Yi Media still accounts for more than half!”

“But now these two companies are both Yiyang. In fact, the people behind them are still Yiyang.”

“Looking at the entire entertainment industry, I admire this guy the most. With his own strength, he has transformed Liang Yi Media from a small studio into a company with an annual output value of billions of dollars. A movie has entered the second box office in the world. Of the domestic film directors, he said that he was second, and no one dared to say first!”

Yi Fei thought for a while and then said to the assistant: “Don’t worry about the impact of the fire of “Mistakes” on us, just follow the normal process, and the propaganda will be seriously promoted, the topic of manufacture Just make a topic.”

The assistant nodded: “Good sister Fei!”

The premiere of “Mistake” made good grades, which pleased everyone including Jiang Xin.

It also makes advertising sponsors feel that these advertising costs are really worth the cost. Many people have tasted a little sweetness and have expressed their willingness to continue cooperation with Run Baijin.

In the past few years, the continued decline of Run Baijin has caused these advertising businesses to flee, and now they are back.

Many of the original creditors of Run Baijin now not only do not intend to continue to ask for debts, but also pay for it, and are willing to reach long-term strategic cooperation projects with Run Baijin.

Liang Yi Media was born and produced by the success of Yi Yang’s film and film, and now Run Baijin is the same. A good TV series can save a company.

In only two days, Run Baijin has injected a large amount of cooperation funds, which greatly eased the pressure on turnover.

Jiang Xin also knows that from now on, Run Baijin’s big grinding plate will have to be turned on his own, and it is no longer necessary to let Liang Yi Media help.

In addition, the penguin video also got a lot from this TV series.

Ding Liwei originally invested one million yuan in Jiang Xin, and won the exclusive copyright of “Xianghuo”. If it develops like this, it won’t take a year. This TV series will bring them at least 10 million yuan in income.

Ding Liwei tasted too much sweetness behind Yi Yang, and now he develops anything that Yi Yang participates in, he also wants to blend in.

At noon, he called Yi Yang who was dubbing at Liang Yi Music Studio.

“Your kid is really saving Runbaijin now. When I heard that you bought this company, I said you were a fool!”


Yi Yang took a rest in the lounge outside the recording room, took a sip of water, and said, “I’m really a fool. Run Baijin is alive now, but I spent so much money in the early days to get in. I didn’t get it back!”

“ Isn’t it a matter of time as long as the company is up and making money?”

“I borrowed your good words!”

Ding Liwei laughed: “Your kid hasn’t appeared often recently. After seeing you for the award in the Pudong movie last time, it disappeared. Why? Get the money and enjoy it?”

Yi Yang will not tell Ding Liwei that he is busy shooting “Three Body” at this time. The outside world does not yet know that the film has already started shooting, and it is almost finished.

“Playing around blindly, it’s time to enjoy yourself for so long!”

Ding Liwei continued to ask: “What about your “Three Body”? When do you plan to start shooting?”

“December 1st!” Yi Yang said directly!


“Fixed, I’ll ask Viagra to support me!”

Ding Liwei will also laugh: “Of course you have to support it, but your movie will only be turned on on December 1st, and the box office account of “Progressive” should be available by then? You don’t lack money to make movies, but I’m not Money doesn’t have much support, how can you support me?”

Yi Yang smiled and said: “If you don’t want money, just let Viagra help you do the promotion!”

Ding Liwei froze: “It’s not your style to publicize before you start shooting!”

“Yes, of course, now we have to adapt our strategy!”

Just talking with Ding Liwei, Ding Liwei did not know that Yi Yang said that December 1st was the day of the movie release, but he promised that Penguin would use company channels to help propagandize.

Hanging up the phone, Yi Yang went on to dub.

The visual production of “Three Body” was completed as early as half a month ago, and now the dubbing will be completed in about half a month.

After the review gets the film’s approval for overseas release, the main distribution work can be officially started.

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